Shadow Budgets, Fiscal Illusion and Municipal Spending: The Case of Germany
Peter Haug
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 9,
The paper investigates the existence of fiscal illusion in German municipalities with special focus on the revenues from local public enterprises. These shadow budgets tend to increase the misperception of municipal tax prices and seem to have been neglected in the literature. Therefore, an aggregated expenditure function has been estimated for all German independent cities applying an “integrated budget” approach, which means
that revenues and expenditures of the core budget and the local public enterprises are combined to one single municipal budget. The estimation results suggest that a higher relative share of local public enterprise revenues might increase total per capita spending as well as spending for non-obligatory municipal goods and services. Empirical evidence for other sources of fiscal illusion is mixed but some indications for debt illusion, renter illusion or the flypaper effect could be found.
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Why do banks hold capital in excess of regulatory requirements? A functional approach
Diemo Dietrich, Uwe Vollmer
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 192,
This paper provides an explanation for the observation that banks hold on average a capital ratio in excess of regulatory requirements. We use a functional approach to banking based on Diamond and Rajan (2001) to demonstrate that banks can use capital ratios as a strategic tool for renegotiating loans with borrowers. As capital ratios affect the ability of banks to collect loans in a nonmonotonic way, a bank may be forced to exceed capital requirements. Moreover, high capital ratios may also constrain the amount a banker can borrow from investors. Consequently, the size of the banking sector may shrink.
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Capital Stock Approximation with the Perpetual Inventory Method: STATA Code for the IAB Establishment Panel
Steffen Müller
FDZ-Methodenreport, H. 02,
Nr. 2,
Das IAB Betriebspanel enthält keine direkten Informationen über den Kapitalstock der befragten Betriebe. Dieser Methodenreport beschreibt die Möglichkeit der Approximation des Kapitalstocks anhand der Methode der permanenten Inventur (perpetual inventory method), wie sie in Müller (2008) vorgeschlagen wird. Der Anhang enthält den entsprechenden STATA Code.
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Exploring the Evolution of Innovation Networks in Science-driven and Scale-intensive Industries: New Evidence from a Stochastic Actor-based Approach
T. Buchmann, D. Hain, Muhamed Kudic, M. Müller
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 1,
Our primary goal is to analyse the drivers of evolutionary network change processes by using a stochastic actor-based simulation approach. We contribute to the literature by combining two unique datasets, concerning the German laser and automotive industry, between 2002 and 2006 to explore whether geographical, network-related, and techno-logical determinants affect the evolution of networks, and if so, as to what extent these determinants systematically differ for science-driven industries compared to scale-intensive industries. Our results provide empirical evidence for the explanatory power of network-related determinants in both industries. The ‘experience effect’ as well as the ‘transitivity effects’ are significant for both industries but more pronounced for laser manufacturing firms. When it comes to ‘geographical effects’ and ‘technological ef-fects’ the picture changes considerably. While geographical proximity plays an important role in the automotive industry, firms in the laser industry seem to be less dependent on geographical closeness to cooperation partners; instead they rather search out for cooperation opportunities in distance. This might reflect the strong dependence of firms in science-driven industries to access diverse external knowledge, which cannot necessarily be found in the close geographical surrounding. Technological proximity negatively influences cooperation decisions for laser source manufacturers, yet has no impact for automotive firms. In other words, technological heterogeneity seems to ex-plain, at least in science-driven industries, the attractiveness of potential cooperation partners.
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Network Formation: R&D Cooperation Propensity and Timing Among German Laser Source Manufacturers
Muhamed Kudic, Andreas Pyka, Marco Sunder
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 9,
Empirical evidence on the evolution of innovation networks within high-tech industries is still scant. We investigate network formation processes by analyzing the timing of firms to enter R&D cooperations, using data on laser source manufacturers in Germany, 1990-2010. Network measures are constructed from a unique industry database that allows us to track both the formation and the termination of ties. Regression results reveal that a firm's knowledge endowment (and cooperation experience) shortens the duration to first (and consecutive) cooperation events. The previous occupation of strategic network positions is closely related to the establishment of further R&D cooperations at a swift pace. Geographic co-location produces mixed results in our analysis.
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Entrepreneurial Opportunity and the Formation of Photovoltaic Clusters in Eastern Germany
Matthias Brachert, Christoph Hornych
R. Wüstenhagen, R. Wuebker (Hrsg.), Handbook of Research on Energy Entrepreneurship,
The aim of this paper is to explain the evolution of the spatial structures of one particular type of renewable energy in Germany – the photovoltaic (PV) industry. We first demonstrate how environmental movements have contributed to institutional change and government action, leading to changes in the legal and regulative structure in Germany. We describe how these changes opened up a window of locational opportunity (WLO), thus combining the WLO concept with the entrepreneurial opportunity concept. As market entries occurred mainly in Eastern Germany, the paper also explores the factors leading to a concentration of economic activity related to the new PV industry in this part of the country. Based on the WLO concept, we combine this framework with the industrial dynamics literature by Klepper (2007) and illustrate the spatial evolution of the PV industry.
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A macroeconometric model for the Euro economy
Christian Dreger
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 181,
In this paper a structural macroeconometric model for the Eurozone is presented. In opposite to the multi country modelling approach, the model relies on aggregate data on the supra-national level. Due to nonstationarity, all equations are estimated in an error correction form. The cointegrating relations are derived jointly with the short-run dynamics, avoiding the finite sample bias of the two step Engle Granger procedure. The validity of the aggregated approach is confirmed by out-of-sample forecasts and two simulation exercises. In particular the implications of a lower economic recovery in the US and a shock in the nominal Euro area interest rate are discussed.
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Labor Demand During the Crisis: What Happened in Germany?
Claudia M. Buch
IZA. Discussion Paper No. 6074,
In Germany, the employment response to the post-2007 crisis has been muted compared to other industrialized countries. Despite a large drop in output, employment has hardly changed. In this paper, we analyze the determinants of German firms’ labor demand during the crisis using a firm-level panel dataset. Our analysis proceeds in two steps. First, we estimate a dynamic labor demand function for the years 2000-2009 accounting for the degree of working time flexibility and the presence of works councils. Second, on the basis of these
estimates, we use the difference between predicted and actual employment as a measure of labor hoarding as the dependent variable in a cross-sectional regression for 2009. Apart from total labor hoarding, we also look at the determinants of subsidized labor hoarding through short-time work. The structural characteristics of firms using these channels of adjustment differ. Product market competition has a negative impact on total labor hoarding but a positive effect on the use of short-time work. Firm covered by collective agreements hoard less labor overall; firms without financial frictions use short-time work less intensively.
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An Economic Life in Vain − Path Dependence and East Germany’s Pre- and Post-Unification Economic Stagnation
Ulrich Blum
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 10,
20 Jahre nach dem Vollzug der Einheit stagniert die Wirtschaftsentwicklung des „ostdeutschen Zwillings“ im Vergleich zu westdeutschen Einkommens- und Produktionskennzahlen. Der starke Wachstumsschub bis in die Mitte der 1990er Jahre ebbte ab, und die Wirtschaft verharrt seitdem auf einem Niveau, das 70% bis 80% der westdeutschen Referenzgrößen entspricht. In diesem Beitrag werden zwei voneinander unabhängige Hypothesen überprüft: (i), dass bereits die kommunistische Wirtschaft Ostdeutschlands vor der Einheit auf einem Stagnationspfad war, ganz im Gegensatz zu dem, was andere Untersuchungen ausweisen; (ii), dass eine starke Pfadabhängigkeit existiert und der Umstieg von der Zentralverwaltungs- zur Marktwirtschaft nur diese vorangegangene Stagnationsphase kompensierte, die tiefer liegenden strukturellen Defizite aber nicht löste. Im Falle Westdeutschlands reicht ein stabiler Entwicklungspfad vom 19. Jahrhundert in die Gegenwart. Daher ist die Analyse des ostdeutschen Entwicklungspfads gleichzeitig ökonomisch relevant und wirtschaftspolitisch bedeutsam.
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Transaktionskosten und Fachkräftewerbung: Ein Erklärungsansatz auf Grundlage der Institutionenökonomik
Herbert S. Buscher, R. Ohliger, Andreas Siegert
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 11,
In den kommenden Jahren werden in Deutschland einige Branchen und Regionen einen steigenden Bedarf an Fachkräften haben. Hierbei handelt es sich nicht nur um Hochqualifizierte der so genannten MINT-Berufe (Mathematik, Ingenieurwesen, Natur-wissen¬schaften, Technik), sondern verstärkt auch um qualifizierte Arbeitnehmer des Gesundheitswesens und Handwerks. Aus der „Stillen Arbeitsmarktreserve“ ist der Bedarf nicht zu decken, was u. a. auch eine Folge des demographischen Wandels ist. Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung erfordert deshalb die Anwerbung qualifizierter und hochqualifizierter Arbeitnehmer. Damit eine ausreichend hohe Bereitschaft zur Einwande-rung ausländischer Fachkräfte nach Deutschland erzielt werden kann, bedarf es neben den harten Faktoren wie Beschäftigung und Einkommen weiterer Voraussetzungen, so genannter weicher Faktoren, die eine Entscheidung für Deutschland als Migrationsziel herbeiführen. Hierunter ist eine Politik zu verstehen, die den Einwanderern vermittelt, dass sie und ihre Familie willkommen sind und eine langfristige Bleibeperspektive haben. Dieses als „Willkommenskultur“ bezeichnete Konzept signalisiert einen Paradigmenwechsel in der deutschen Politik. Eine derart umrissene Willkommenskultur besteht derzeit in Deutschland noch nicht oder zumindest nicht auf einem Niveau, das von potenziellen Einwanderern als ausreichend wahrgenommen wird. Auf Grundlage der Institutionenökonomik werden Ansätze zu einem neuen politischen Ansatz und seiner Umsetzung skizziert, aus dem sich umfassende staatliche, gesellschaftliche und unter-nehmerische Implikationen ableiten. Dabei konzentriert sich der Beitrag auf die Anwerbung von Fachkräften aus Drittstaaten.
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