OKT 2024

09:00 - 17:00
Workshops und Konferenzen

Second Annual PhD Research Workshop

On behalf of the network „Challenges to the European Monetary and Financial System (NEFI)“, the IWH is extremely pleased to host the Second Annual PhD Research Workshop on October 23, 2024. The network is a joint initiative of DIW Berlin, ESMT Berlin, ifo Institute, IMFS, IWH, SAFE and ZEW.

several lecturers
IWH, conference room

This is a one-day workshop for PhD students from institutions in our network. It aims to give PhD students who are nearing the end of their studies the opportunity to refine their presentation and discussion skills. Travel costs will be covered by each institution for its employees.

Each paper will be discussed by a PhD student and a professor from one of the member institutions. Each slot will consist of a presentation of 25 minutes, two discussions of 15 minutes each, and an open floor exchange of a further 5 minutes. The workshop will commence with a joint dinner on the evening of October 22, 2024.

If you are interested in presenting your work and/or providing a discussion, please submit your paper by September 4, 2024 to Empirical and theoretical papers from a wide range of financial and monetary economic topics are welcome. The workshop organisers will assemble a programme shortly after this deadline.

Please submit papers and direct questions to:

The submission deadline is September 4, 2024.

We assume that by submitting your paper and personal data, you agree that this information will be used exclusively for purposes of conference planning. The data and your paper will be passed to the scientific committee for the review process. After the conference, the data will be deleted.

We are looking forward to hearing from you and welcoming you in Halle (Saale)!

Ihr Kontakt

Annette Graham
Annette Graham

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