How Neighborhood Influences Shape College Choices and Academic Paths for Students: Insights from Croatia
Annika Backes, Dejan Kovač
Harvard Center for International Development,
Choosing a university and field of study is a key life decision that influences one’s lifelong earnings trajectory. Data shows that the share of individuals going to university is unequally distributed, and is lower among disadvantaged students. High-achieving students who are low income are less likely to opt for ambitious education paths, despite the high returns of education. Even among those students who decide to apply for college, the likelihood of whether they will apply to prestigious colleges or renowned study programs differs along the distribution of socioeconomic background. It does not only matter if you study, but also what and where you study, as there is a large variation in long-run outcomes, such as earnings, both between universities as well as between fields of study. Part of this mismatch can be attributed to unequal starting points for children, in terms of both institutional settings and the quality of information available within their close networks.
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Herding Behavior and Systemic Risk in Global Stock Markets
Iftekhar Hasan, Radu Tunaru, Davide Vioto
Journal of Empirical Finance,
This paper provides new evidence of herding due to non- and fundamental information in global equity markets. Using quantile regressions applied to daily data for 33 countries, we investigate herding during the Eurozone crisis, China’s market crash in 2015–2016, in the aftermath of the Brexit vote and during the Covid-19 Pandemic. We find significant evidence of herding driven by non-fundamental information in case of negative tail market conditions for most countries. This study also investigates the relationship between herding and systemic risk, suggesting that herding due to fundamentals increases when systemic risk increases more than when driven by non-fundamentals. Granger causality tests and Johansen’s vector error-correction model provide solid empirical evidence of a strong interrelationship between herding and systemic risk, entailing that herding behavior may be an ex-ante aspect of systemic risk, with a more relevant role played by herding based on fundamental information in increasing systemic risk.
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Die Mathematik der Bauchentscheidungen Zuerst Kosten und Nutzen sorgfältig abwägen und dann rational entscheiden. So wären wir Menschen vielleicht gerne. Doch tatsächlich…
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Hollywood, Wall Street, and Mistrusting Individual Investors
Guido Lenz, Maximilian Mayer
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,
Individual investors reduce their trading activity in financial markets after the release of negatively biased Hollywood movies related to financial markets. These movies regularly depict financial markets and professionals active in them as marked by greed and corruption (Lichter et al. 1997). This decline in trading activity at the extensive margin comes together with depressed investor sentiment marked by higher likelihoods and volumes of selling than of buying transactions by those investors still active. Their avoidance of investing in and tendency to trade out of stocks related to companies in the financial industry, as well as their shift from actively managed mutual funds to passive vehicles (ETFs), provide evidence for the deterioration of investors’ trust in the financial industry and its managers. This channel is in line with existing literature on subjective beliefs in investment decisions and the impact of biased media coverage, such as the negative depiction of financial markets, shareholders, and managers in Hollywood movies.
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The Gender Reveal: The Effect of Sons on Young Fathers’ Criminal Behavior and Labor Market Activities
Kabir Dasgupta, André Diegmann, Tom Kirchmaier, Alexander Plum
Labour Economics,
Based on New Zealand’s administrative court charges data, we document child gender-specific differences in future criminal behavior of young fathers. The deterrent impact of having a son on the future likelihood of receiving convictions persists for as long as ten years post-childbirth. Utilizing population-wide monthly tax registers and Census data, we provide key insights into the role model hypothesis. We show that young fathers with a son have (i) a higher likelihood of being in employment, (ii) higher wages and salaries, (iii) lower benefit dependency, (iv) better qualification, and (v) a higher likelihood of being in a partnered relationship.
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CEO Network Centrality and the Likelihood of Financial Reporting Fraud
Salim Chahine, Yiwei Fang, Iftekhar Hasan, Mohamad Mazboudi
Nr. 4,
This paper investigates the association between CEO’s relative position in the social network and the likelihood of being involved in corporate fraud. Tracing a large sample of US publicly listed firms, we find that CEO network centrality is inversely related to the likelihood of fraudulent financial reporting. We also document a significant spillover effect of financial reporting behaviour from the dominant (most central) CEO to other CEOs in the same social network, suggesting that the ethical corporate behaviour of CEOs is, on average, influenced by that of their dominant CEO in the network. We further find that the role of CEO network centrality in reducing fraud risk is more prominent in firms with lower auditor quality. Overall, our results suggest that network centrality is an important CEO trait that promotes ethical financial reporting behaviour within social networks.
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Erinnerung an soziale Isolation des Lockdowns macht Menschen egoistischer
Sabrina Jeworrek, Joschka Waibel
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
Nr. 3,
Nachdem Teilnehmer eines Online-Experiments an die soziale Isolierung des Lockdowns erinnert wurden, verhielten sich diese egoistischer als eine neutrale Vergleichsgruppe. Allerdings beurteilten Teilnehmer eines weiteren Experiments, die ebenfalls an die soziale Isolation im Lockdown erinnert wurden, ein solches egoistisches Verhalten als prinzipiell sozial unangemessen. Daraus lässt sich schließen, dass lediglich die Neigung zur Befolgung sozialer Normen, welche menschliches Verhalten in den verschiedensten Lebenssituationen maßgeblich beeinflussen, durch die soziale Distanzierung gesunken ist. Auch für eine Zeit nach der Bewältigung der Corona-Pandemie werfen diese Ergebnisse Fragen auf: Wie lässt sich in einer digitalisierten Welt, in der persönliche Interaktionen immer seltener werden, die Bereitschaft zur Einhaltung sozialer Normen aufrechterhalten?
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The Macroeconomics of Epidemics
Martin S. Eichenbaum, Sergio Rebelo, Mathias Trabandt
Review of Financial Studies,
Nr. 11,
We extend the canonical epidemiology model to study the interaction between economic decisions and epidemics. Our model implies that people cut back on consumption and work to reduce the chances of being infected. These decisions reduce the severity of the epidemic but exacerbate the size of the associated recession. The competitive equilibrium is not socially optimal because infected people do not fully internalize the effect of their economic decisions on the spread of the virus. In our benchmark model, the best simple containment policy increases the severity of the recession but saves roughly half a million lives in the United States.
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24.06.2021 • 17/2021
Einsam durch die Pandemie – soziale Isolierung erhöht Bereitschaft zu egoistischem Verhalten
Die soziale Distanzierung als Maßnahme gegen die COVID-19-Pandemie hat weitreichende gesellschaftliche Folgen, die aus ökonomischer Perspektive bislang kaum diskutiert wurden. Dies geht aus einer Untersuchung des Leibniz-Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH) hervor. „Die Erfahrung der sozialen Isolierung führte dazu, dass die Teilnehmenden unserer Studie eher egoistische Entscheidungen treffen“, sagt Studienautorin Sabrina Jeworrek, Juniorprofessorin an der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg und Forschungsgruppenleiterin in der Abteilung Strukturwandel und Produktivität am IWH.
Sabrina Jeworrek
Alone at Home: The Impact of Social Distancing on Norm-consistent Behavior
Sabrina Jeworrek, Joschka Waibel
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 8,
Around the globe, the COVID-19 pandemic has turned daily live upside down since social distancing is probably the most effective means of containing the virus until herd immunity is reached. Social norms have been shown to be an important determinant of social distancing behaviors. By conducting two experiments and using the priming method to manipulate social isolation recollections, we study whether social distancing has in turn affected norms of prosociality and norm compliance. The normative expectations of what behaviors others would approve or disapprove in our experimental setting did not change. Looking at actual behavior, however, we find that persistent social distancing indeed caused a decline in prosociality – even after the relaxation of social distancing rules and in times of optimism. At the same time, our results contain some good news since subjects seem still to care for norms and become more prosocial once again after we draw their attention to the empirical norm of how others have previously behaved in a similar situation.
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