OKT 2019

OKT 2019
Workshops und Konferenzen

Financial Intermediation in a Globalized World

The organizing committee invites submissions of high-quality theoretical or empirical research papers on financial intermediation.

Keynote Speakers: Allen N. Berger (University of South Carolina, Wharton Financial Institutions Center, and European Banking Center); Linda S. Goldberg (Federal Reserve Bank of New York and NBER)
Deutsche Bundesbank (City Office), Taunusanlage 5

The conference calls for papers especially covering topics on financial intermediation and regulation, including (but not limited to)

  • Integration vs. fragmentation of banking systems
  • Multinational banks and firms
  • Financial intermediation, innovation and FinTech
  • Trade finance and shadow banking activities
  • Maturity transformation and liquidity creation
  • Risk-taking and asset/liability management
  • Micro- and macro-prudential regulation
  • Bank supervision and resolution
  • Evaluation of regulatory policies for banks
  • Systemic risk, spillovers and economic stability

The conference will feature plenary sessions with keynote speeches by Allen N. Berger (University of South Carolina, Wharton Financial Institutions Center, and European Banking Center) and Linda S. Goldberg (Federal Reserve Bank of New York and NBER) and a dinner speech by Joachim Wuermeling (Member of the Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank).

Please submit your paper via email to with reference to "Financial Intermediation in a Globalized World". Economy class travel expenses and accommodation (both subject to price limits) will be covered for invited speakers and discussants. Submission Deadline: 31 May 2019

The conference is sponsored jointly by the Deutsche Bundesbank, the IWH Halle Institute for Economic Research, the Cluster of Excellence ECONtribute funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) under Germany’s Excellence Strategy – EXC-2326/1 – 390838866, and the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR).

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