Internationale FuE-Standorte
Expertenkommission Forschung und Innovation (Hrsg.), Studien zum deutschen Innovationssystem Nr. 11-2013, Berlin,
Nr. 11,
In dieser Schwerpunktstudie wird die Internationalisierung von Forschung und Entwicklung (FuE) aus deutscher Perspektive untersucht. Aktuelle Trends wurden auf Basis der internationalen FuE-Statistik identifiziert. Darüber hinaus werden patentbasierte Indikatoren berechnet, die vor allen Dingen zu den Technologiefeldern der erfinderischen Aktivitäten deutscher Unternehmen im Ausland neue Erkenntnisse liefern. Eine mikroökonometrische Analyse gibt Aufschluss über die relevanten Standortfaktoren für ausländische FuE in Deutschland und der EU27. Zusätzlich wurden neue Befragungsdaten zu FuE deutscher Unternehmen an „neuen Standorten“ in Ost- und Mitteleuropa analysiert. Abschließend wurden an Hand eines Datensatzes europäischer multinationaler Unternehmen sowie der Fallstudie eines deutschen Konzerns strategische Faktoren und Managementpraktiken identifiziert, welche den Wissenstransferin multinationalen Unternehmen beeinflussen.
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Aktuelle Trends: Multinationale Investoren in Ostdeutschland erwarten keine Eintrübung der Geschäftsaussichten im Jahr 2013
Andrea Gauselmann, Jutta Günther, Björn Jindra, Philipp Marek, Jan Engelhardt
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
Nr. 1,
Das IWH führt in Ostdeutschland (inklusive Berlin) seit dem Jahr 2007 regelmäßig Befragungen von Tochterunternehmen multinationaler Konzerne mit Hauptsitz im Ausland bzw. in den westdeutschen Bundesländern durch. Im September 2012 wurden insgesamt 466 Tochterunternehmen bezüglich ihrer Geschäftserwartungen für das Jahr 2013 befragt. Die befragten Unternehmen gehören entweder dem Verarbeitenden Gewerbe oder ausgewählten Dienstleistungssektoren an. Ihr Gewicht in der ostdeutschen Wirtschaft ist erheblich: Beispielsweise ist jeder vierte Arbeitnehmer im Verarbeitenden Gewerbe bei einem Tochterunternehmen mit multinationalem Investor beschäftigt.
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Agglomeration and FDI in East German Knowledge-intensive Business Services
Philipp Marek
Economia Politica,
Nr. 3,
The focus of this article is the empirical identification of factors influencing Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the knowledge-intensive business service (KIBS) sector on the regional level of «Raumordnungsregionen» in East Germany. The analysis focuses on the impact of regional agglomeration and technological capability on the location decision of foreign investors and West German MNEs. It shows that localisation, patent activity and the share of employees with an R&D occupation affect significantly the location decision of FDI. This result provides an explanation for the strong concentration of KIBS in urban areas in a post-transition economy.
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Regional Determinants of MNE’s Location Choice in Post-transition Economies
Andrea Gauselmann, Philipp Marek
Nr. 4,
This article focuses on the impact of agglomeration and labour market factors on the location choice of MNEs in post-transition economies. We compare data from 33 regions in East Germany, the Czech Republic and Poland using a mixed logit model on a sample of 4,343 subsidiaries for the time period between 2000 and 2010. The results show that agglomeration advantages, such as sectoral specialization as well as a region’s economic and technological performance prove to be some of the most important pull factors for FDI in post-transition regions.
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Heterogeneous FDI in Transition Economies – A Novel Approach to Assess the Developmental Impact of Backward Linkages
Axèle Giroud, Björn Jindra, Philipp Marek
World Development,
Nr. 11,
Traditional models of technology transfer via FDI rely upon technology gap and absorptive capacity arguments to explain host economies’ potential to benefit from technological spillovers. This paper emphasizes foreign affiliates’ technological heterogeneity. We apply a novel approach differentiating extent and intensity of backward linkages between foreign affiliates and local suppliers. We use survey data on 809 foreign affiliates in five transition economies. Our evidence shows that foreign affiliates’ technological capability, embeddedness and autonomy are positively related to knowledge transfer via backward linkages. In contrast to what is widely assumed, we find a non-linear relationship between extent of local sourcing and knowledge transfer to domestic suppliers.
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Internationalisation Theory and Technological Accumulation - An Investigation of Multinational Affiliates in East Germany
Björn Jindra
Studies in Economic Transition, London,
The integration of post-communist countries into the European and global economy after 1990 has led to a renewed interest in the role of multinational enterprises (MNEs) in economic restructuring and technological development. This book explains the expansion of MNEs into a transition economy from the technology accumulation perspective. Key assumptions of the technological accumulation approach towards firms' internationalisation are tested, using the examples of foreign and West German MNEs in East Germany. The effects of technological externalities on MNE location choice are analysed, in addition to an exploration of the factors driving the location of foreign affiliates' research and development (R&D) and innovation activities. The book provides a novel and comprehensive empirical approach to assess the developmental role of MNEs, deriving significant economic policy implications for transition and emerging economies.
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Regional Determinants of MNE´s Location Choice in Transition Economies
Andrea Gauselmann, Philipp Marek
WIFO Working Papers,
Nr. 412,
publiziert in: Empirica
The article at hand analyses the impact of agglomeration effects, labour market conditions and other determinants on the location choice of MNEs in transition economies. We compare data from 33 regions in East Germany, the Czech Republic and Poland using a conditional logit model on a sample of 4,343 subsidiaries for the time period between 2000 to 2010. The results show that agglomeration advantages, such as sectoral specialization, a certain economic diversity as well as a region’s economic and technological performance prove to be some of the most important pull factors for FDI in transition regions. In addition, the labour market factors prove to play an important role in the location of FDI.
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MNE’s Regional Location Choice - A Comparative Perspective on East Germany, the Czech Republic and Poland
Andrea Gauselmann, Philipp Marek, J. P. Angenendt
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 8,
publiziert in: Empirica
The focus of this article is the empirical identification of factors influencing Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in transition economies on a regional level (NUTS 2). The analysis is designed as benchmark between three neighboring post-communist regions, i.e. East Germany, the Czech Republic and Poland. Their different transition paths have not only resulted in economic differences. We can also observe today that the importance of pull factors for FDI varies significantly across the regions. This analysis shows that in comparison with Poland and the Czech Republic, East Germany’s major benefit is its purchasing power, its geographical proximity to West European markets, and its modern infrastructure. Furthermore, the analysis suggests that intra-industry linkages such as specialization and agglomeration economies are relevant factors for the location decision of foreign investors. This result can help to explain the regional divergence of FDI streams in transition economies.
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Central and Eastern European Countries in the Global Financial Crisis: A Typical Twin Crisis?
Diemo Dietrich, Tobias Knedlik, Axel Lindner
Post-Communist Economies,
Nr. 4,
This paper shows that during the Great Recession, banking and currency crises occurred simultaneously in Central and Eastern Europe. Events, however, differed widely from what happened during the Asian crisis that usually serves as the model case for the concept of twin crises. We look at three elements that help explaining the nature of events in Central and Eastern Europe: the problem of currency mismatches, the relation between currency and banking crises, and the importance of multinational banks for financial stability. It is shown that theoretical considerations concerning internal capital markets of multinational banks help understand what happened on capital markets and in the financial sector of the region. We discuss opposing effects of multinational banking on financial stability and find that institutional differences are the key to understand differing effects of the global financial crisis. In particular, we argue that it matters if international activities are organized by subsidiaries or by cross-border financial services, how large the share of foreign currency-denominated credit is and whether the exchange rate is fixed or flexible. Based on these three criteria we give an explanation why the pattern of the crisis in the Baltic States differed markedly from that in Poland and the Czech Republic, the two largest countries of the region.
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An Introduction to the IWH FDI Micro Database
Jutta Günther, Andrea Gauselmann, Philipp Marek, Johannes Stephan, Björn Jindra
Schmollers Jahrbuch,
Nr. 3,
Der Beitrag stellt die IWH-FDI-Mikrodatenbank vor. Er beschreibt die konzeptionellen Ideen der Datenbank und wie sich die Datenbank von anderen, existierenden Mikrodaten zu ausländischen Direktinvestitionen unterscheidet. Seit 2007 werden im Rahmen der IWH-FDI-Mikrodatenbank auf Unternehmensebene Informationen gesammelt zur allgemeinen Geschäftsentwicklung, zu technologischen Aktivitäten und zu Informationen über die konzerninternen Governancestrukturen. Die Daten werden bei den ausländischen Tochtergesellschaften multinationaler Unternehmen in Ostdeutschland und Osteuropa erhoben. Der Beitrag zeigt auf, welche Forschungslücken mit dem Datensatz bisher geschlossen wurden und schließt mit einem Ausblick bezüglich zukünftiger Forschungspotentiale.
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