MÄR 2019

MÄR 2019
Workshops und Konferenzen

Joint CompNet-ENRI-IMF-EIB-IWH Conference

The IMF Research Department, the EIB Economics Department, CompNet, ENRI and IWH jointly organise a conference on the rising market power of firms, firms’ heterogeneity, competition among firms and investment.

Academic Panel: Ufuk Akcigit (University of Chicago), Thomas Philippon (New York University), Jan Svejnar (Columbia University) and others; Policy Panel: Sergei Guriev (EBRD) and others
EIB Headquarters – 98-100 Konrad Adenauer, Luxemburg

The 8th annual conference of the Competitiveness Research Network (CompNet) was jointly organized with the IMF, the EIB, ENRI and the IWH and took place at the European Investment Bank (EIB) in Luxembourg. 

The objective of the conference was to bring together policymakers and academic researchers for a sound discussion on the role of micro-data in the analysis of the determinants of the development of market power. The presented research has shown that micro-aggregated and firm-level data is fundamental in understanding the drivers of the discussed phenomena.

The work presented in the five sessions faced the main topic of the conference from a broad range of perspectives, providing an excellent and heterogeneous group of works in the field. The works were focused on subjects such as financial constraints and investment, market power in both product and labour markets, globalization and the decline in competition across the world, providing both cross-country and single-country evidence.

Ihr Kontakt

Dr. Viktor Slavtchev
Dr. Viktor Slavtchev

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