Insights for Young Researchers in Finance
FYI – Insights for Young Researchers in Finance The Insights for Young Researchers in Finance (FYI) inform junior researchers (PhDs, post-docs, and assistant professors) in…
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Regions as Selection Environments? The Emergence of the Solar Industry in Germany from 1992 to 2008
Matthias Brachert, Christoph Hornych, Peter Franz
European Planning Studies,
Nr. 11,
The spatial evolution of the German solar industry is analysed in the light of the “window of locational opportunity” and the “selection environment” approach. The paper argues that differences in the regions' ability to promote the emergence of local external economies contribute to increasing regional differentiation in the German structure of the industry. Applied empirical methods enclose longitudinal firm entry and network analysis. A special focus is given upon the realignment processes in the science system. Our findings show a relatively rapid spatial concentration of production in eastern Germany since the year 2000. This process is accompanied by intensified networking between firms and between firms and universities as well as research institutes. The responsiveness of regional institutions and the self-organizing capabilities of the solar firms substantiate some propositions of the “selection environment” approach.
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Specialization versus Diversification: Perceived Benefits of Different Incubation Models
Michael Schwartz, Christoph Hornych
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management,
Nr. 3,
Business incubator initiatives are a widespread policy instrument for the promotion of entrepreneurship, innovation and the development of new technology-based firms. Recently, there has been an increasing tendency for the more traditional diversified incubators to be superseded by incubators focusing their support elements, processes and selection criteria on firms from one specific sector, and its particular needs. Despite the increasing importance of such specialized incubators in regional innovation strategies, the question of whether they are advantageous has neither been investigated empirically nor discussed theoretically in detail. Drawing on large-scale survey data from 161 firms incubated in either diversified or specialized incubators in Germany, we investigate the benefits to firms of being part of a specialized business incubator as opposed to being part of a generalized business incubator. The investigation of the value-added contribution of specialized incubators, in particular regarding hardware components, business assistance, networking and reputation gains, reveals considerable differences compared to the more diversified incubation model.
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Im Fokus: Forschungsförderung in Sachsen – Nährboden für Kooperationen
Michael Schwartz, Nicole Nulsch, Jutta Günther
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
Nr. 2,
Unbestritten ist die Notwendigkeit einer öffentlichen Unterstützung der Forschung und Entwicklung (FuE) von Wissenschaftseinrichtungen. Hier spielt die Projektförderung eine stetig wachsende Rolle, die insbesondere zur Vernetzung der Akteure eines Innovationssystems beitragen soll. Vor diesem Hintergrund hat das IWH am Beispiel Sachsens untersucht, ob eine Projektförderung von Wissenschaftseinrichtungen originäre Vernetzung begünstigt bzw. die Basis für eine intensivere Kooperationstätigkeit schafft. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass eine Projektförderung aus Sicht der geförderten Wissenschaftler einen Beitrag zur originären Vernetzung leisten kann und auch die FuE-Leistungsfähigkeit erhöht – eine Voraussetzung, um künftige Kooperationspotenziale effektiver zu nutzen und international anschlussfähig zu sein.
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Knowledge Sharing Through Informal Networking: An Overview and Agenda
Michael Schwartz, Christoph Hornych
International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development,
Nr. 3,
Informal inter-organizational networks provide manifold opportunities to organize the transfer of information, knowledge and technology between actors. The importance of informal networks as a channel of knowledge transfer is widely acknowledged by academics and practitioners. However, there is a significant lack of discussion on their theoretical foundations and systematic empirical research on the origins, dynamics and effects of informal networking. The objective of this paper is threefold. First, we review the fragmented academic discussion of the notion of informal networking, thereby focusing on how these relationships emerge initially and what conditions (presumably) are required to make them a mutually fruitful and sustainable channel of the transfer of information and knowledge. Second, we give an up-to-date overview over most important and recent studies trying to disentangle the mechanisms of inter-organizational informal networking. Finally, we outline an agenda of future research directions which we encourage researchers to pursue in future empirical studies. Overall, six important research gaps are identified.
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Informal Networking - An Overview of the Literature and an Agenda for Future Research
Michael Schwartz, Christoph Hornych
Informelle Netzwerkstrukturen bieten vielfältige Möglichkeiten, den Transfer von Informationen, Wissen und Technologie zwischen Akteuren zu organisieren. In Anbetracht des Potentials sowie der Bedeutung informeller Netzwerke ist der bestehende Mangel an theoretischen Diskussionen wie auch empirischer Forschung überraschend. Hier setzt der Beitrag an, indem eine Bündelung der bislang lediglich in Fragmenten vorliegenden Auseinandersetzung mit dem Konzept informeller Netzwerke vorgenommen wird. Der Fokus wird dabei auf Fragen der Entstehung solcher Netzwerkstrukturen sowie auf diejenigen Faktoren gelegt, die notwendig sind, informelle Netzwerke als effektiven und beständigen Kanal des Wissens- und Technologietransfers nutzbar zu machen. In einem zweiten Teil des Beitrags wird ein Überblick über die wichtigsten, zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt existierenden, Studien gegeben, die sich empirisch mit dem Konzept informeller Netzwerkstrukturen auseinandersetzen. Basierend auf dieser Aufarbeitung werden anschließend fünf wichtige Forschungsfragen formuliert, die im Fokus zukünftiger Forschungsbestrebungen stehen sollten.
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Cooperation Patterns of Incubator Firms and the Impact of Incubator Specialization: Empirical Evidence from Germany
Michael Schwartz, Christoph Hornych
The article examines cooperation patterns of 150 firms located in German business incubators (BIs). More specifically, this study distinguishes between networking within the tenant portfolio and the academic-industry linkages of the tenant firms. We further contribute to the relevant literature by explicitly considering differences in cooperation patterns between firms located on diversified and specialized incubator facilities. Empirical results do not support the common assumption that specialized incubation strategies increase the effectiveness of incubator-internal networking compared to diversified BIs. Also, incubator specialization is not superior to diversified incubators with respect to the promotion of linkages of their tenants with academic institutions. For academic linkages, industry effects matter more than incubator characteristics.
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The Role of the Intellectual Property Rights Regime for Foreign Investors in Post-Socialist Economies
Benedikt Schnellbächer, Johannes Stephan
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 4,
We integrate international business theory on foreign direct investment (FDI) with institutional theory on intellectual property rights (IPR) to explain characteristics and behaviour of foreign investment subsidiaries in Central East Europe, a region with an IPR regime-gap vis-à-vis West European countries. We start from the premise that FDI may play a crucial role for technological catch-up development in Central East Europe via technology and knowledge transfer. By use of a unique dataset generated at the IWH in collaboration with a European consortium in the framework of an EU-project, we assess the role played by the IPR regimes in a selection of CEE countries as a factor for corporate governance and control of foreign invested subsidiaries, for their own technological activity, their trade relationships, and networking partners for technological activity. As a specific novelty to the literature, we assess the in influence of the strength of IPR regimes on corporate control of subsidiaries and conclude that IPR-sensitive foreign investments tend to have lower functional autonomy, tend to cooperate more intensively within their transnational network and yet are still technologically more active than less IPR-sensitive subsidiaries. In terms of economic policy, this leads to the conclusion that the FDI will have a larger developmental impact if the IPR regime in the host economy is sufficiently strict.
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Auf gute Nachbarschaft? Zentreninterne Netzwerkstrukturen und Determinanten von Wissenschaftskooperationen in deutschen Technologie- und Gründerzentren
Michael Schwartz, Christoph Hornych
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 2,
Der Beitrag untersucht, inwieweit es durch eine Förderung mittels Technologie- und Gründerzentren (TGZ) gelingt, Unternehmen beim Aufbau von Kooperationsbeziehungen zu unterstützen. Im Rahmen einer Querschnittsuntersuchung wird sowohl die Vernetzung der Unternehmen innerhalb der Zentren als auch die Initiierung von Kontakten zu Wissenschafts- und Forschungseinrichtungen untersucht. Erstmalig wird dabei den vermuteten Unterschieden zwischen spezialisierten und diversifizierten Zentrenkonzepten nachgegangen. Entgegen der vorherrschenden Meinung in der Literatur zeigen die empirischen Ergebnisse, dass sich bei Mietern in spezialisierten TGZ, trotz größerer Überschneidungen, keine intensiveren Netzwerkbeziehungen entwickeln als in diversifizierten Zentren. Signifikante Vorteile einer Spezialisierung von TGZ können hingegen bei der Wissenschaftsanbindung der Mieterunternehmen nachgewiesen werden, wobei nur jedes zweite Unternehmen in diversifizierten TGZ Kontakte mit Wissenschafts- und Forschungseinrichtungen unterhält.
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Firm-Specific Determinants of Productivity Gaps between East and West German Industrial Branches
Johannes Stephan
East-West Journal of Economics and Business,
This research assesses the firm-specific reasons for lower producitivity levels between West and East German firms. The study is based on a unique data-base generated by field-work in the two particularly important sectors of machinery manufacturers and furniture manufacturers. Our results suggest that the quality of human capital plays an important role in explaining lower productivity levels, as well as particularly networking activities, and the use of modern technologies for communication. Classifying those as management-functions beyond the organisation of the production process itself, we identify management deficits as the main specific determinants of productivity gaps between West and East German firms.
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