Bank-Firm Relationships and International Banking Markets
Hans Degryse, Steven Ongena
International Journal of the Economics of Business,
Nr. 3,
This paper reviews how long-term relationships between firms and banks shape the structure and integration of banking markets worldwide. Bank relationships arise to span informational asymmetries that are endemic in financial markets. Firm-bank relationships not only entail specific benefits and costs for both the engaged firms and banks, but also directly affect the structure of banking markets. In particular, the sunk cost of screening and monitoring activities and the 'informational capital' collected by the incumbent banks may act as a barrier to entry. The intensity of the existing firm-bank relationships will determine the height of this barrier and shape the structure of international banking markets. For example, in Scandinavia where firms maintain few and strong relationships, foreign banks may only be able to enter successfully through mergers and acquisitions. On the other hand, Southern European firms maintain many bank relationships. Therefore, banks may consider entering Southern European banking markets through direct investment.
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Intra-industry trade between European Union and Transition Economies. Does income distribution matter?
Hubert Gabrisch, Maria Luigia Segnana
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 155,
EU-TE trade is increasingly characterised by intra-industry trade. For some countries (Czech Republic), the share of intra-industry trade in total trade with the EU approaches 60 percent. The decomposition of intra-industry trade into horizontal and vertical shares reveals overwhelming vertical structures with strong quality advantages for the EU and shrinking quality advantages for TE countries wherever trade has been liberalised. Empirical research on factors determining this structure in an EU-TE framework has lagged theoretical and empirical research on horizontal trade and vertical trade in other regions of the world. The main objective of this paper is, therefore, to contribute to the ongoing debate over EU-TE trade structures, by offering an explanation of intra-industry trade. We utilize a cross-country approach in which relative wage differences and country size play a leading role. In addition, as implied by a model of the productquality
cycle, we examine income distribution factors as determinates of the emerging
EU-TE structure of trade flows. Using OLS regressions, we find first, that relative
differences in wages (per capita income) and country size explain intra-industry trade, when trade is vertical and completely liberalized and second, that cross country differences in income distribution play no explanatory role. We conclude that if increasing wage differences resulted from an increasing productivity gap between highquality and low-quality industries, then vertical structures will, over the long-term create significant barriers for the increase in TE incomes and lowering EU-TE income differentials.
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Local Taxes and Capital Structure Choice
Reint E. Gropp
International Tax and Public Finance,
Nr. 1,
This paper investigates the question of taxation and capital structure choice in Germany. Germany represents an excellent case study for investigating the question of whether and to what extent taxes influence the debt-equity decision of firms, because the relative tax burdens on debt and equity vary greatly across communities. German communities levy local taxes on profits and long-term debt payments in addition to personal and corporate taxes on the federal level. A stylized model is presented incorporating these taxes. The model shows that local taxes create substantial incentives for firms to use debt financing. Furthermore, the paper empirically investigates the effect of local business taxes on the share of debt used to finance incremental investments by German firms. I find that local taxes significantly influence the capital structure choice of firms, controlling for a large number of other factors. In an extensive sensitivity analysis the tax effect are found to be robust across several different specifications.
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Die wirtschaftliche Lage der Republik Belarus - Überalterung des Kapitalstocks wird zur Wachstumsbarriere - achtzehnter Bericht
Nr. 5,
Das reale Bruttoinlandsprodukt und die reale Industrieproduktion nahmen im vergangenen Jahr um 6% bzw. 8% zu. Auch blieb die offiziell registrierte Arbeitslosigkeit weiterhin auf einem sehr niedrigen Niveau von etwa 2% der Erwerbspersonen. Die Republik Belarus gehört aber damit nur auf den ersten Blick zu den wirtschaftlich erfolgreichen Ländern Mittel- und Osteuropas. Diese "Erfolge" wurden nämlich zu einem hohen Preis erkauft: Die Inflationsrate blieb auf einem dreistelligen Niveau (169%). Die Anlageinvestitionen nahmen ab, sodass sich der Zustand des Kapitalstocks weiter verschlechterte. Faktisch besteht der Kapitalstock zur Hälfte aus Anlagen, die vollständig abgeschrieben wurden. Die Wirtschaftspolitik der Regierung setzte vor allem auf die Förderung des privaten Konsums und die Sicherung einer möglichst hohen Beschäftigung, auch durch Aufrechterhaltung unrentabler Produktionen. Ein Strukturwandel fand nicht statt. Die Privatisierung wurde faktisch abgebrochen. Dabei zeigte sich, dass die ständige Steigerung der Reallöhne (12% im vergangenen Jahr) und des privaten Konsums bei rückläufigen Investitionen einen Substanzverzehr nach sich zieht: Der Kapitalstock wurde in konsumierbares Einkommen umgewandelt. Abgesichert wurde diese falsche Politik durch eine übermäßige Ausweitung der Geldmenge, in deren Ergebnis der Monetisierungsgrad der belarussischen Wirtschaft im vergangenen Jahr auf ein Niveau von 5% fiel, welches das geringe Vertrauen in die Währung reflektiert. Das Defizit in der Leistungsbilanz verringerte sich zwar etwas im vergangenen Jahr. Die Steigerung der realen Exporte bei gleichzeitiger Senkung der realen Importe wurde aber durch die drastische Verschlechterung der Terms of Trade, insbesondere im Handel mit Russland (- 20%), weitgehend kompensiert. Die ökonomisch zweifelhafte Konzentration der Exporte auf Russland wurde via Gegengeschäfte, insbesondere Barter, durchgesetzt, in dessen Folge belarussische Exporteure erhebliche Preisabschläge hinnehmen mussten. Auf diese Weise wurde ein Teil des zusätzlichen Volkseinkommens nach Russland transferiert. Positiv ist lediglich zu verbuchen, dass im September des vergangenen Jahres ein einheitlicher Wechselkurs eingeführt wurde. Problematisch am neuen Wechselkurssystem ist allerdings die Einführung eines gleitenden Bandes, wobei die zentrale Parität an den Rubel gebunden wurde. Diese in Vorausnahme der beabsichtigten Währungsunion eingeführte Bindung erhöht die Gefahr einer realen Aufwertung gegenüber dem US-Dollar und dem Euro. Darüber hinaus stellt ein gleitendes Band einen nur schwachen Versuch dar, das fehlende Vertrauen in die Landeswährung wieder herzustellen. Das Wachstum des BIP wird im laufenden Jahr 2001 wahrscheinlich 4% betragen (der Industrie 5%). Die anstehenden Präsidentschaftswahlen in diesem Jahr lassen eine erhebliche Expansion der Reallöhne und der Geldmenge erwarten. Entsprechend dem Muster der vergangenen Jahre würde dies mit einer weiteren Abschwächung der Investitionen und damit einem weiteren Substanzverlust in der Wirtschaft einhergehen. Die Inflationsrate wird trotz erheblicher Ausweitung der Geldmenge mit 150% in etwa auf dem Niveau des Jahres 2000 verbleiben; eine niedrigere Rate wird auch mit neuen administrativen Preiskontrollen kaum zu erreichen sein
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Long term appointment of central bankers: Costs and benefits
Axel Lindner
European Journal of Political Economy,
Nr. 4,
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Environmental policy under product differentiation and asymmetric costs - Does Leapfrogging occur and is it worth it?
Jacqueline Rothfels
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 124,
This paper studies the influence of environmental policies on environmental quality, domestic firms, and welfare. Point of departure is Porter’s hypothesis that unilateral environmental regulation may enhance the competitiveness of domestic firms. This hypothesis has recently received considerable support in theoretical analyses, especially if imperfectly competitive markets with strategic behavior on behalf of the agents are taken into account. Our work contributes to this literature by explicitely investigating the implications of asymmetric cost structures between a domestic and a foreign firm sector. We use a partial-equilibrium model of vertical product differentiation, where the consumption of a product causes environmental harm. Allowing for differentiated products, the domestic industry can either assume the market leader position or lag behind in terms of the environmental quality of the produced product. Assuming as a benchmark case that the domestic industry lags behind, we investigate the possibility of the government to induce leapfrogging of the domestic firm, i.e. a higher quality produced by the domestic firm after regulation than that of the competitor prior to regulation. It is shown that in the case of a cost advantage for the domestic firm in the production process the imposition of a binding minimum quality standard can serve as a tool to induce leapfrogging. In case of a cost disadvantage the same result can be achieved through an adequate subsidization of quality dependend production costs. Thus, careful regulation enables the domestic firm in both scenarios to better its competitive position against foreign competitors and to earn larger profits. Additionally, environmental quality and welfare can be enhanced.
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Development Problems and Policies at the German Border with Poland – Regional Aspects of Trade and Investment
Franz Barjak, Gerhard Heimpold
Borders, Regions and People. European Research in Regional Science, Vol. 10. Pion.,
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Relationship Lending within a Bank-Based System: Evidence from European Small Business Data
Hans Degryse, Patrick Van Cayseele
Journal of Financial Intermediation,
Nr. 1,
We investigate relationship lending using detailed contract information from nearly 18,000 bank loans to small Belgian firms operating within the continental European bank-based system. Specifically, we investigate the impact of different measures of relationship strength on price and nonprice terms of the loan contract. We test for the possibility of rent shifting by banks. The evidence shows two opposing effects. On the one hand, the loan rate increases with the duration of a bank–firm relationship. On the other hand, the scope of a relationship, defined as the purchase of other information-sensitive products from a bank, decreases the loan's interest rate substantially. Relationship duration and scope thus have opposite effects on loan rates, with the latter being more important. We also find that the collateral requirement is decreasing in the duration of the relationship and increasing in its scope.
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The Total Cost of Trading Belgian Shares: Brussels versus London
Hans Degryse
Journal of Banking and Finance,
Nr. 9,
Since 1990, London’s SEAQ International (SEAQ-I) has attracted considerable trading volume in Belgian equities. This paper investigates competition between the Brussels CATS market and London’s SEAQ-I. Toward this end, we gathered extensive limit order book data as well as transactions and quotation information. With regard to liquidity (indirect costs), measured by the quoted and effective bid–ask spread, the paper concludes that CATS outperforms SEAQ International for both measures. The effective spread is of course substantially smaller than the quoted spread, with the CATS effective spread showing a U-shaped form. This paper, unique in employing an extensive data set that includes all hidden orders and the whole limit order book, produces results in line with the different market microstructure models. Total trading costs on CATS are lower (higher) for small (large) trade sizes.
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Revenue Implications of Trade Liberalization
L. Ebrill, Reint E. Gropp, J. Stotsky
IMF Occasional Papers, No. 180,
Nr. 180,
In recent decades many countries have dismantled trade barriers and opened their economies to international competition. Trade liberalization is seen to promote economic efficiency, international competitiveness, and an expansion of trade, perhaps especially in imperfectly competitive markets. Yet despite this progress in trade liberalization, as evidenced by the conclusion of the Uruguay Round in 1994 and the establishment of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1995, trade barriers are still widespread. Some economies and some sectors (e.g., agriculture in many industrial countries) remain relatively insulated from the global economy by a variety of nontariff and tariff barriers, even as import substitution continues to lose ground as a strategy for economic development.
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