Knowledge Spill-overs for Knowledge-based Development: Progression in Theory and Obstacles for Empirical Research
Peter Franz
International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development,
As scientists and policymakers tend to interpret changes in the economy as a trend towards an increasingly knowledge-based economy, their recommendations and strategies for regional economic development frequently contain elements how to intensify the knowledge flows in the region concerned. Knowledge flows come into existence from intentional action, but also in an unintended way as externalities or knowledge spillovers. This paper reviews the ways regional and urban economics has dealt with the concept of knowledge spillovers. Knowledge spillovers are defined within a conceptual framework that points out different uses of knowledge in economics. The concept’s operationalisations in diverse empirical studies are systematised and discussed. After a critical review of the current state of research, policy strategies aiming to intensify knowledge spillovers are classified. The paper concludes with an outlook on promising new approaches to research knowledge spillovers and on the elaboration of more efficient policy strategies.
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Economic outlook for the Euro area 2003
Christian Dreger, Axel Lindner, Udo Ludwig, Klaus Weyerstraß
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
Nr. 7,
Der vorliegende Beitrag enthält die Prognose der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung im Euroraum, die das IWH im Rahmen des European Forecasting Network im Frühjahr erstellt hat. Darin wird ein moderater Anstieg des realen Bruttoinlandsprodukts von 1,2% in diesem auf 2,1% im kommenden Jahr erwartet. Die derzeitige Wachstumsschwäche ist vor allem strukturell bedingt. Zu nennen sind insbesondere die Arbeitsmärkte, die in den meisten Ländern zu wenig flexibel sind.
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