GOR AG FIFI Workshop 2023
We would like to invite researchers and practitioners to participate in the workshop of the German Operations Research Society (GOR e.V.) hosted at the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH).
We would like to invite researchers and practitioners to participate in the workshop of the German Operations Research Society (GOR e.V.) hosted at the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH). The goal of the workshop is to bring together academics and practitioners to provide a unique platform to discuss the latest theoretical and empirical research from all relevant areas of — including but not limited to — financial management and financial institutions, risk management and financial markets, banking and financial intermediation or investments in various assets. The workshop participation is free of charge for GOR members and affiliates of the organizing institutions; there might be a low service charge for refreshments.
The German Operations Research Society (Gesellschaft für Operations Research, GOR e.V.) has a longstanding tradition beginning with the “Arbeitskreis Operations Research (est. 1956)” and the “Deutsche Gesellschaft für Unternehmensforschung (est. 1961)”, and eventually led to the GOR as it is today. The GOR now represents around 1,200 members consisting of individuals and institutions from academia, industry and management. The working group Financial Management and Financial Institutions (GOR e.V. Arbeitsgruppe Finanzwirtschaft und Finanzinstitutionen (GOR AG FIFI)) is one of the oldest working groups within the GOR working on a broad range in financial modeling with a focus on quantitative research.
Abstract submission
We invite in particular young researchers and scientists to submit abstracts on all relevant topics in the abovementioned fields of financial research. An extended abstract (2 pages, no full papers, please) must provide information about the motivation and goal of the research topic, the methods used as well as the main results and key findings. The submission should be accompanied by a cover page including title, names and contact details of the author(s).
The deadline for submission is on February 20, 2023.
For submission of abstracts, for registration and for further information, please contact fintechlab@ovgu.de.
Organizing / Scientific committee
Prof. Dr. Michael H. Breitner, Leibniz University Hannover
Prof. Dr. Elmar Lukas, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
Prof. Dr. Reint Gropp, Präsident IWH & Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
Prof. Dr. Michael Koetter, Abteilungsleiter Finanzmärkte IWH & Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
Prof. Dr. Felix Noth, stellv. Abteilungsleiter Finanzmärkte IWH & Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
We assume that by submitting your paper and personal data, you agree that these information will be used exclusively for purposes of conference planning. The data and your paper will be passed to the scientific committee for the review process. After the conference, these data will be deleted.
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