29.02.2016 • 9/2016
Nur Investitionen in helle Köpfe machen Sachsen-Anhalt zukunftsfähig
Die Bevölkerungsentwicklung ist in Sachsen-Anhalt nach wie vor ungünstig, die Arbeitslosenquote liegt über dem ostdeutschen Durchschnitt, und das Wirtschaftswachstum ist äußerst schwach. Die neue Landesregierung sollte dieser Dynamik entgegenwirken und Sachsen-Anhalt attraktiver für hochqualifizierte Zuwanderer machen. Das Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH) erklärt, warum die Bildungspolitik der Schlüssel dafür ist, das Land zukunftsfähig zu machen.
Oliver Holtemöller
Consequences of China’s Opening to Foreign Banks
Ran Li, Xiang Li, Wen Lei, Yiping Huang
L. Song, R. Garnaut, C. Fang, L. Johnston (Hrsg.), China's Domestic Transformation in a Global Context. Acton: ANU Press,
im Erscheinen
China’s government has recently implemented additional reforms to relax the regulatory environment for foreign banks. Specifically, State Council Order No. 657, signed by Premier Li Keqiang, announced a decision to revise the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on the Administration of Foreign-Funded Banks, effective from 1 January 2015. Implications of the revised regulations include removal of the requirement that a minimum of RMB100 million operating capital be transferred unconditionally from the overseas parent bank to the newly opened Chinese branch. In addition, in terms of the conditions attached to the right to carry out RMB-denominated activity, foreign banks are now eligible to apply to undertake local currency business after operating in China for one year—down from the previous three years. The requirement for two consecutive years of profit will be scrapped as well.
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Cross-border Interbank Networks, Banking Risk and Contagion
Lena Tonzer
Journal of Financial Stability,
Recent events have highlighted the role of cross-border linkages between banking systems in transmitting local developments across national borders. This paper analyzes whether international linkages in interbank markets affect the stability of interconnected banking systems and channel financial distress within a network consisting of banking systems of the main advanced countries for the period 1994–2012. Methodologically, I use a spatial modeling approach to test for spillovers in cross-border interbank markets. The results suggest that foreign exposures in banking play a significant role in channeling banking risk: I find that countries that are linked through foreign borrowing or lending positions to more stable banking systems abroad are significantly affected by positive spillover effects. From a policy point of view, this implies that in stable times, linkages in the banking system can be beneficial, while they have to be taken with caution in times of financial turmoil affecting the whole system.
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Financial Integration, Housing, and Economic Volatility
Elena Loutskina, Philip E. Strahan
Journal of Financial Economics,
Nr. 1,
The Great Recession illustrates the sensitivity of the economy to housing. This paper shows that financial integration, fostered by securitization and nationwide branching, amplified the positive effect of housing price shocks on the economy during the 1994–2006 period. We exploit variation in credit supply subsidies across local markets from government-sponsored enterprises to measure housing price changes unrelated to fundamentals. Using this instrument, we find that house price shocks spur economic growth. The effect is larger in localities more financially integrated, through both secondary loan market and bank branch networks. Financial integration thus raised the effect of collateral shocks on local economies, increasing economic volatility.
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Sovereign Credit Risk Co-movements in the Eurozone: Simple Interdependence or Contagion?
Manuel Buchholz, Lena Tonzer
UniCredit & Universities Foundation, Working Paper Series No. 47,
Nr. 47,
publiziert in: International Finance
We investigate credit risk co-movements and contagion in sovereign debt markets of 17 industrialized countries for the period 2008-2012. We use dynamic conditional correlations of sovereign CDS spreads to detect contagion. This approach allows separating the channels through which contagion occurs from the determinants of simple interdependence. The results show that, first, sovereign credit risk comoves considerably, in particular among eurozone countries and during the sovereign debt crisis. Second, contagion cannot be attributed to one moment in time but varies across time and countries. Third, similarities in economic fundamentals, cross-country linkages in banking, and common market sentiment constitute the main channels of contagion.
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The integration of imperfect financial markets: Implications for business cycle volatility
Claudia M. Buch, C. Pierdzioch
Journal of Policy Modeling,
Nr. 7,
During the last two decades, the degree of openness of national financial systems has increased substantially. At the same time, asymmetries in information and other financial market frictions have remained prevalent. We study the implications of the opening up of national financial systems in the presence of financial market frictions for business cycle volatility. In our empirical analysis, we show that countries with more developed financial systems have lower business cycle volatility. Financial openness has no strong impact on business cycle volatility, in contrast. In our theoretical analysis, we study the implications of the opening up of national financial markets and of financial market frictions for business cycle volatility using a dynamic macroeconomic model of an open economy. We find that the implications of opening up national financial markets for business cycle volatility are largely unaffected by the presence of financial market frictions.
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Financial Openness and Business Cycle Volatility
Claudia M. Buch, Jörg Döpke, C. Pierdzioch
Journal of International Money and Finance,
Nr. 5,
This paper discusses whether the integration of international financial markets affects business cycle volatility. In the framework of a new open economy macro-model, we show that the link between financial openness and business cycle volatility depends on the nature of the underlying shock. Empirical evidence supports this conclusion. Our results also show that the link between business cycle volatility and financial openness has not been stable over time.
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Kommunale Arbeitsmarktpolitik - Verschiebebahnhof oder Ausweg aus der Sozialhilfeabhängigkeit?
Hilmar Schneider
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
Nr. 11,
Vor dem Hintergrund stetig steigender Finanzierungslasten durch die Sozialhilfe gehen Kommunen zunehmend dazu über, neben den Arbeitsämtern eigene arbeitsmarktpolitische Programme für arbeitsfähige Sozialhilfeempfänger durchzuführen. Kritiker wenden jedoch ein, dass es sich hierbei lediglich um den Versuch einer Lastenverschiebung handle und weniger um eine am Integrationserfolg orientierte Politikoption. Um diesen Einwand näher untersuchen zu können, hat das IWH bundesweit eine explorative Untersuchung in zwölf ausgewählten Städten und Landkreisen durchgeführt, bei der aus der Gruppe der arbeitsfähigen Sozialhilfeempfänger insgesamt etwa 200 Maßnahmenteilnehmer und Nichtteilnehmer als Vergleichsgruppe befragt wurden. Die Ergebnisse der IWH- Sozialhilfestudie sprechen für einen eher mäßigen Erfolg der Maßnahmen im Hinblick auf die nachfolgende Integration der Teilnehmer in den regulären Arbeitsmarkt. Dessen ungeachtet dürften sich die Maßnahmen aus kommunaler Sicht rechnen, da es mit ihrer Hilfe gelingt, die Maßnahmenteilnehmer für längere Zeit von der Sozialhilfe unabhängig zu machen, wenn auch in der Regel zu Lasten von anderen föderalen Finanzierungsinstanzen. Die Aussagefähigkeit der Ergebnisse ist allerdings dadurch beschränkt, dass die Kommunen offenbar bevorzugt besonders geeignete Personen in Maßnahmen zuweisen. Dies beeinträchtigt die Vergleichbarkeit von Teilnehmern und Nichtteilnehmern in einer durchaus ernst zu nehmenden Weise. Angesichts des beträchtlichen finanziellen Aufwands für die Förderung erscheint es daher ratsam, den Aspekt des Wirkungsnachweises stärker als bisher in den Vordergrund zu rücken. Dem könnte beispielsweise durch eine experimentell ausgerichtete Förderpraxis entsprochen werden.
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