Firm-Specific Determinants of Productivity Gaps between East and West German Industrial Branches
Johannes Stephan, Karin Szalai
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 183,
Industrial productivity levels of formerly socialist economies in Central East Europe (including East Germany) are considerably lower than in the more mature Western economies. This research aims at assessing the reasons for lower productivities at the firm level: what are the firm-specific determinants of productivity gaps. To assess this, we have conducted an extensive field study and focussed on a selection of two important manufacturing industries, namely machinery manufacturers and furniture manufacturers, and on the construction industry. Using the data generated in field work, we test a set of determinant-candidates which were derived from theory and prior research in that topic. Our analysis uses the simplest version of the matched-pair approach, in which first hypothesis about relevant productivity level-determinants are tested. In a second step, positively tested hypothesis are further assessed in terms of whether they also constitute firm-specific determinants of the apparent gaps between the firms in our Eastern and such in our Western panels. Our results suggest that the quality of human capital plays an important role in all three industrial branches assessed. Amongst manufacturing firms, networking activities and the use of modern technologies for communication are important reasons for the lower levels of labour productivity in the East. The intensity of long-term strategic planning on behalf of the management turned out to be relevant only for machinery manufacturers. Product and process innovations unexpectedly exhibit an ambiguous picture, as did the extent of specialisation on a small number of products in the firms’ portfolio and the intensity of competition.
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EU Accession Countries’ Specialisation Patterns in Foreign Trade and Domestic Production - What can we infer for catch-up prospects?
Johannes Stephan
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 184,
This paper supplements prior analysis on ‘patterns and prospects’ (Stephan, 2003) in which prospects for the speed of future productivity growth were assessed by looking at the specialisation patterns in domestic production. This analysis adds the foreign trade sphere to the results generated in the prior analysis. The refined results are broadly in line with the results from the original analysis, indicating the robustness of our methods applied in either analysis. The most prominent results pertain to Slovenia and the Slovak Republic. Those two countries appear to be best suited for swift productivity catch-up from the viewpoint of sectoral specialisation. Poland and Estonia exhibit the lowest potentials. Only for the case of Poland would results suggest bleak prospects.
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Lohnstückkosten und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit - Eine mikroökonometrische Untersuchung für Ostdeutschland
Harald Lehmann
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 180,
Die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung in Ostdeutschland hängt neben der Gründung neuer Unternehmen und der Attraktion auswärtiger Investitionen vor allem davon ab, wie es den bestehenden Unternehmen gelingt, ihre Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu steigern bzw. auf einem hohen Niveau zu halten. Wettbewerbsfähige Betriebe sind auch immer rentable Betriebe. Sie sind in der Lage Eigenkapital aufzubauen, was eine wichtige Voraussetzung fur die Finanzierung von Innovationen und Investitionen, aber auch für eine gewisse Krisenfestigkeit ist. Damit tragen sie erheblich zum gesamtwirtschaftlichen Wachstum und zu höherer Beschäftigung bei.
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Die neukonzipierten Wirtschaftsrechnungen privater Haushalte als Grundlage der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Verbrauchsmessung
Harald Lehmann
Allgemeines Statistisches Archiv,
Nr. 4,
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Does Transparency of Central Banks Produce Multiple Equilibria on Currency Markets?
Axel Lindner
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 178,
A recent strand of literature (see Morris and Shin 2001) shows that multiple equilibria in models of markets for pegged currencies vanish if there is slightly diverse information between traders. It is known that this approach works only if there is not too precise common knowledge in the market. This has led to the conclusion that central banks should try to avoid making their information common knowledge. We present a model in which more transparency of the central bank means better private information, because each trader utilizes public information according to her own private information. Thus, transparency makes multiple equilibria less likely.
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Standortbedingungen der Biotechnologiebranche - Eine Analyse zur Identifikation von Erfolgsfaktoren für Biotechnologiefirmen und Bioregionen
Walter Komar
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 176,
Im Artikel werden die Faktoren ermittelt, die für den Erfolg von Biotechnologiefirmen und Bioregionen wichtig sind. Dazu werden die Standortbedingungen einer fortgeschrittenen Bioregion mit denen einer nicht so fortgeschrittenen Bioregion in Deutschland in einem Benchmark-Ansatz verglichen. Die signifikanten Erfolgsfaktoren werden mittels logistischer Regression identifiziert. Das Ergebnis ist, dass ein Bündel von Faktoren für den Erfolg von Biotechnologiefirmen und Bioregionen bedeutsam ist. Darin spielen das Humankapitalangebot, Netzwerke und die öffentliche Forschung in der Region eine herausragende Rolle.
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FDI Subsidiaries and Industrial Integration of Central Europe: Conceptual and Empirical Results
Boris Majcen, Slavo Radosevic, Matija Rojec
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 177,
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Markets for Bank Subordinated Debt and Equity in Basel Committee Member Countries
Reint E. Gropp, Jukka M. Vesala
BCBS Working Papers, No. 12,
Nr. 12,
This Basel Committee working paper is a study of the markets for banks' securities in ten countries (Belgium, France, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States). It aims at contributing to the assessment of the potential effectiveness of direct and indirect market discipline. This is achieved through collecting a rich set of data on the detailed characteristics of the instruments used by banks to tap capital markets, the frequency and size of their issuance activity, and the share of issuing banks in national banking systems. Further, information is collected on the amounts of debt and equity outstanding and about trading volumes and liquidity. Developments over the period from 1990-2001 are evaluated.
The paper focuses on subordinated bonds among banks' debt instruments, because they are the prime class of uninsured instruments suited to generate market discipline and have been proposed by some observers as a mandatory requirement for banks.
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Sind schrumpfende Städte gleichbedeutend mit einer schrumpfenden Wirtschaft? Der Fall Ostdeutschland
Peter Franz
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 175,
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Explaining Investment Trends in European Union Countries
Klaus Weyerstraß
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 174,
In the 1980s and, in particular, in the 1990s the countries of the European Union experienced divergent developments of gross fixed capital formation. Estimating an investment function for a panel of ten countries and analyzing the paths of the determinants of investment in the countries under consideration reveals that the different development of final demand is the main factor responsible for the divergences in investment. Other factors are disparities in the decline of real interest rates and of relative prices for capital goods.
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