Do Digital Information Technologies Help Unemployed Job Seekers Find a Job? Evidence from the Broadband Internet Expansion in Germany
Nicole Gürtzgen, André Diegmann, Laura Pohlan, Gerard J. van den Berg
European Economic Review,
This paper studies effects of the introduction of a new digital mass medium on reemployment of unemployed job seekers. We combine data on broadband internet availability at the local level with German individual register data. We address endogeneity by exploiting technological peculiarities that affected the roll-out of broadband internet. Results show that broadband internet improves reemployment rates after the first months in unemployment for males. Complementary analyses with survey data suggest that internet access mainly changes male job seekers’ search behavior by increasing online search and the number of job applications.
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The Value of Smarter Teachers: International Evidence on Teacher Cognitive Skills and Student Performance
Eric A. Hanushek, Marc Piopiunik, Simon Wiederhold
Journal of Human Resources,
Nr. 4,
We construct country-level measures of teacher cognitive skills using unique assessment data for 31 countries. We find substantial differences in teacher cognitive skills across countries that are strongly related to student performance. Results are supported by fixed-effects estimation exploiting within-country between-subject variation in teacher skills. A series of robustness and placebo tests indicate a systematic influence of teacher skills as distinct from overall differences among countries in the level of cognitive skills. Moreover, observed country variations in teacher cognitive skills are significantly related to differences in women’s access to high-skill occupations outside teaching and to salary premiums for teachers.
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Price-cost Margin and Bargaining Power in the European Union
Ana Cristina Soares
IWH-CompNet Discussion Papers,
Nr. 4,
Using firm-level data between 2004 and 2012 for eleven countries of the European Union (EU), we document the size of product and labour market imperfections within narrowly defined sectors including services which are virtually undocumented. Our findings suggest that perfect competition in both product and labour markets is widely rejected. Levels of the price-cost margin and union bargaining power tend to be higher in some service sectors depicting however substantial heterogeneity. Dispersion within sector and across countries tends to be higher in some services sectors assuming a less tradable nature which suggests that the Single Market integration is partial particularly relaxing the assumption of perfect competition in the labour market. We report also figures for the aggregate economy and show that Eastern countries tend to depict lower product and labour market imperfections compared to other countries in the EU. Also, we provide evidence in favour of a very limited adjustment of both product and labour market imperfections following the international and financial crisis.
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Innovation and Top Income Inequality
Philippe Aghion, Ufuk Akcigit, Antonin Bergeaud, Richard Blundell, David Hemous
Review of Economic Studies,
Nr. 1,
In this article, we use cross-state panel and cross-U.S. commuting-zone data to look at the relationship between innovation, top income inequality and social mobility. We find positive correlations between measures of innovation and top income inequality. We also show that the correlations between innovation and broad measures of inequality are not significant. Next, using instrumental variable analysis, we argue that these correlations at least partly reflect a causality from innovation to top income shares. Finally, we show that innovation, particularly by new entrants, is positively associated with social mobility, but less so in local areas with more intense lobbying activities.
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Regionale Wachstums- und Beschäftigungseffekte professioneller Fußballvereine – Eine europäische Analyse
Matthias Brachert
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
Nr. 5,
Steigt ein Fußballverein ab, leiden die Fans. Leidet auch die Region? Der Beitrag nutzt abstiegsbedingte Änderungen in der räumlichen Verteilung der Vereine in vier großen europäischen Profifußballligen, um den kausalen Effekt des Abstiegs eines Erstligavereins auf das regionale Beschäftigungs- und Wirtschaftswachstum zu testen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen signifikant negative kurzfristige Effekte eines Abstiegs auf die Entwicklung der regionalen Beschäftigung und der Bruttowertschöpfung in sportbezogenen Wirtschaftszweigen. Darüber hinaus finden sich negative Auswirkungen auf das gesamte regionale Beschäftigungswachstum.
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Do Digital Information Technologies Help Unemployed Job Seekers Find a Job? Evidence from the Broadband Internet Expansion in Germany
Nicole Gürtzgen, André Diegmann, Laura Pohlan, Gerard J. van den Berg
This paper studies effects of the introduction of a new digital mass medium on reemployment of unemployed job seekers. We combine data on high-speed (broadband) internet availability at the local level with German individual register data. We address endogeneity by exploiting technological peculiarities that affected the roll-out of high-speed internet. The results show that high-speed internet improves reemployment rates after the first months in unemployment. This is confirmed by complementary analyses with individual survey data suggesting that internet access increases online job search and the number of job interviews after a few months in unemployment.
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TV and Entrepreneurship
Viktor Slavtchev, Michael Wyrwich
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 17,
We empirically analyse whether television (TV) can influence entrepreneurial identity and incidence. To identify causal effects, we utilise a quasi-natural experiment setting. During the division of Germany after WWII into West Germany with a free-market economy and the socialistic East Germany with centrally-planned economy, some East German regions had access to West German public TV that – differently from the East German TV – transmitted images, values, attitudes and view of life compatible with the free-market economy principles and supportive of entrepreneurship. We show that during the 40 years of socialistic regime in East Germany entrepreneurship was highly regulated and virtually impossible and that the prevalent formal and informal institutions broke the traditional ties linking entrepreneurship to the characteristics of individuals so that there were hardly any differences in the levels and development of entrepreneurship between East German regions with and without West German TV signal. Using both, regional and individual level data, we show then that, for the period after the Unification in 1990 which made starting an own business in East Germany, possible again, entrepreneurship incidence is higher among the residents of East German regions that had access to West German public TV, indicating that TV can, while transmitting specific images, values, attitudes and view of life, directly impact on the entrepreneurial mindset of individuals. Moreover, we find that young individuals born after 1980 in East German households that had access to West German TV are also more entrepreneurial. These findings point to second-order effects due to inter-personal and inter-generational transmission, a mechanism that can cause persistent differences in the entrepreneurship incidence across (geographically defined) population groups.
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Wirtschaftspolitische Herausforderungen für Sachsen-Anhalt: Toleranz, Talente und Technologie
Oliver Holtemöller
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
Nr. 3,
Das Wirtschaftswachstum in Sachsen-Anhalt war in den vergangenen Jahren schwach. Der wichtigste Erklärungsfaktor ist die demographische Entwicklung; die Alterung und die Schrumpfung der Bevölkerung dämpfen die Anzahl der Erwerbstätigen. Es gibt eine Reihe von ökonomischen Ansatzpunkten für die Verbesserung der wirtschaftlichen Perspektiven. Dazu ist es erforderlich, die Ursachen der schwachen Entwicklung zu analysieren und ursachengerechte Maßnahmen zur Stärkung der wirtschaftlichen Leistungsfähigkeit zu ergreifen. Die größten Chancen bieten Investitionen in die Bildung, mehr Internationalität sowie die Förderung von Forschung und Innovation.
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Alterung und technologisches Innovationspotential : Eine Linked-Employer-Employee-Analyse
Lutz Schneider
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 2,
Wachstum in modernen Ökonomien ist wesentlich durch das Innovationsverhalten von Firmen bestimmt. Aus demographischer Sicht fragt sich, ob die absehbare Alterung der Arbeitskräfte das Innovationspotential der Ökonomien beeinflusst. Um diese Frage zu beantworten, untersucht der Beitrag auf Basis eines deutschen Linked-Employer- Employee-Datensatzes, ob eine ältere Belegschaft die Fähigkeit eines Betriebes, Produktinnovationen zu generieren, vermindert. Das Vorgehen basiert auf einem Ordered- Logit-Ansatz, wobei das Innovationspotential einer Firma auf deren Altersstruktur regressiert wird. In der Analyse zeigen sich signifikante Alterseffekte. Das geschätzte Alters-Innovations-Profil folgt einem umgekehrt u-förmigen Verlauf, es erreicht sein Maximum bei einem Alter von ca. 40 Jahren. Eine gesonderte Schätzung zeigt darüber hinaus, dass insbesondere das Alter der Ingenieure von Relevanz ist.
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