Distributional Income Effects of Banking Regulation in Europe
Lars Brausewetter, Melina Ludolph, Lena Tonzer
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 24,
We study the impact of stricter and more harmonized banking regulation along the income distribution using household survey data for 25 EU countries. Exploiting country-level heterogeneity in the implementation of European Banking Union directives allows us to control for confounders and identify effects. Our results show that these regulatory reforms aimed at increasing financial system resilience affected households heterogeneously. More stringent regulation reduces income growth for low-income households due to employment exits. Yet it tends to increase growth rates at the top of the distribution both for employee and self-employed income.
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Die garstige Lücke Warum Ostdeutschland auch 30 Jahre nach der Vereinigung um 20% ärmer ist als der Westen Dossier Auf den Punkt Der wirtschaftliche Aufholprozess Ostdeutschlands…
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Drei Forschungscluster Forschungscluster "Wirtschaftliche Dynamik und Stabilität" Forschungsfragen Im Mittelpunkt der Forschung dieses Clusters steht die empirische Analyse von…
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How Early Childcare Can Boost the Labour Market Success of Lower-Educated Mothers
Henning Hermes, Marina Krauss, Philipp Lergetporer, Frauke Peter, Simon Wiederhold
In most countries, childbirth has a negative impact on the labour market outcomes of mothers, especially for those with lower socioeconomic status. This column presents findings from a field experiment in Germany demonstrating that access to universal early childcare increases full-time employment and household income of mothers with lower socioeconomic status. To improve the labour market outcomes of these mothers, policymakers must provide easier access to early childcare and expand early childcare slots.
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The Effect of Bank Failures on Small Business Loans and Income Inequality
Salvador Contreras, Amit Ghosh, Iftekhar Hasan
Journal of Banking and Finance,
Using variation in the timing and location of branches of failed banks we analyze its effect on income inequality. Employing a difference-in-differences specification we find that bank failures increased the GINI by 0.3 units (or 0.7%). We show that the rise in inequality is due to a decrease in the incomes of the poor that outpaces declines of the rest. We further show that individuals with lower levels of education exhibit a relatively greater decline in real wages and weekly hours worked. Exploring channels of transmission, we find income inequality is explained by a general decline in small business loans. This in turn reduces net new small business formation and their job creation capacity, a sector that hires a substantial share of low-income earners.
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The Intergenerational Transmission of Cognitive Skills
Eric A. Hanushek, Babs Jacobs, Guido Schwerdt, Rolf van der Velden, Stan Vermeulen, Simon Wiederhold
Parents influence their children in many ways, but which family features actually cause the strong intergenerational linkages that we observe? This column presents the first causal evidence on cognitive skill transmission in the family. Using Dutch survey and registry data, the authors show that parents’ maths and language skills strongly affect the same skills in their children, and that skills within dynasties are not just genetically determined but are significantly affected by educational experiences. This highlights the importance of good educational environments in alleviating persistent inequalities.
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The Impact of Risk-based Capital Rules for International Lending on Income Inequality: Global Evidence
Iftekhar Hasan, Gazi Hassan, Suk-Joong Kim, Eliza Wu
Economic Modelling,
This paper investigates the impact of international bank flows from G10 lender countries on income inequality in 74 borrower countries over 1999–2013. Specifically, we examine the role of international bank flows contingent upon the Basel 2 capital regulation and the level of financial market development in the borrower countries. First, we find that improvements in the borrower country risk weights due to rating upgrades under the Basel 2 framework significantly increase bank flows, leading to improvements in income inequality. Second, we find that the level of financial market development is also important. We report that a well-functioning financial market helps the poor access credit and thereby reduces inequality. Moreover, we employ threshold estimations to identify the thresholds for each of the financial development measures that borrower countries need to reach before realizing the potential reductions in income inequality from international bank financing.
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Does Capital Account Liberalization Affect Income Inequality?
Xiang Li, Dan Su
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics,
Nr. 2,
By adopting an identification strategy of difference‐in‐difference estimation combined with propensity score matching between liberalized and closed countries, this paper provides robust evidence that opening the capital account is associated with an increase in income inequality in developing countries. Specifically, capital account liberalization, in the long run, is associated with a reduction in the income share of the poorest half by 2.66–3.79% points and an increase in that of the richest 10% by 5.19–8.76% points. Moreover, directions and categories of capital account liberalization matter. The relationship is more pronounced when liberalizing inward and equity capital flows.
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30 Jahre nach der Wiedervereinigung hat das Bruttoinlandsprodukt als Indikator ausgedient
Oliver Holtemöller
Konferenzband "30 Jahre Deutsche Einheit", März
Der Vergleich der Lebensverhältnisse in Ost- und Westdeutschland orientiert sich häufig am Bruttoinlandsprodukt je Einwohner:in. Dieses Maß ist jedoch für sich genommen kein guter Wohlfahrtsindikator. Es ist davon auszugehen, dass gemessen am Bruttoinlandsprodukt je Einwohner:in in absehbarer Zukunft keine wesentliche weitere Angleichung der Wirtschaftskraft in Ost- und Westdeutschland mehr stattfinden wird. Denn die Altersstruktur Ostdeutschlands, d. h. das Verhältnis von Erwerbstätigenzahl zu Einwohnerzahl, ist ungünstiger als im Westen. Betrachtet man hingegen wichtige Wohlfahrtsindikatoren wie Konsummöglichkeiten, Lebenserwartung, Freizeit und Einkommensungleichheit, so sind die Lebensverhältnisse in Ost- und Westdeutschland ähnlicher als das Bruttoinlandsprodukt je Einwohner:in suggeriert. In den Debatten über den Aufholprozess Ostdeutschlands sollte daher stärker auf die Arbeitsproduktivität als Maß für die Wirtschaftskraft und auf andere Wohlfahrtsindikatoren als Maß für die Angleichung der Lebensverhältnisse abgestellt werden.
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Finance-Growth Nexus and Banking Efficiency: The Impact of Microfinance Institutions
Afsheen Abrar, Iftekhar Hasan, Rezaul Kabir
Journal of Economics and Business,
This paper investigates the relative importance of microfinance institutions (MFIs) at both the macro (financial development, economic growth, income inequality, and poverty) and micro levels (efficiency of traditional commercial banks). We observe a significant impact on most of the fronts. MFIs’ participation increases overall savings (total bank deposits) and credit allocation (loans to private sector) in the economy. Their involvement enhances economic welfare by reducing income inequality and poverty. Additionally, their active presence helps to discipline the traditional commercial banks by subjecting them to more competition triggering higher efficiency.
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