Deposit Competition and Mortgage Securitization
Danny McGowan, Huyen Nguyen, Klaus Schaeck
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking,
im Erscheinen
We study how deposit competition affects a bank's decision to securitize mortgages. Exploiting the state-specific removal of deposit market caps across the U.S. as a source of competition, we find a 7.1 percentage point increase in the probability that banks securitize mortgage loans. This result is driven by an 11 basis point increase in deposit costs and corresponding reductions in banks' deposit holdings. Our results are strongest among banks that rely more on deposit funding. These findings highlight a hitherto undocumented and unintended regulatory cause that motivates banks to adopt the originate-to-distribute model.
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A Multi-Model Assessment of Inequality and Climate Change
Marie Young-Brun, et al.
Nature Climate Change,
Climate change and inequality are critical and interrelated defining issues for this century. Despite growing empirical evidence on the economic incidence of climate policies and impacts, mainstream model-based assessments are often silent on the interplay between climate change and economic inequality. For example, all the major model comparisons reviewed in IPCC neglect within-country inequalities. Here we fill this gap by presenting a model ensemble of eight large-scale Integrated Assessment Models belonging to different model paradigms and featuring economic heterogeneity. We study the distributional implications of Paris-aligned climate target of 1.5 degree and include different carbon revenue redistribution schemes. Moreover, we account for the economic inequalities resulting from residual and avoided climate impacts. We find that price-based climate policies without compensatory measures increase economic inequality in most countries and across models. However, revenue redistribution through equal per-capita transfers can offset this effect, leading to on average decrease in the Gini index by almost two points. When climate benefits are included, inequality is further reduced, but only in the long term. Around mid-century, the combination of dried-up carbon revenues and yet limited climate benefits leads to higher inequality under the Paris target than in the Reference scenario, indicating the need for further policy measures in the medium term.
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Worker Beliefs about Outside Options
Simon Jäger, Christopher Roth, Nina Roussille, Benjamin Schoefer
Quarterly Journal of Economics,
Nr. 3,
Standard labor market models assume that workers hold accurate beliefs about the external wage distribution, and hence their outside options with other employers. We test this assumption by comparing German workers’ beliefs about outside options with objective benchmarks. First, we find that workers wrongly anchor their beliefs about outside options on their current wage: workers that would experience a 10% wage change if switching to their outside option only expect a 1% change. Second, workers in low-paying firms underestimate wages elsewhere. Third, in response to information about the wages of similar workers, respondents correct their beliefs about their outside options and change their job search and wage negotiation intentions. Finally, we analyze the consequences of anchoring in a simple equilibrium model. In the model, anchored beliefs keep overly pessimistic workers stuck in low-wage jobs, which gives rise to monopsony power and labor market segmentation.
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Robot Adoption at German Plants
Liuchun Deng, Verena Plümpe, Jens Stegmaier
Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik,
Nr. 3,
Using a newly collected dataset at the plant level from 2014 to 2018, we provide the first microscopic portrait of robotization in Germany and study the correlates of robot adoption. Our descriptive analysis uncovers five stylized facts: (1) Robot use is relatively rare. (2) The distribution of robots is highly skewed. (3) New robot adopters contribute substantially to the recent robotization. (4) Robot users are exceptional. (5) Heterogeneity in robot types matters. Our regression results further suggest plant size, high-skilled labor share, exporter status, and labor shortage to be strongly associated with the future probability of robot adoption.
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26.03.2024 • 9/2024
Inflationssorgen wirken sich negativ auf nachhaltiges Konsumverhalten aus
Studie untersuchte Einflussfaktoren für den Kauf umweltfreundlicher Produkte
Sabrina Jeworrek
Inflation Concerns and Green Product Consumption: Evidence from a Nationwide Survey and a Framed Field Experiment
Sabrina Jeworrek, Lena Tonzer
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 10,
Promoting green product consumption is one important element in building a sustainable society. Yet green products are usually more costly. In times of high inflation, not only budget constraints but also the fear that prices will continue to rise might dampen green product consumption and, hence, limit the effectiveness of exerted efforts to promote sustainable behaviors. To test this suggestion, we conducted a Germany-wide survey with almost 1,200 respondents, followed by a framed field experiment (N=500) to confirm causality. In the survey, respondents’ stated “green” purchasing behavior is, as to be expected, positively correlated with concerns about climate change. It is also negatively correlated with concerns about future inflation and energy costs, but after controlling for observable characteristics such as income and educational level only the correlation with concerns about future prices remains significant. This result is driven by individuals with below-median environmental attitude. In the framed field experiment, we use the priming method to manipulate the saliency of inflation concerns. Whereas sizably relaxing the budget constraint (i.e., by 50 percent) has no impact on the share of organic products in participants’ baskets, the priming significantly decreases the share of organic products for individuals with below-median environmental attitude, similar to the survey data.
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19.12.2023 • 31/2023
IWH-Tarif-Check: Keine realen Netto-Tariflohnzuwächse für Beschäftigte im öffentlichen Dienst der Länder
„Inflationsausgleichszahlung“ und Tariflohnsteigerungen dürften Verbraucherpreisinflation nur knapp ausgleichen.
Die Tarifvertragsparteien des öffentlichen Dienstes der Länder haben sich vor kurzem auf einen neuen Tariflohnabschluss geeinigt: Es wurde vereinbart, dass Einmalzahlungen von insgesamt 3 000 Euro in elf Monatsbeträgen abgabenfrei als so genannte Inflationsausgleichsprämie gezahlt werden. Bereits im Dezember 2023 soll ein Teilbetrag in Höhe von 1 800 Euro ausgezahlt werden, von Januar bis einschließlich Oktober gibt es monatlich jeweils 120 Euro. Die regulären Tabellenentgelte erhöhen sich währenddessen nicht. Erst ab November 2024, wenn die Inflationsausgleichszahlung wegfällt, gibt es eine Stufenerhöhung über 200 Euro für alle Beschäftigten. Auf diese setzt ab Februar 2025 dann eine reguläre prozentuale Erhöhung von 5,5% auf. Der Tarifvertrag läuft bis Ende Oktober 2025.
Oliver Holtemöller
Medienecho November 2024 Steffen Müller: Firmaer er oftere i problemer in: Flensborg Avis, 22.11.2024 Steffen Müller: Zahl der Insolvenzen steigt in: Sü, 21.11.2024…
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