JAN 2023

15:15 - 17:00
IWH Research Seminar

Micro- and Macroeconomic Impacts of a Place-Based Industrial Policy

We investigate the impact of a set of place-based subsidies introduced in Turkey.

Chad Syverson  (The University of Chicago, Booth School of Business)
via Zoom
Chad Syverson

Zur Person

Chad Syverson Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. His research interests are interactions of firm structure, market structure, and productivity.

We investigate the impact of a set of place-based subsidies introduced in Turkey. These policies were introduced in 2012 with the aim of spurring investment and reducing regional income inequality, and include a mix of investment tax credits and reduced mandatory social security contributions. Using firm-level balance-sheet data along with data on the domestic production network, we first assess the direct and indirect impacts of the 2012 subsidy program. We find an increase in economic activity in industry-province pairs that were the focus of the subsidy program, and positive spillovers to the suppliers and customers of subsidized firms. With the aid of a dynamic multi-region, multi-industry general equilibrium model, we then assess the program’s aggregate impacts. We find that subsidies reduced regional real wage inequality, but only modestly. These modest effects are due to the ability of households to migrate in response to the subsidy program and input-output linkages that traverse subsidy
regions within Turkey. Read more ...

To join the lecture via ZOOM, please contact Javier Miranda.

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