DEZ 2015

DEZ 2015
Workshops und Konferenzen

16th IWH-CIREQ Macroeconometric Workshop: Challenges for Forecasting – Structural Breaks, Revisions and Measurement Errors

The workshop provided a platform to discuss new developments in the field of empirical and applied macroeconomic modelling and aimed at bringing together academic researchers and practi­tioners.

Keynote Speakers: Richard Dutu (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development – OECD); Simon Price (Bank of England); Tara M. Sinclair (The George Washington University)
IWH conference room

We invited applied and theoretical papers dealing with time series and business cycles, international macroecono­metrics and finance. Pa­pers that explicitly cover aspects of struc­tural breaks in forecast analyses, real-time data, revisions and error measurement were par­ticularly welcome.

Invited lectures were given by:

Presentations and Papers (ZIP):

1st Part

2nd Part

Information on previous IWH-CIREQ-GW Macroeconometric Workshops can be found here.


Workshop Report (in German)


„Challenges for Forecasting – Structural Breaks, Revisions and Measurement Errors” 16th IWH-CIREQ Macroeconometric Workshop

Matthias Wieschemeyer

in: Wirtschaft im Wandel, Nr. 1, 2016


Am 7. und 8. Dezember 2015 fand am Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH) zum 16. Mal der IWH-CIREQ Macroeconometric Workshop statt. Die in Kooperation mit dem Centre interuniversitaire de recherche en économie quantitative (CIREQ), Montréal, durchgeführte Veranstaltung beschäftigte sich dieses Mal mit zentralen Herausforderungen, denen sich die ökonomische Prognose zu stellen hat: Strukturbrüche in den Daten, statistische Revisionen und Fehler bei der Messung wichtiger Indikatoren.

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