IWH-DPE Call for Applications – Fall 2021 Intake
The Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) is one of Germany’s leading economic research institutes. The IWH focuses on research in macroeconomics, financial economics, labour economics and productivity. The IWH Doctoral Programme in Economics (IWH-DPE) is a rigorous structured four-year programme with a two-year course phase. In the first year, students are expected to complete a sequence of courses in microeconomics, macroeconomics, and econometrics. In the second year, specialised courses are offered in the chosen field of the student. After completion, doctoral students are equipped with strong economic foundations and have a broad overview of various economic research areas. The IWH provides an excellent environment for students with interests in economic policy, who want to enter the international academic job market. All doctoral students are allocated to one of the four research departments (Financial Markets – Macroeconomics – Structural Change and Productivity – Laws, Regulations and Factor Markets), receive exposure to pertinent policy questions, and will be funded for the entire programme. All students work closely with leading senior researchers in their field from day one of the programme.
We cooperate with the Central-German Doctoral Program in Economics (CGDE); doctoral degrees are awarded by our local and international partner universities, depending on the individual supervisor.
Application procedure
The following information is required for an application:
- Personal data
- Letter of motivation: Please provide a statement explaining your current goals, career plans and reasons for being interested in the IWH-DPE. Discuss your study plans, your fields of interest and which of the four research departments you are targeting. Your statement should be in English and not exceed 500 words.
- Certificates and transcripts of grades: A transcript from each college or university is required. The degree certificate is not sufficient. The transcript should show courses, grades and degrees received, mentioning rank or distinction if applicable. A translation is required for any transcript in a language other than English or German. If you have not yet finished your current degree, please attach a preliminary grade report (again in English or German).
- Letters of recommendation: Two letters of recommendation are required from faculty who are able to assess your academic ability and potential. The persons writing the letters of recommendation should send their letter directly to dpe@iwh-halle.de.
The following documents may be submitted:
- GRE: Applicants are encouraged but not required to submit their GRE test score. Applicants who do, have to upload their General GRE's test taker's copy in the online application as well as send it via the testing service. We do not require or accept GRE subject tests. The GRE may not be substituted with the GMAT. GRE scores should not be older than two years. Ask the Educational Testing Service (ETS) to report your test scores using the following DI code: 4051.
- Writing sample: You should submit a writing sample in English or German, e.g., a paper you have written during your studies.
- Any supplementary information relevant to your application.
Please send your application with indication 2021-01 by February 28, 2021 (deadline has expired!) to dpe@iwh-halle.de. Applicants who present a detailed and adequate offer by another doctoral programme as well as extraordinarily qualified candidates may ask the IWH-DPE to reach a decision before the deadline.
Further information on the programme is available at www.dpe-halle.de.
Download Call for Application – Fall 2021 Intake
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