Inflation and relative price variability in the euro area: evidence from a panel threshold model
Dieter Nautz, Juliane Scharff
Bundesbank Discussion Paper, No. 14/2006,
In recent macroeconomic theory, relative price variability (RPV) generates the
central distortions of inflation. This paper provides first evidence on the empirical
relation between inflation and RPV in the euro area focusing on threshold effects
of inflation. We find that expected inflation significantly increases RPV if inflation
is either very low (below -1.38% p.a.) or very high (above 5.94% p.a.). In the
intermediate regime, however, expected inflation has no distorting effects which
supports price stability as an outcome of optimal monetary policy.
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Risikoorientierte Prämiendifferenzierung in der Kfz-Haftpflichtversicherung: mehr Prämiengerechtigkeit und weniger Verkehrsunfälle?
Christian Growitsch, K.-D. Schade, R. Schwarze, H.-P. Schwintowski, Thomas Wein
Zeitschrift für die gesamte Versicherungswissenschaft,
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Can EU Policy Intervention Help Productivity Catch-Up?
Johannes Stephan, P. Holmes, J. Lopez-Gonzales, C. Stolberg
Closing the EU East-West Productivity Gap - Foreign direct Investment, Competitiveness, and Public Policy,
"A product of the Framework V research project, this book addresses one of the key problems facing the EU today: Why is the ‘new’ EU so much poorer than the ‘old’, and how will EU enlargement help to solve the problem? Focusing on the productivity problems underlying the East-West gap, it looks in particular at the role that foreign investment and R&D can play in closing it. Against that background, the book assesses what role proactive development policy might play in attacking the roots of low social productivity. Concluding that there will be a clear-cut process of convergence between East and West, albeit an incomplete one, it finishes with an assessment of the patterns of competitiveness, East and West, that are likely to emerge from this process of incomplete convergence."
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Obesity, voracity, and short stature: the impact of glutamate on the regulation of appetite.
M. Hermanussen, A.P. García, Marco Sunder, M. Voigt, V. Salazar, J. A. F. Tresguerres
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 60 (1),
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Eine Methode zur Bewertung peripherer Einzelhandelsstandorte dargestellt am Beispiel des Einkaufsparks Nova Eventis
Alexander Kubis, Maria Hartmann
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
Nr. 6,
Der Strukturwandel im Einzelhandelsbereich führt zur Entstehung peripherer großflächiger Einzelhandelszentren. Deren Genehmigungsfähigkeit bedingt die Notwendigkeit einer sachlichen Prüfung ökonomischer Auswirkungen potentieller (neuer) Standorte. Mit diesem Beitrag wird eine geeignete Methodik zur Beantwortung dieser Problematik vorgestellt. Das entsprechende Vorgehen, das auf einem probabilistischen Gravitationsmodell beruht, wird eingehend am Beispiel einer Analyse für den Standort Nova Eventis in der Region Halle-Leipzig illustriert. Die empirische Basis stellen 1. eine Erhebung der Einzugsbereiche mittels „Licence Plate Analysis“ (PKW-Erhebung), 2. die einzelhandelsrelevanten Kaufkraft (GfK), 3. eine Distanzmatrix zwischen Kauf- und Wohnorten sowie 4. Angaben der Verkaufsfläche und absoluten Besucherzahl der einzelnen peripheren Einkaufszentren der Region dar. Aus der Analyse wird deutlich, daß die Lage (Distanz vom Kunden) und Größe (Verkaufsfläche) entscheidende Determinanten für die Einkaufswahrscheinlichkeit sind. Unter den gesetzten Annahmen kann ein Kaufkraftabfluß von rund 250 Mio. Euro p. a. aus den umliegenden Landkeisen nach Nova Eventis bestimmt werden. Mit der im Beitrag vorgestellten allgemeinen Methode wird die Möglichkeit eröffnet, ökonomische Auswirkungen der Ansiedlung peripherer Einzelhandelsstätten hinsichtlich der Verlagerung von Kaufkraftflüssen zu prognostizieren. Ausgehend von der Analyse der Kaufkraftströme der bereits bestehenden Einzelhandelsstätten wird auf die Auswirkungen des potentiellen Standortes geschlossen. Damit stellt das hier vom IWH vorgestellte Instrumentarium eine praktikable Entscheidungshilfe sowohl für die Genehmigungsbehörde als auch für das sich ansiedelnde Unternehmen dar.
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Forced to Freedom? Empirical Relations between Aid and Economic Freedom
Tobias Knedlik, Franz Kronthaler
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 8,
The paper explores the relationships between economic freedom on the one side and development aid and IMF credit as approximation for conditional aid on the other side. After a short review of current literature on the issue of economic development, economic freedom, aid, and IMF credit, the paper develops a simple panel regression model to evaluate the relationship between “economic freedom” as dependent variable and “aid” and “IMF credit” as independent variables. The estimation is based upon data taken from the World Bank’s World Development Indicators and the Heritage Index of Economic Freedom. In contrast to previous research, our results allow the rejection of the hypothesis that IMF credit increases economic freedom and that aid is not contributing to economic freedom. The estimation results suggest that, firstly, aid is positively correlated with economic freedom, and secondly, that IMF credit is negatively correlated with economic freedom. Taking IMF credit as proxy for conditional aid, we conclude that for the period of observation it could not be shown that countries can be forced to economic freedom by aid conditions.
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Determinants of employment - the macroeconomic view
Christian Dreger, Heinz P. Galler, Ulrich (eds) Walwai
Schriften des IWH,
Nr. 22,
The weak performance of the German labour market over the past years has led to a significant unemployment problem. Currently, on average 4.5 mio. people are without a job contract, and a large part of them are long-term unemployed. A longer period of unemployment reduces their employability and aggravates the problem of social exclusion.
The factors driving the evolution of employment have been recently discussed on the workshop Determinanten der Beschäftigung – die makroökonomische Sicht organized jointly by the IAB, Nuremberg, and the IWH, Halle. The present volume contains the papers and proceedings to the policy oriented workshop held in November 2004, 15-16th. The main focus of the contributions is twofold. First, macroeconomic conditions to stimulate output and employment are considered. Second, the impacts of the increasing tax wedge between labour costs and the take home pay are emphasized. In particular, the role of the contributions to the social security system is investigated.
In his introductory address, Ulrich Walwei (IAB) links the unemployment experience to the modest path of economic growth in Germany. In addition, the low employment intensity of GDP growth and the temporary standstill of the convergence process of the East German economy have contributed to the weak labour market performance. In his analysis, Gebhard Flaig (ifo Institute, München) stresses the importance of relative factor price developments. A higher rate of wage growth leads to a decrease of the employment intensity of production, and correspondingly to an increase of the threshold of employment. Christian Dreger (IWH) discusses the relevance of labour market institutions like employment protection legislation and the structure of the wage bargaining process on the labour market outcome. Compared to the current setting, policies should try to introduce more flexibility in labour markets to improve the employment record. The impact of interest rate shocks on production is examined by the paper of Boris Hofmann (Deutsche Bundesbank, Frankfurt). According to the empirical evidence, monetary policy cannot explain the modest economic performance in Germany. György Barabas and Roland Döhrn (RWI Essen) have simulated the effects of a world trade shock on output and employment. The relationships have been fairly stable over the past years, even in light of the increasing globalization. Income and employment effects of the German tax reform in 2000 are discussed by Peter Haan and Viktor Steiner (DIW Berlin). On the base of a microsimulation model, household gains are determined. Also, a positive relationship between wages and labour supply can be established. Michael Feil und Gerd Zika (IAB) have examined the employment effects of a reduction of the contribution rates to the social security system. To obtain robust results, the analysis is done under alternative financing scenarios and with different macroeconometric models. The impacts of allowances of social security contributions on the incentives to work are discussed by Wolfgang Meister and Wolfgang Ochel (ifo München). According to their study, willingness to work is expected to increase especially at the lower end of the income distribution. The implied loss of contributions could be financed by higher taxes.
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The unemployment-growth relationship in transition countries
Hubert Gabrisch, Herbert Buscher
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 5,
Does the disappointingly high unemployment in Central and East European countries reflect non-completed adjustment to institutional shocks from transition to a market economy, or is it the result of high labour market rigidities, or rather a syndrome of too weak aggregate demand and output? In the case of transitional causes, unemployment is expected to decline over time. Otherwise, it would pose a challenge to the European Union, particular in case of accession countries, for it jeopardizes the ambitious integration plans of, and may trigger excessive migration to the Union. In order to find out which hypothesis holds 15 years after transition has started, we analyze the unemploymentgrowth dynamics in the eight new member countries from Central-Eastern Europe. The study is based on country and panel regressions with instrument variables (TSLS). The results suggest to declare the transition of labour markets as completed; unemployment responds to output and not to a changing institutional environment for job creation. The regression coefficients report a high trend rate of productivity and a high unemployment intensity of output growth since 1998. The conclusion is that labour market rigidities do not to play an important role in explaining high unemployment rates. Rather, GDP growth is dominated by productivity progress, while the employment relevant component of aggregate demand is too low to reduce substantially the high level of unemployment.
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Structural Change, Natural Resources Sector Expansion and Growth in Russia
Albrecht Kauffmann, P. J. J. Welfens
Internationalization and Economic Policy Reforms in Transition Countries,
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Risikoorientierte Prämiendifferenzierung in der Kfz-Haftpflichtversicherung
Christian Growitsch, R. Schwarze, H.-P. Schwintowski, Thomas Wein
Externe Publikationen,
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