MAI 2023

MAI 2023
Workshops und Konferenzen

11th Workshop Banks and Financial Markets

We invite young academics (PhD students and postdocs) dealing with theoretical or theoretically founded empirical research on banks and financial markets to submit a paper or a project outline for presentation at the 11th Workshop Banks and Financial Markets taking place May 11th and 12th, 2023 at the Halle Institute for Economic Research IWH in Halle (Saale).

several lecturers
IWH, conference room

Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to: design and effects of green regulation and policy, the (e)valuation of climate risks by financial institutions and in financial markets, competition and risk-taking of individual banks, the stability of the financial sector and its regulation, the role of real estate markets for financial system

The workshop aims at linking young economists interested in related topics. It provides a platform to exchange ideas and discuss recent contributions. Presentations, assigned comments and general discussions create an inspiring setting.

Submissions should be sent electronically to Annette Graham ( until March 16th, 2023. Notifications of paper acceptances or rejections will be made by mid of April.

Accommodation and a conference dinner will be free of charge for all invited participants. It is further planned to contribute to travel costs of speakers.

For further information do not hesitate to contact Annette Graham or Michael Koetter (

We assume that by submitting your paper and personal data, you agree that this information will be used exclusively for purposes of conference planning. The data and your paper will be passed to the Scientific committee for the review process. After the conference, the data will be deleted.

Ihr Kontakt

Annette Graham
Annette Graham

Für Rückfragen stehe ich Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung.

+49 345 7753-771 Anfrage per E-Mail
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