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Unsägliche Industriepolitik und ein übergriffiger StaatReint GroppThe Pioneer, 1. März 2025
Die deutsche Konjunktur hat zum Ende des Jahres 2024 einen weiteren Rückschlag erhalten. Das Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) sank im vierten Quartal 2024 um 0,2%. Es ist damit seit Mitte 2022 auf einem leicht sinkenden Trend (vgl. Abbildung 1). Wenngleich staatliche und private Konsumausgaben zugelegt haben dürften, konnten diese die deutlich gesunkenen Exporte nicht kompensieren. Damit ging auch die Wirtschaftsleistung im Jahr 2024 insgesamt um 0,2% zurück.
In den Unternehmen hat sich die Lage zuletzt anscheinend stabilisiert, die Erwartungen verschlechtern sich jedoch weiter. Die Risiken, die von der US-Wirtschaftspolitik ausgehen, dürften die Investitionsbereitschaft der Unternehmen bremsen. Das senkt nicht nur gegenwärtig die Chancen auf eine konjunkturelle Erholung, sondern wirkt auch mittelfristig hemmend auf das Produktionspotenzial. Alles in allem wird wohl das Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) laut IWH-Flash-Indikator im ersten Quartal 2025 nur wenig um 0,2% und im zweiten Quartal um 0,3% zulegen.
Lowering carbon intensity in manufacturing is necessary to transform current production technologies. We test if local agents’ preferences, revealed by vote shares for the Green party during local elections in Germany, relate to the carbon intensity of investments in production technologies. Our sample comprises all investment choices made by manufacturing establishments from 2005-2017. Our results suggest that ecological preferences correlate with significantly fewer carbon-intensive investment projects while investments stimulating growth and reducing carbon emissions increase by 14 percentage points. Both results are more distinct in federal states where the Green Party enjoys political power and local ecological preferences are high.
We investigate the predictive power of loan spreads for forecasting business cycles, specifically focusing on more constrained, intermediary-reliant firms. We introduce a novel loan-market-based credit spread constructed using secondary corporate loan-market prices over the 1999 to 2023 period. Loan spreads significantly enhance the prediction of macroeconomic outcomes, outperforming other credit-spread indicators. We also explore the underlying mechanisms and differentiate between borrower fundamentals and financial frictions. Evidence suggests that supply-side frictions are a decisive factor in the forecasting ability of loan spreads.
We analyze how creditor rights affect the nonsynchronicity of global corporate credit default swap spreads (CDS-NS). CDS-NS is negatively related to the country-level creditor-control rights, especially to the “restrictions on reorganization” component, where creditor-shareholder conflicts are high. The effect is concentrated in firms with high investment intensity, asset growth, information opacity, and risk. Pro-creditor bankruptcy reforms led to a decline in CDS-NS, indicating lower firm-specific idiosyncratic information being priced in credit markets. A strategic-disclosure incentive among debtors avoiding creditor intervention seems more dominant than the disciplining effect, suggesting how strengthening creditor rights affects power rebalancing between creditors and shareholders.
This paper analyzes the impact of reduced tax incentives for equity financing on banks' regulatory capital ratios under the Basel III regime. We are particularly interested in a recent interest rate cut in the Italian corporate equity allowance, which reduces the relative tax advantage of equity financing. The results show that banks respond to this increased tax disparity by significantly reducing their regulatory capital while at the same time reducing their risk-taking. The decline in capital is more pronounced for small banks and outweighs the initial capital gains from the introduction of this tax instrument. Our results challenge the use of equity allowances, in that financial stability gains persist only as long as costly tax subsidies remain intact and diminish as the size of the subsidy is reduced.
This Technical Report documents the construction and coverage of the IWH European Real Estate Index (EREI). Since 2018, we have used machine-learning methods to collect monthly listings of residential real estate available for sale or rent in up to 20 European countries. The Technical Report documents the cleaning and selection process and describes the data regarding coverage, moments, and frequencies to construct the EREI.
We study the aggregate, distributional, and welfare effects of fiscal policy responses to Germany’s energy crisis using a novel Ten-Agents New-Keynesian (TENK) model. The energy crisis, compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic, led to sharp increases in energy prices, inflation, and significant consumption disparities across households. Our model, calibrated to Germany’s income and consumption distribution, evaluates key policy interventions, including untargeted and targeted transfers, a value-added tax cut, energy tax reductions, and an energy cost brake. We find that untargeted transfers had the largest short-term aggregate impact, while targeted transfers were most cost-effective in supporting lower-income households. Other instruments, as the prominent energy cost brake, yielded comparably limited welfare gains. These results highlight the importance of targeted fiscal measures in addressing distributional effects and stabilizing consumption during economic crises.
We measure desired labour supply at the extensive (employment) margin in two representative surveys of the U.S. and German populations. We elicit reservation raises: the percent wage change that renders a given individual indifferent between employment and nonemployment. It is equal to her reservation wage divided by her actual, or potential, wage. The reservation raise distribution is the nonparametric aggregate labour supply curve. Locally, the curve exhibits large short-run elasticities above 3, consistent with business cycle evidence. For larger upward shifts, arc elasticities shrink towards 0.5, consistent with quasi-experimental evidence from tax holidays. Existing models fail to match this nonconstant, asymmetric curve.
Am 12. November 2024 hörte das Bundesverfassungsgericht Argumente zu einer Klage einiger FDP-Abgeordneter gegen den Solidaritätszuschlag. IWH-Präsident Reint Gropp war als Sachverständiger geladen und gibt in diesem Beitrag seine Einschätzung zur Thematik wieder.
Arbeitsplatzzusagen stellen eine häufig genutzte industriepolitische Maßnahme dar. Die zugrundeliegende Studie evaluiert die Wirkungen von Arbeitsplatzzusagen zum Zeitpunkt der Privatisierung der Unternehmen in Ostdeutschland nach der Wiedervereinigung. Diese industriepolitische Maßnahme verlangte von den neuen Eigentümern der Unternehmen, sich zu Beschäftigungszielen zu verpflichten, wobei Strafen für Nichteinhaltung vertraglich vereinbart waren. Die Studie zeigt, dass Arbeitsplatzzusagen zu einer Polarisierung und Fehlallokation führen. Während Unternehmen mit geringer Produktivität aus dem Markt gedrängt werden, führt das industriepolitische Instrument zu Verzerrungen in der Unternehmensgröße. Um diese Verzerrungen abzubauen, haben Unternehmen einen Anreiz, in Produktivität zu investieren. Im Vergleich mit produktivitätssteigernden Subventionen zeigen sich Arbeitsplatzzusagen langfristig als weniger nachhaltig und generieren geringere Beschäftigungseffekte.