MAI 2023

14:15 - 15:45
IWH Research Seminar

Mobile Money, Competition and Financial Inclusion

This paper explores the tradeoff between competition and financial inclusion given by the vertical integration between mobile network and money operators.

Nicola Limodio  (Bocconi University)
IWH, conference room and via Zoom
Nicola Limodio

Zur Person

Nicola Limodio is an Assistant Professor of Finance at Bocconi University and CEPR Research Affiliate. His research focuses on financial economics, development economics and political economy.

This paper explores the tradeoff between competition and financial inclusion given by the vertical integration between mobile network and money operators. Using data on mobile money fees, network coverage and financials, we examine the staggering in the African continent of platform interoperability – a competition-promoting policy that facilitates transactions across different mobile money operators. Our findings show that companies respond to interoperability by lowering their fees, particularly for low-value transactions. However, this results in a reduction of network coverage, especially in rural districts and among formerly-dominant operators. These network adjustments lead to a decline in various survey metrics of financial inclusion. Read more ...

To join the lecture via ZOOM, please contact Shasha Li.

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