JUN 2022

14:15 - 15:45
IWH Research Seminar

Managing Environmental Risk

Using novel job posting data, we construct a human capital-based measure of corporate investments in managing climate risk.

Duc Duy (Louis) Nguyen  (Durham University)
IWH, conference room and via Zoom
Duc Duy (Louis) Nguyen

Zur Person

Duc Duy (Louis) Nguyen is Professor of Finance at Durham University. His research interests are Empirical corporate finance and Financial Intermediation.

We document sizable increases in corporate demand for employees with environmental skills over the 2010-2020 period. Nearly half the demand for green skills is due to time-varying firm-level characteristics. Demand for green skills is more salient after the December 2015 Paris Climate Agreement and especially pronounced among firms with significant environmental risk exposures. Consistent with firms using green jobs as a climate risk management tool, firms that demand green labor reduce harmful emissions and are less likely to be subject to environmental enforcement actions. Further, firms with green jobs lower emissions by pursuing abatement strategies rather than lower production volumes. Overall, our results suggest that investments in human capital allow firms to reduce environmental risk.

To join the lecture via ZOOM, please contact Shasha Li.

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