JUN 2021

14:15 - 15:45
IWH Research Seminar

Virtual Lecture: We were the Robots: Automation and Voting Behavior in Western Europe

Italo Colantone  (Bocconi University)
via Zoom
Italo Colantone

Zur Person

Italo Colantone is Associate Professor of Economics at Bocconi University, in Milan. He works in the Department of Social and Political Sciences. He is a Research Fellow of the BAFFI CAREFIN Research Centre and of CESifo. He teaches "European Economic Policy", "Macroeconomics", "Economics of European Integration", and "European Policy". His research focuses on International Trade, Political Economics, and Applied Industrial Organization.

To join the virtual lecture via ZOOM, please contact Georg Neuschäffer.

Ihr Kontakt

Georg Neuschäffer
Georg Neuschäffer

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