Regional origins of employment volatility: evidence from German states
Claudia M. Buch
CES IFO Working Paper No. 2296,
Greater openness for trade can have positive welfare effects in terms of higher growth. But increased openness may also increase uncertainty through a higher volatility of employment. We use regional data from Germany to test whether openness for trade has an impact on volatility. We find a downward trend in the unconditional volatility of employment, paralleling patterns for output volatility. The conditional volatility of employment, measuring idiosyncratic developments across states, in contrast, has remained fairly unchanged. In contrast to evidence for the US, we do not find a significant link between employment volatility and trade openness.
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Politik für periphere, ländliche Räume – Für eine eigenständige und selbstverantwortliche Regionalentwicklung
P. Dehne, K. Borchard, U. Grabski-Kieron, J. Kaether, H. Kistenmacher, Jürgen Maier, H. Zeck, Martin T. W. Rosenfeld
Positionspapier aus der Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung (ARL), Nr. 77,
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Identifying Sources of Business Cycle Fluctuations in Germany 1975-1998
Oliver Holtemöller, Torsten Schmidt
Ruhr Economic Paper 68,
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Vogelgrippe beflügelt - Dezentrale operative oder zentrale strategische Bereitstellung von Gegenmaßnahmen?
Katja Drechsel, D. Sonntag
WiSt - Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium,
Nr. 8,
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Where enterprises lead, people follow? Links between migration and FDI in Germany
Claudia M. Buch, J. Kleinert, Farid Toubal
European Economic Review,
Nr. 8,
Standard neoclassical models of economic integration are based on the assumptions that capital and labor are substitutes and that the geography of factor market integration does not matter. Yet, these two assumptions are violated if agglomeration forces among factors from specific source countries are at work. Agglomeration implies that factors behave as complements and that the country of origin matters. This paper analyzes agglomeration between capital and labor empirically. We use state-level German data to answer the question whether and how migration and foreign direct investment (FDI) are linked. Stocks of inward FDI and of immigrants have similar determinants, and the geography of factor market integration matters. There are higher stocks of inward FDI in German states hosting a large foreign population from the same country of origin. This agglomeration effect is confined to higher-income source countries.
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Clustering or Competition? The Foreign Investment Behavior of German Banks
Claudia M. Buch, A. Lipponer
International Journal of Central Banking,
Banks often concentrate their foreign direct investment (FDI) in certain countries. This clustering of activities could reflect either the attractiveness of a particular country or agglomeration effects. To find out which of the two phenomena dominates, we need to control for country-specific factors. We use new bank-level data on German banks’ FDI for the 1996-2003 period.We test whether the presence of other banks has a positive impact on the entry of new banks. Once we control for the attractiveness of a country through fixed effects, the negative impact of competition dominates. Hence, pure clustering effects are rather unimportant.
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Zur Rolle der Kommunen in der Daseinsvorsorge am Beispiel der Wasserversorgung
Birger Nerré
Die Rolle der Kommunen in der Wasserwirtschaft – Hallesches Kolloquium zur Kommunalen Wirtschaft 2005. Schriftenreihe des IWH, Bd. 25,
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Unterbeschäftigung als Schicksal: Geht den frühindustrialisierten Gesellschaften tatsächlich die Arbeit aus?
Ulrich Blum
Hauptsache Arbeit!?,
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National Report of Denmark
Iciar Dominguez Lacasa
Inventory and analysis of national public policies that stimulate research in biotechnology, its exploitation and commercialisation by industry in Europe in the period 2002–2005,
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National Report of Croatia
Iciar Dominguez Lacasa
Inventory and analysis of national public policies that stimulate research in biotechnology, its exploitation and commercialisation by industry in Europe in the period 2002–2005,
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