Inflation Dynamics During the Financial Crisis in Europe: Cross-sectional Identification of Long-run Inflation Expectations
Geraldine Dany-Knedlik, Oliver Holtemöller
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 10,
We investigate drivers of Euro area inflation dynamics using a panel of regional Phillips curves and identify long-run inflation expectations by exploiting the crosssectional dimension of the data. Our approach simultaneously allows for the inclusion of country-specific inflation and unemployment-gaps, as well as time-varying parameters. Our preferred panel specification outperforms various aggregate, uni- and multivariate unobserved component models in terms of forecast accuracy. We find that declining long-run trend inflation expectations and rising inflation persistence indicate an altered risk of inflation expectations de-anchoring. Lower trend inflation, and persistently negative unemployment-gaps, a slightly increasing Phillips curve slope and the downward pressure of low oil prices mainly explain the low inflation rate during the recent years.
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Aufschwung in Deutschland festigt sich trotz weltwirtschaftlicher Risiken
Roland Döhrn, Ferdinand Fichtner, Oliver Holtemöller, Stefan Kooths, Timo Wollmershäuser
Nr. 4,
Die deutsche Wirtschaft befindet sich nun schon im fünften Jahr eines moderaten Aufschwungs, der sich 2018 fortsetzen wird. Auch global expandiert die Wirtschaft kräftig. Die gestiegenen politischen Unsicherheiten dämpfen die Weltwirtschaft derzeit offensichtlich kaum. Der wirtschaftspolitische Kurs der neuen US-Regierung birgt sowohl Chancen als auch Risiken für die Konjunktur in den USA und der Welt. Die Gemeinschaftsdiagnose prognostiziert für 2018 eine Inflationsrate von 1,9% für die fortgeschrittenen Volkswirtschaften und rechnet mit einem Kurswechsel der EZB.
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Same, but Different: Testing Monetary Policy Shock Measures
Alexander Kriwoluzky, Stephanie Ettmeier
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 9,
In this study, we test whether three popular measures for monetary policy, that is, Romer and Romer (2004), Barakchian and Crowe (2013), and Gertler and Karadi (2015), constitute suitable proxy variables for monetary policy shocks. To this end, we employ different test statistics used in the literature to detect weak proxy variables. We find that the measure derived by Gertler and Karadi (2015) is the most suitable in this regard.
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The Drivers of Revenue Productivity: a New Decomposition Analysis with Firm-level Data
Filippo di Mauro, Giordano Mion, Daniel Stöhlker
ECB Working Paper,
Nr. 2014,
This paper aims to derive a methodology to decompose aggregate revenue TFP changes over time into four different components – namely physical TFP, mark-ups, quality and production scale. The new methodology is applied to a panel of EU countries and manufacturing industries over the period 2006-2012. In summary, patterns of measured revenue productivity have been broadly similar across EU countries, most notably when we group them into stressed (Italy, Spain and Slovenia) and non-stressed countries (Belgium, Finland, France and Germany). In particular, measured revenue productivity drops for both groups by about 6 percent during the recent crisis. More specifically, for both stressed and non-stressed countries the drop in revenue productivity was accompanied by a substantial dip in the proxy we use for TFP in quantity terms, as well as by a strong reduction in mark-ups.
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State Aid and Guarantees in Europe
Reint E. Gropp, Lena Tonzer
T. Beck, B. Casu (eds): The Palgrave Handbook of European Banking, London,
During the recent financial crisis, governments massively intervened in the banking sector by providing liquidity assistance and capital support to banks in distress. This helped stabilize the financial system in the short run. However, public bailouts also bear the risk of longer-term distortions, for example, by affecting bailout expectations of banks. In this chapter, the authors first provide an overview of state aid interventions during the recent crisis episode. The third section then analyzes the effects of state aid on financial stability from a theoretical view. This is followed by the description of results obtained from empirical studies. The link between the provision of state aid and politics is discussed in the section “Institutional Design and Policy Implications”. Finally, in the section “The European Banking Union” the authors describe the elements of the European Banking Union meant to resolve and restructure banks in distress and to lower the need for public intervention. Based on the preceding analysis, conclusions are drawn regarding the new design.
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Deutsche Wirtschaft gut ausgelastet — Wirtschaftspolitik neu ausrichten
Roland Döhrn, Ferdinand Fichtner, Oliver Holtemöller, Stefan Kooths, Timo Wollmershäuser
Nr. 10,
Die deutsche Wirtschaft befindet sich in einem moderaten Aufschwung. Die Gemeinschaftsdiagnose Herbst 2016 prognostiziert, dass das Bruttoinlandsprodukt 2016 um 1,9%, 2017 um 1,4% und 2018 um 1,6% zulegen dürfte. Dabei gehen von der Weltkonjunktur nur geringe stimulierende Effekte aus, zudem dürften sich in den außerordentlich niedrigen Kapitalmarktzinsen nicht nur die derzeitige Geldpolitik, sondern auch niedrige Wachstumserwartungen widerspiegeln. All dies hemmt die Ausrüstungsinvestitionen. So ist es weiterhin in erster Linie der Konsum, der den Aufschwung trägt.
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Global Food Prices and Monetary Policy in an Emerging Market Economy: The Case of India
Oliver Holtemöller, Sushanta Mallick
Journal of Asian Economics,
This paper investigates a perception in the political debates as to what extent poor countries are affected by price movements in the global commodity markets. To test this perception, we use the case of India to establish in a standard SVAR model that global food prices influence aggregate prices and food prices in India. To further analyze these empirical results, we specify a small open economy New-Keynesian model including oil and food prices and estimate it using observed data over the period 1996Q2 to 2013Q2 by applying Bayesian estimation techniques. The results suggest that a big part of the variation in inflation in India is due to cost-push shocks and, mainly during the years 2008 and 2010, also to global food price shocks, after having controlled for exogenous rainfall shocks. We conclude that the inflationary supply shocks (cost-push, oil price, domestic food price and global food price shocks) are important contributors to inflation in India. Since the monetary authority responds to these supply shocks with a higher interest rate which tends to slow growth, this raises concerns about how such output losses can be prevented by reducing exposure to commodity price shocks.
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Impulse Response Analysis in a Misspecified DSGE Model: A Comparison of Full and Limited Information Techniques
Sebastian Giesen, Rolf Scheufele
Applied Economics Letters,
Nr. 3,
In this article, we examine the effect of estimation biases – introduced by model misspecification – on the impulse responses analysis for dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models. Thereby, we use full and limited information estimators to estimate a misspecified DSGE model and calculate impulse response functions (IRFs) based on the estimated structural parameters. It turns out that IRFs based on full information techniques can be unreliable under misspecification.
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The Importance of Localized Related Variety for International Diversification of Corporate Technology
Eva Dettmann, Iciar Dominguez Lacasa, Jutta Günther, Björn Jindra
Regional Studies,
Nr. 10,
Die Bedeutung der lokalisierten verbundenen Vielfalt für die internationale Diversifizierung von Unternehmenstechnik.
Die Internationalisierung der Forschung und Entwicklung hat sich in den letzten Jahren erheblich verstärkt. In diesem Beitrag analysieren wir die Determinanten der räumlichen Verteilung von ausländischen Technikaktivitäten in 96 deutschen Regionen. Zur Identifizierung ausländischer Technikaktivitäten wird das Konzept des grenzübergreifenden Eigentums auf Patentanträge angewandt. Die wichtigste Prämisse lautet, dass Regionen mit einer höheren verbundenen Vielfalt von Technikaktivitäten zwischen den einzelnen Sektoren mehr ausländische Technikaktivitäten anziehen. Aus den Schätzungen geht hervor, dass dies auf Regionen zutrifft, die sich durch ein hohes Maß an genereller technischer Stärke auszeichnen. Dies lässt darauf schließen, dass verbundene Vielfalt die technische Diversifizierung von ausländischen Unternehmen in Regionen an der Spitze der geografischen Hierarchie begünstigt.
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Time-varying Volatility, Financial Intermediation and Monetary Policy
S. Eickmeier, N. Metiu, Esteban Prieto
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 19,
We document that expansionary monetary policy shocks are less effective at stimulating output and investment in periods of high volatility compared to periods of low volatility, using a regime-switching vector autoregression. Exogenous policy changes are identified by adapting an external instruments approach to the non-linear model. The lower effectiveness of monetary policy can be linked to weaker responses of credit costs, suggesting a financial accelerator mechanism that is weaker in high volatility periods. To rationalize our robust empirical results, we use a macroeconomic model in which financial intermediaries endogenously choose their capital structure. In the model, the leverage choice of banks depends on the volatility of aggregate shocks. In low volatility periods, financial intermediaries lever up, which makes their balance sheets more sensitive to aggregate shocks and the financial accelerator more effective. On the contrary, in high volatility periods, banks decrease leverage, which renders the financial accelerator less effective; this in turn decreases the ability of monetary policy to improve funding conditions and credit supply, and thereby to stimulate the economy. Hence, we provide a novel explanation for the non-linear effects of monetary stimuli observed in the data, linking the effectiveness of monetary policy to the procyclicality of leverage.
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