Professor Richard Upward, Ph.D.

Professor Richard Upward, Ph.D.
Aktuelle Position

seit 9/15


Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH)

seit 2014

Professor für Volkswirtschaftslehre, insb. Arbeitsmarktökonomik

Universität Nottingham


  • Arbeitsmarktökonomik: insbesondere Globalisierung und Arbeitsmärkte, Arbeitsplatz- und Beschäftigtenfluktuation
  • angewandte Ökonometrie: insbesondere verknüpfte Betriebs-Beschäftigten-Daten, Verweildaueranalyse, Evaluationsverfahren

Richard Upward ist seit September 2015 Forschungsprofessor am IWH. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen auf den Gebieten der empirischen Arbeitsmarktökonomik und der angewandten Ökonometrie.

Richard Upward ist Professor für Volkswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Arbeitsmarktökonomik, an der University of Nottingham. Darüber hinaus ist er Research Fellow im Leverhulme Centre for Research on Globalisation and Economic Policy.

Ihr Kontakt

Professor Richard Upward, Ph.D.
Professor Richard Upward, Ph.D.
- Abteilung Strukturwandel und Produktivität
Nachricht senden



Income Shocks, Political Support and Voting Behaviour

Richard Upward Peter Wright

in: IWH Discussion Papers, Nr. 1, 2024


We provide new evidence on the effects of economic shocks on political support, voting behaviour and political opinions over the last 25 years. We exploit a sudden, large and long-lasting shock in the form of job loss and trace out its impact on individual political outcomes for up to 10 years after the event. The availability of detailed information on households before and after the job loss event allows us to reweight a comparison group to closely mimic the job losers in terms of their observable characteristics, pre-existing political support and voting behaviour. We find consistent, long-lasting but quantitatively small effects on support and votes for the incumbent party, and short-lived effects on political engagement. We find limited impact on the support for fringe or populist parties. In the context of Brexit, opposition to the EU was much higher amongst those who lost their jobs, but this was largely due to pre-existing differences which were not exacerbated by the job loss event itself.

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Safety Net or Helping Hand? The Effect of Job Search Assistance and Compensation on Displaced Workers

Daniel Fackler Jens Stegmaier Richard Upward

in: IWH Discussion Papers, Nr. 18, 2023


We provide the first systematic evidence on the effectiveness of a contested policy in Germany to help displaced workers. So-called “transfer companies” (<i>Transfergesellschaften</i>) employ displaced workers for a fixed period, during which time workers are provided with job-search assistance and are paid a wage which is a substantial fraction of their pre-displacement wage. Using rich and accurate data on workers’ employment patterns before and after displacement, we compare the earnings and employment outcomes of displaced workers who entered transfer companies with those that did not. Workers can choose whether or not to accept a position in a transfer company, and therefore we use the availability of a transfer company at the establishment level as an IV in a model of one-sided compliance. Using an event study, we find that workers who enter a transfer company have significantly worse post-displacement outcomes, but we show that this is likely to be the result of negative selection: workers who lack good outside opportunities are more likely to choose to enter the transfer company. In contrast, ITT and IV estimates indicate that the use of a transfer company has a positive and significant effect on employment rates five years after job loss, but no significant effect on earnings. In addition, the transfer company provides significant additional compensation to displaced workers in the first 12 months after job loss.

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