Microeconometric Evaluation of Selected ESF-funded ALMP-Programmes
Eva Reinowski, Birgit Schultz
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 17,
The study evaluates different ESF-funded labour market programmes by comparing the labour market status at different points in time after the treatment. In order to solve the selection problem we employ a standard matching algorithm with a multi-dimensional distance measure. The effects of the analyzed programmes (wage subsidies, start-up subsidies and qualification measures for recipients of social welfare) are very heterogeneous. It can be observed that the direct integration into the regular labour market provides an advantage for the supported individuals. Its lasting effects, however, strongly depend on the group of persons being supported, the type of treatment and the employers’ financial share.
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The contribution of wage developments to labour market performance. DG ECFIN, European Economy, Special Report 1/2005
Herbert Buscher, Christian Dreger, Manuel Artís, Miquel Clar, Raúl Ramos
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Unternehmensbewertung, Rating und Risikobewältigung
Ulrich Blum, Werner Gleißner
Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Universität Dresden,
Wir untersuchen, wie Unternehmer durch den besseren Umgang mit Risiken die Stabilität ihres Unternehmens verbessern können. Dies gelingt durch eine direkte Verzahnung der Risikobewältigung mit dem Rating, also der Bewertung der Fähigkeit, künftige Zahlungsverpflichtungen zu erfüllen. Dabei werden zentrale Elemente des Ratings vor dem Hintergrund des Risikomanagements vorgetragen. Neben der Ratingnote wird damit der risikobedingte Eigenkapitalbedarf zum zentralen Risikomaß. Unternehmer müssen vor diesem Hintergrund abwägen zwischen der kostentreibenden Verbesserung des Ratings und den dafür winkenden Erträgen. Die Risikobewältigung stellt eine Möglichkeit der Unternehmenswertsteigerung durch Risikomanagement dar. Die Risikoaggregation ist dabei das Mittel, das Informationen des Risikomanagements nutzt und zu einem zentralen, aussagefähigen Wertmaßstab verdichtet.
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A Game Theoretic Analysis of the Conditions of Knowledge Transfer by New Employees in Companies
Sidonia vonLedebur
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 3,
The availability of knowledge is an essential factor for an economy in global competition. Companies realise innovations by creating and implementing new knowledge. Sources of innovative ideas are partners in the production network but also new employees coming from another company or academia. Based on a model by HECKATHORN (1996) the conditions of efficient knowledge transfer in a team are analysed. Offering knowledge to a colleague can not be controlled directly by the company due to information asymmetries. Thus the management has to provide incentives which motivate the employees to act in favour of the company by providing their knowledge to the rest of the team and likewise to learn from colleagues. The game theoretic analysis aims at investigating how to arrange these incentives efficiently. Several factors are relevant, especially the individual costs of participating in the transfer. These consist mainly of the existing absorptive capacity and the working atmosphere. The model is a 2x2 game but is at least partly generalised on more players. The relevance of the adequate team size is shown: more developers may increase the total profit of an innovation
(before paying the involved people) but when additional wages are paid to each person a greater team decreases the remaining company profit. A further result is
that depending on the cost structure perfect knowledge transfer is not always best for the profit of the company. These formal results are consistent with empirical studies to the absorptive capacity and the working atmosphere.
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Determinants of employment - the macroeconomic view
Christian Dreger, Heinz P. Galler, Ulrich (eds) Walwai
Schriften des IWH,
Nr. 22,
The weak performance of the German labour market over the past years has led to a significant unemployment problem. Currently, on average 4.5 mio. people are without a job contract, and a large part of them are long-term unemployed. A longer period of unemployment reduces their employability and aggravates the problem of social exclusion.
The factors driving the evolution of employment have been recently discussed on the workshop Determinanten der Beschäftigung – die makroökonomische Sicht organized jointly by the IAB, Nuremberg, and the IWH, Halle. The present volume contains the papers and proceedings to the policy oriented workshop held in November 2004, 15-16th. The main focus of the contributions is twofold. First, macroeconomic conditions to stimulate output and employment are considered. Second, the impacts of the increasing tax wedge between labour costs and the take home pay are emphasized. In particular, the role of the contributions to the social security system is investigated.
In his introductory address, Ulrich Walwei (IAB) links the unemployment experience to the modest path of economic growth in Germany. In addition, the low employment intensity of GDP growth and the temporary standstill of the convergence process of the East German economy have contributed to the weak labour market performance. In his analysis, Gebhard Flaig (ifo Institute, München) stresses the importance of relative factor price developments. A higher rate of wage growth leads to a decrease of the employment intensity of production, and correspondingly to an increase of the threshold of employment. Christian Dreger (IWH) discusses the relevance of labour market institutions like employment protection legislation and the structure of the wage bargaining process on the labour market outcome. Compared to the current setting, policies should try to introduce more flexibility in labour markets to improve the employment record. The impact of interest rate shocks on production is examined by the paper of Boris Hofmann (Deutsche Bundesbank, Frankfurt). According to the empirical evidence, monetary policy cannot explain the modest economic performance in Germany. György Barabas and Roland Döhrn (RWI Essen) have simulated the effects of a world trade shock on output and employment. The relationships have been fairly stable over the past years, even in light of the increasing globalization. Income and employment effects of the German tax reform in 2000 are discussed by Peter Haan and Viktor Steiner (DIW Berlin). On the base of a microsimulation model, household gains are determined. Also, a positive relationship between wages and labour supply can be established. Michael Feil und Gerd Zika (IAB) have examined the employment effects of a reduction of the contribution rates to the social security system. To obtain robust results, the analysis is done under alternative financing scenarios and with different macroeconometric models. The impacts of allowances of social security contributions on the incentives to work are discussed by Wolfgang Meister and Wolfgang Ochel (ifo München). According to their study, willingness to work is expected to increase especially at the lower end of the income distribution. The implied loss of contributions could be financed by higher taxes.
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Standortfaktoren im Existenzgründerrating
Ulrich Blum, Werner Gleißner, A. Schaller
Die Qualität eines Standorts stellt einen wesentlichen Erfolgsfaktor für ein Unternehmen dar. Wenn sich Gründer für einen Standort entscheiden, dann sollten sie daher die Eigenschaften des Orts, an dem soie sich niederlassen, sorgsam abwägen. Das moderne Rating, das zunächst aus Sicht der Banken die Fähigkeit eines Unternehmens bewertet, seinen Kapitaldienst zu leisten, und das starken Bezug auf Markt- und Wettbewerbskräfte nimmt bzw. nehmen sollte, wird hier um standörtliche Aspekte erweitert. Ein sukzessiver Filteransatz wird entwickelt, mit Hilfe dessen in der ersten Stufe die globalen Erfolgsfaktoren von Branchen herausgearbeitet werden, dann gefragt wird, welche Eigenschaften einer Wirtschaftsregion aus Sicht des Unternehmens erfolgswirksam sind und schließlich geprüft wird, welche Unternehmen oder Branchen für eine Region interessant sind. Daraus ergibt sich ein Portfolio von Möglichkeiten, das sowohl die Sicht des Unternehmens auf alternative Standorte, als auch die Sicht der Bank oder des Wirtschaftsförderers auf interessante Unternehmen schärft.
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Vertical and horizontal patterns of intra-industry trade between EU and candidate countries
Hubert Gabrisch
Nr. 2,
Trade between the European Union (EU) and the Transition Economies (TE) is increasingly characterised by intra-industry trade. The decomposition of intra-industry trade into horizontal and vertical shares reveals predominantly vertical structures with decisively more quality advantages for the EU and less quality advantages for TE countries whenever trade has been liberalised. Empirical research on factors determining this structure in a EU-TE framework lags behind theoretical and empirical research on horizontal and vertical trade in other regions of the world. The main objective of this paper is therefore to contribute to the ongoing debate on EU-TE trade structures by offering an explanation of vertical trade. We utilise a cross-country approach in which relative wage differences, country size and income distribution play a leading role. We find first that relative differences in wages (per capita income) and country size explain intraindustry trade when trade is vertical and completely liberalised, and second that crosscountry differences in income distribution play no explanatory role. We conclude that EU firms have been able to increase their product quality and to shift low-quality segments to TE countries. This may suggest a product-quality cycle prevalent in EU-TE trade.
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Investitionsförderung-Ost: Grundlegende Reformen wagen! - ein Kommentar
Joachim Ragnitz
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
Nr. 16,
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Intra-industry trade between European Union and Transition Economies. Does income distribution matter?
Hubert Gabrisch, Maria Luigia Segnana
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 155,
EU-TE trade is increasingly characterised by intra-industry trade. For some countries (Czech Republic), the share of intra-industry trade in total trade with the EU approaches 60 percent. The decomposition of intra-industry trade into horizontal and vertical shares reveals overwhelming vertical structures with strong quality advantages for the EU and shrinking quality advantages for TE countries wherever trade has been liberalised. Empirical research on factors determining this structure in an EU-TE framework has lagged theoretical and empirical research on horizontal trade and vertical trade in other regions of the world. The main objective of this paper is, therefore, to contribute to the ongoing debate over EU-TE trade structures, by offering an explanation of intra-industry trade. We utilize a cross-country approach in which relative wage differences and country size play a leading role. In addition, as implied by a model of the productquality
cycle, we examine income distribution factors as determinates of the emerging
EU-TE structure of trade flows. Using OLS regressions, we find first, that relative
differences in wages (per capita income) and country size explain intra-industry trade, when trade is vertical and completely liberalized and second, that cross country differences in income distribution play no explanatory role. We conclude that if increasing wage differences resulted from an increasing productivity gap between highquality and low-quality industries, then vertical structures will, over the long-term create significant barriers for the increase in TE incomes and lowering EU-TE income differentials.
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Wage Dynamics in Germany
Jürgen Wiemers
Externe Publikationen,
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