IWH Workshop on Labour Mobility and Inequality
The labour market is undergoing permanent adjustment processes accompanied by worker mobility, firm dynamics, and structural change.
The Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) – Member of the Leibniz Association is organising a workshop on Labour Mobility and Inequality to be held in Halle (Saale) on July 8th-9th, 2016.
The labour market is undergoing permanent adjustment processes accompanied by worker mobility, firm dynamics, and structural change. How these changes are associated with economic inequality is the topic of this workshop. The aim is to bring together economists working on these questions to present and discuss their ongoing research, and to stimulate interaction and co-operation between them.
Contributions may focus on issues like:
- hiring and layoff behaviour of heterogeneous firms
- worker flows between firms
- consequences of worker mobility and job displacement
- wage differentials and firm heterogeneity
- rent-sharing and wage inequality
- work organisation and inequality
- recent developments in data availability
A conference fee will not be charged. The IWH will provide accommodation and reimburses economy travel costs for participants with accepted papers. Details about reimbursement will be provided in due time.
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