Risikoverlagerung in Finanzmärkten und nachhaltige Finanzierung

Erleichtern Finanzinstitute nachhaltige Finanzierungen? Diese Forschungsgruppe untersucht die Anreize der Kreditgeber zur Risikoverlagerung, ihre Entscheidungen bei der Unterstützung nachhaltiger Unternehmen und wie sich nachhaltige Finanz- und Rechtsinnovationen auf Unternehmen und Haushalte auswirken.

Finanzresilienz und Regulierung

Ihr Kontakt

Juniorprofessorin Huyen Nguyen, Ph.D.
Juniorprofessorin Huyen Nguyen, Ph.D.
- Abteilung Finanzmärkte
Nachricht senden +49 345 7753-756 Persönliche Seite LinkedIn Profil

Referierte Publikationen


The Impact of Overconfident Customers on Supplier Firm Risks

Yiwei Fang Iftekhar Hasan Chih-Yung Lin Jiong Sun

in: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, May 2022


Research has shown that firms with overconfident chief executive officers (CEOs) tend to overinvest and are exposed to high risks due to unrealistically optimistic estimates of their firms’ future performance. This study finds evidence that overconfident CEOs also affect suppliers’ risk taking. Specifically, serving overconfident customers can lead to high supplier risks, measured by stock volatility, idiosyncratic risk, and market risk. The effects are pronounced when customers aggressively invest in research and development (R&D). Our results are robust after addressing self-selection bias and using different CEO overconfidence measures. We also document some real effects of customer CEO overconfidence on suppliers.

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The Effect of Foreign Institutional Ownership on Corporate Tax Avoidance: International Evidence

Iftekhar Hasan Incheol Kim Haimeng Teng Qiang Wu

in: Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, March 2022


We find that foreign institutional investors (FIIs) reduce their investee firms’ tax avoidance. We provide evidence that the effect is driven by the institutional distance between FIIs’ home countries/regions and host countries/regions. Specifically, we find that the effect is driven by the influence of FIIs from countries/regions with high-quality institutions (i.e., common law, high government effectiveness, and high regulatory quality) on investee firms located in countries/regions with low-quality institutions. Furthermore, we show that the effect is concentrated on FIIs with little experience in the investee countries/regions or FIIs with stronger monitoring incentives. Finally, we find that FIIs are more likely to vote against management if the firm has a higher level of tax avoidance.

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External Social Networks and Earnings Management

Ming Fang Bill Francis Iftekhar Hasan Qiang Wu

in: British Accounting Review, Nr. 2, 2022


Using a sample of U.S. listed firms for the 2000–2017 period, we examine how external social networks of top executives and directors affect earnings management in their firms. We find that well-connected firms are more aggressive in managing earnings through both accruals and real activities and that the results are robust after controlling for internal executive social ties. Using a difference-in-differences approach, we find that earnings management decreases after a socially connected executive or director dies. Additional analysis shows that connections forged by past professional working experiences have a greater impact on earnings management than connections forged by education and other social activities. Moreover, CFO social networks have a greater influence on earnings management than CEO social networks. Finally, we explore the underlying mechanisms, finding that 1) firms that are socially connected to each other show more similarities in their earnings management than firms that do not share a connection, and 2) more connected firms are less likely to incur accounting restatements. Collectively, our findings indicate that the external social networks of top executives and directors are important determinants of both their accrual- and real activity-based earnings management.

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Military Directors, Governance and Firm Behavior

Chen Cai Iftekhar Hasan Yinjie (Victor) Shen Shuai Wang

in: Advances in Accounting, December 2021


We build a large dataset of board of directors with military experience and document a substantial and persistent presence of independent military directors serving on corporate boards. We find that firms with independent military directors are associated with better monitoring outcomes, including less excessive CEO compensation, greater forced CEO turnover–performance sensitivity, and less earnings management.

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Local Product Market Competition and Bank Loans

Iftekhar Hasan Yi Shen Xiaoying Yuan

in: Journal of Corporate Finance, 2021


We investigate the influences of local product market competition on the cost of private debt. Our evidence suggests that the cost of bank loans is significantly higher for firms headquartered in states with greater local product market competition measured by the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index for resident industries. To establish causality, we examine the recognition of the Inevitable Disclosure Doctrine and firm relocations to identify exogenous shocks to local product market competition. We find that the cost of bank loans is lower for firms facing less intense local product market competition after the adoption of IDD and higher for firms relocated to states with more competitive product markets. The results imply that banks value the characteristics of a firm's local product market when approving loan contracts.

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Housing Consumption and Macroprudential Policies in Europe: An Ex Ante Evaluation

Antonios Mavropoulos Qizhou Xiong

in: IWH Discussion Papers, Nr. 17, 2018


In this paper, we use the panel of the first two waves of the Household Finance and Consumption Survey by the European Central Bank to study housing demand of European households and evaluate potential housing market regulations in the post-crisis era. We provide a comprehensive account of the housing decisions of European households between 2010 and 2014, and structurally estimate the housing preference of a simple life-cycle housing choice model. We then evaluate the effect of a tighter LTV/LTI regulation via counter-factual simulations. We find that those regulations limit homeownership and wealth accumulation, reduces housing consumption but may be welfare improving for the young households.

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