AUG 2022

AUG 2022
Workshops und Konferenzen

8th IWH-FIN-FIRE Workshop on "Challenges to Financial Stability"

The Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) – Member of the Leibniz Association is organising a workshop on "Challenges to Financial Stability" on August 29th and 30th, 2022, to be held in Halle (Saale). We aim to attract excellent papers that analyse whether and how financial sector regulation changes, the resulting impact on financial stability, and the associated consequences for the real sector.

Keynote Speaker: Gordon Phillips  (Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth)
IWH, conference room
Keynote Speaker: Gordon Phillips

Zur Person

Gordon Phillips is the Laurence F. Whittemore Professor of Business Administration and Faculty Director of the Center for Private Equity and Venture Capital (CPEVC) at the Tuck School of Business. His areas of research include corporate finance and how financial decisions impact firms' strategic decisions, and contracting in financial markets.

We invite theoretical and empirical contributions on topics including:

  • regulation, firms and financial intermediation
  • law, politics and finance
  • unconventional fiscal and monetary policy
  • macroprudential policy and real estate
  • digitalisation of financial institutions and markets
  • financial networks and systemic risk
  • pricing of climate risk in financial markets
  • ecological hazards and the behaviour of firms and households

There is no registration fee for presenters. However, participants are expected to pay their expenses for travel and accommodation.


We assume that by submitting your paper and personal data, you agree that this information will be used exclusively for purposes of conference planning. The data and your paper will be passed to the scientific committee for the review process. After the conference, these data will be deleted.

Ihr Kontakt

Anna Spengler
Anna Spengler

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