Exploring Accounting Research Topic Evolution: An Unsupervised Machine Learning Approach
June Cao, Zhanzhong Gu, Iftekhar Hasan
Journal of International Accounting Research,
Nr. 3,
This study explores the evolution of accounting research by utilizing an unsupervised machine learning approach. We aim to identify the latent topics of accounting from the 1980s up to 2018, the dynamics and emerging topics of accounting research, and the economic reasons behind those changes. First, based on 23,220 articles from 46 accounting journals, we identify 55 topics using the latent Dirichlet allocation model. To illustrate the connection between topics, we use HistCite to generate a citation map along a timeline. The citation clusters demonstrate the “tribalism” phenomenon in accounting research. We then implement the dynamic topic model to reveal the dynamics of topics to show changes in accounting research. The emerging research trends are identified from the topic analytics. We further explore the economic reasons and in-depth insights into the topic evolution, indicating the economic development embeddedness nature of accounting research.
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CEO Network Centrality and the Likelihood of Financial Reporting Fraud
Salim Chahine, Yiwei Fang, Iftekhar Hasan, Mohamad Mazboudi
Nr. 4,
This paper investigates the association between CEO’s relative position in the social network and the likelihood of being involved in corporate fraud. Tracing a large sample of US publicly listed firms, we find that CEO network centrality is inversely related to the likelihood of fraudulent financial reporting. We also document a significant spillover effect of financial reporting behaviour from the dominant (most central) CEO to other CEOs in the same social network, suggesting that the ethical corporate behaviour of CEOs is, on average, influenced by that of their dominant CEO in the network. We further find that the role of CEO network centrality in reducing fraud risk is more prominent in firms with lower auditor quality. Overall, our results suggest that network centrality is an important CEO trait that promotes ethical financial reporting behaviour within social networks.
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Identifying Cooperation for Innovation ― A Comparison of Data Sources
Michael Fritsch, Mirko Titze, Matthias Piontek
Industry and Innovation,
Nr. 6,
The value of social network analysis is critically dependent on the comprehensive and reliable identification of actors and their relationships. We compare regional knowledge networks based on different types of data sources, namely, co-patents, co-publications, and publicly subsidized collaborative R&D projects. Moreover, by combining these three data sources, we construct a multilayer network that provides a comprehensive picture of intraregional interactions. By comparing the networks based on the data sources, we address the problems of coverage and selection bias. We observe that using only one data source leads to a severe underestimation of regional knowledge interactions, especially those of private sector firms and independent researchers.
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Regionale Netzwerke und Unternehmenserfolg - Eine empirische Analyse am Beispiel der deutschen Photovoltaikindustrie
Christoph Hornych
Schriften des IWH,
Nr. 32,
In dieser Studie wird der Zusammenhang zwischen Netzwerken und dem Erfolg von Unternehmen der Photovoltaikindustrie empirisch untersucht. Aufbauend auf einer erstmaligen Erfassung und Analyse des Kooperationsgeschehens in der deutschen Solarindustrie werden Faktoren von Kooperationsarrangements identifiziert, die für positive Effekte auf die Leistungsfähigkeit der Unternehmen ursächlich sind. Hierbei wird neben Patent- und Regressionsanalysen insbesondere auf die Methode der sozialwissenschaftlichen Netzwerkanalyse zurückgegriffen.
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