Evidence on the effects of inflation on price dispersion under indexation
Juliane Scharff, S. Schreiber
IMK Working Paper, No. 12/2008,
Die verzerrenden Auswirkungen von Inflation auf relative Preise sind das Hauptargument für Inflationsstabilisierung in Makromodellen mit Preisrigiditäten. Bei Indexierung von nicht optimierten Preisen implizieren diese Modelle einen nichtlinearen und dynamischen Einfluss von Inflation auf die Preis-Streuung im Querschnitt (relative Preisvariabilität, RPV). Wir schätzen eine verallgemeinerte Form dieser theoretischen Beziehung zwischen Inflation und RPV mit US-Daten. Wir bestätigen den Einfluss von Inflationsschwankungen, jedoch finden wir bisher vernachlässigte Endogenitätsverzerrungen, und unsere IV- und GMM-Schätzungen zeigen, dass die durchschnittliche (“Trend-“) Inflation bei der Indexierung signifikant ist. Die verzögerte Inflationsrate ist weniger wichtig.
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Weltweite Ansteckung – Berechtigte Sorge oder grundlose Panik?
Makram El-Shagi
Politik und Zeitgeschichte,
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Staying, Dropping, or Switching: The Impacts of Bank Mergers on Small Firms
Hans Degryse, Nancy Masschelein, Janet Mitchell
Review of Financial Studies,
Nr. 4,
Assessing the impacts of bank mergers on small firms requires separating borrowers with single versus multiple banking relationships and distinguishing the three alternatives of “staying,” “dropping,” and “switching” of relationships. Single-relationship borrowers who “switch” to another bank following a merger will be less harmed than those whose relationship is “dropped” and not replaced. Using Belgian data, we find that single-relationship borrowers of target banks are more likely than other borrowers to be dropped. We track postmerger performance and show that many dropped target-bank borrowers are harmed by the merger. Multiple-relationship borrowers are less harmed, as they can better hedge against relationship discontinuations.
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Enhancing Market Power by Reducing Switching Costs
Jan Bouckaert, Hans Degryse, Thomas Provoost
Economics Letters,
Nr. 3,
A proportional decrease in switching costs increases competition and social welfare. However, a lump-sum decrease in switching costs softens competition and does not invariably increase social welfare.
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Allocation de crédit et création de valeur par les banques : l’impact de la banque relationnelle en temps normal et en temps de crise
Hans Degryse, Steven Ongena
Revue d'économie financière,
Nr. 106,
Cet article passe en revue la littérature sur l’allocation de crédit et la création de valeur par les banques. Il se concentre sur l’activité de banque relationnelle, à savoir le fait qu’une banque et un emprunteur se lancent dans de multiples interactions et que chacun des deux agents s’efforce d’obtenir des informations spécifiques sur l’autre. Il montre comment la banque relationnelle génère des coûts et des bénéfices à la fois pour les entreprises et pour les banques, mais qu’en règle générale, elle est source de valeur pour chacun d’eux. Néanmoins, l’incidence de ce type de relation est en grande partie fonction du contexte économique (période normale ou période de crise). Est aussi abordée la manière dont l’allocation de crédit, mesurée par la spécialisation sectorielle, affecte les entreprises et les banques. Enfin, l’examen de la littérature récente en matière de titrisation et de relation bancaire permet de mettre en évidence la manière dont la titrisation affecte les effets de la banque relationnelle.
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Foreign Bank Entry, Credit Allocation and Lending Rates in Emerging Markets: Empirical Evidence from Poland
Hans Degryse, Olena Havrylchyk, Emilia Jurzyk, Sylwester Kozak
Journal of Banking and Finance,
Nr. 11,
Earlier studies have documented that foreign banks charge lower lending rates and interest spreads than domestic banks. We hypothesize that this may stem from the superior efficiency of foreign entrants that they decide to pass onto borrowers (“performance hypothesis”), but could also reflect a different loan allocation with respect to borrower transparency, loan maturity and currency (“portfolio composition hypothesis”). We are able to differentiate between the above hypotheses thanks to a novel dataset containing detailed bank-specific information for the Polish banking industry. Our findings demonstrate that banks differ significantly in terms of portfolio composition and we attest to the “portfolio composition hypothesis” by showing that, having controlled for portfolio composition, there are no differences in lending rates between banks.
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Default Options and Social Welfare: Opt In versus Opt Out
Jan Bouckaert, Hans Degryse
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics JITE,
Nr. 3,
We offer a social-welfare comparison of the two most prominent default options – opt in and opt out – using a two-period model of localized competition. We demonstrate that when consumers stick to the default option, the prevailing default policy shapes firms' ability to collect and use customer information, and affects their pricing strategy and entry decision differently. The free-entry analysis reveals that fewer firms enter under opt out as competition becomes harsher, and that opt out is the socially preferred default option.
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Bank Relationships and Firm Profitability
Hans Degryse, Steven Ongena
Financial Management,
Nr. 1,
This paper examines how bank relationships affect firm performance. An empirical implication of recent theoretical models is that firms maintaining multiple bank relationships are less profitable than their single-bank peers. We investigate this empirical implication using a data set containing virtually all Norwegian publicly listed firms for the period 1979-1995. We find that profitability is substantially higher if firms maintain only a single bank relationship. We also find that firms replacing a single bank relationship are on average smaller and younger than firms not replacing a single bank relationship.
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On the Incentives to Provide Fuel-Efficient Automobiles
Hans Degryse, Andreas Irmen
Journal of Economics,
Nr. 2,
We argue that the provision of more fuel-efficient cars necessitates specific aerodynamic shapes. We show that the presence of this technological constraint may reduce the incentives to provide fuel efficiency. In equilibrium, cars become more similar and aerodynamic as fuel prices increase. However, the provided level of fuel efficiency falls short of the social optimal one such that a fuel-economy standard is welfare-enhancing.
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Attribute Dependence and the Provision of Quality
Hans Degryse, Andreas Irmen
Regional Science and Urban Economics,
Nr. 5,
Often a quality improvement necessitates modifications of varietal product features. This paper studies firms’ incentives to provide quality when this decision affects the goods’ degree of perceived horizontal differentiation. We find that the quality level hinges crucially on the interaction between the quality and the varietal product attribute. We examine the outcome of a game where firms decide on quality and price relative to what a social planner would desire. If the interaction between quality and perceived horizontal differentiation is sufficiently positive, we find for the sequential game ‘quality then price’ that the private incentives to provide quality are excessive relative to the social optimum. As a result the level and the direction of interaction between the attributes determines whether there is excessive or insufficient provision of quality.
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