Financial Constraints and Foreign Direct Investment: Firm-level Evidence
Claudia M. Buch, I. Kesternich, A. Lipponer, Monika Schnitzer
Review of World Economics,
Nr. 2,
Low productivity is an important barrier to the cross-border expansion of firms. But firms may also need external finance to shoulder the costs of entering foreign markets. We develop a model of multinational firms facing real and financial barriers to foreign direct investment (FDI), and we analyze their impact on the FDI decision. Theoretically, we show that financial constraints can affect highly productive firms more than firms with low productivity because the former are more likely to expand abroad. We provide empirical evidence based on a detailed dataset of German domestic and multinational firms which contains information on parent-level financial constraints as well as on the location the foreign affiliates. We find that financial factors constrain firms’ foreign investment decisions, an effect felt in particular by firms most likely to consider investing abroad. The locational information in our dataset allows exploiting cross-country differences in contract enforcement. Consistent with theory, we find that poor contract enforcement in the host country has a negative impact on FDI decisions.
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Non-union Worker Representation, Foreign Owners, and the Performance of Establishments
U. Jirjahn, Steffen Müller
Oxford Economic Papers,
Nr. 1,
Using German establishment data, this study provides the first econometric analysis on the interaction of establishment-level codetermination and foreign owners. Works councils are associated with higher productivity in domestic-owned establishments while they are associated with lower productivity in foreign-owned establishments. Our results conform to the notion that foreign ownership can involve strong tensions with the institutional patterns of the host country.
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FDI Micro Database – Methodological Note – Survey 2013 in East Germany and Selected CEE Countries
Andrea Gauselmann, Björn Jindra, Philipp Marek
With the integration of post-communist countries into the European and global economy
after 1990, there was strong research interest into the role of multinational enterprises
(MNEs) for economic restructuring and technological catching-up. Most of the existing
empirical studies on locational determinants of FDI and host country effects did not take
account of East Germany. This might be for different reasons: Firstly, theoretical and
empirical difficulties derive from the fact that East Germany followed a distinct transition
pattern as it became a region subsumed in a larger and more mature economy. Secondly,
East Germany received private investment from foreign as well as West German firms. Only
the first can be considered as a foreign direct investment (FDI). Finally, there had long been
a lack of micro data to adequately analyse the activities of corresponding firms from a
production as well as technological perspective.
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MNEs and Regional R&D Co-operation: Evidence from Post-Transition Economies
Andrea Gauselmann
Grincoh Working Papers,
The aim of this paper is to contribute to the literature by investigating the determinants of R&D co-operation between MNEs’ foreign subsidiaries and enterprises in the region of location, thereby leading to a better understanding which firm- and region-specific factors influence this co-operation behavior. Applying a logit model, this paper investigates which firm- and region-specific determinants influence technological cooperation between foreign subsidiaries and suppliers, customers, and research institutions in the region of location. Results suggest that especially the foreign subsidiary’s mandate in terms of R&D, its internal technological embeddedness, its technological capability but also the regional knowledge stock are positively associated with these co-operations. The analysis focuses on post-transition economies, using the example of five selected CEE countries and East Germany. We exploit a unique dataset - the IWH FDI Micro database - which holds information on 1,245 foreign subsidiaries in this region.
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Natural-resource or Market-seeking FDI in Russia? An Empirical Study of Locational Factors Affecting the Regional Distribution of FDI Entries
K. Gonchar, Philipp Marek
HSE Working Papers, Series: Economics, WP BRP 26/EC/2013,
This paper analyzes the spatial distribution of foreign direct investment (FDI) across regions in Russia. Our analysis employs data on Russian firms with a foreign investor during the 2000-2009 period and links regional statistics in the conditional logit model. The main findings are threefold. First, we conclude that market-related factors and the availability of natural resources are important factors in attracting FDI. Second, existing agglomeration economies encourage foreign investors. Third, the findings imply that service-oriented FDI co-locates with extraction industries in resource-endowed regions.
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Exkurs: FuE und Innovation deutscher Unternehmen in Mittel- und Osteuropa – Eine umfragebasierte Analyse
Jutta Günther, Andrea Gauselmann, Björn Jindra
Internationale FuE-Standorte. Studien zum deutschen Innovationssystem Nr. 11-2013,
Nr. 11,
Trotz fortschreitender Internationalisierung ist das Gros technologischer Aktivitäten multinationaler Unternehmen in den Konzernzentralen angesiedelt, die sich in den führenden Industrienationen befinden. Allerdings führen multinationale Unternehmen zunehmend Innovationen sowie Forschung und Entwicklung (FuE) auch an ausländischen Standorten durch. In diesem Kontext steigt auch die Bedeutung nachholender Ökonomien als Standorte für FuE sowie Innovation. Dies gilt nicht nur für die rasch wachsenden Wirtschaften Chinas und Indiens sondern auch für die mittel- und osteuropäischen Transformationsökonomien in der Europäischen Union.
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Internationale FuE-Standorte
Expertenkommission Forschung und Innovation (Hrsg.), Studien zum deutschen Innovationssystem Nr. 11-2013, Berlin,
Nr. 11,
In dieser Schwerpunktstudie wird die Internationalisierung von Forschung und Entwicklung (FuE) aus deutscher Perspektive untersucht. Aktuelle Trends wurden auf Basis der internationalen FuE-Statistik identifiziert. Darüber hinaus werden patentbasierte Indikatoren berechnet, die vor allen Dingen zu den Technologiefeldern der erfinderischen Aktivitäten deutscher Unternehmen im Ausland neue Erkenntnisse liefern. Eine mikroökonometrische Analyse gibt Aufschluss über die relevanten Standortfaktoren für ausländische FuE in Deutschland und der EU27. Zusätzlich wurden neue Befragungsdaten zu FuE deutscher Unternehmen an „neuen Standorten“ in Ost- und Mitteleuropa analysiert. Abschließend wurden an Hand eines Datensatzes europäischer multinationaler Unternehmen sowie der Fallstudie eines deutschen Konzerns strategische Faktoren und Managementpraktiken identifiziert, welche den Wissenstransferin multinationalen Unternehmen beeinflussen.
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Natural-resource or Market-seeking FDI in Russia? An Empirical Study of Locational Factors Affecting the Regional Distribution of FDI Entries
K. Gonchar, Philipp Marek
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 3,
This paper conducts an empirical study of the factors that affect the spatial distribution of foreign direct investment (FDI) across regions in Russia; in particular, this paper is concerned with those regions that are endowed with natural resources and market-related benefits. Our analysis employs data on Russian firms with a foreign investor during the 2000-2009 period and linked regional statistics in the conditional logit model. The main findings are threefold. First, we conclude that one theory alone is not able to explain the geographical pattern of foreign investments in Russia. A combination of determinants is at work; market-related factors and the availability of natural resources are important factors in attracting FDI. The relative importance of natural resources seems to grow over time, despite shocks associated with events such as the Yukos trial. Second, existing agglomeration economies encourage foreign investors by means of forces generated simultaneously by sector-specific and inter-sectoral externalities. Third, the findings imply that service-oriented FDI co-locates with extraction industries in resource-endowed regions. The results are robust when Moscow is excluded and for subsamples including only Greenfield investments or both Greenfield investments and mergers and acquisitions (M&A).
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Aktuelle Trends: Multinationale Investoren in Ostdeutschland erwarten keine Eintrübung der Geschäftsaussichten im Jahr 2013
Andrea Gauselmann, Jutta Günther, Björn Jindra, Philipp Marek, Jan Engelhardt
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
Nr. 1,
Das IWH führt in Ostdeutschland (inklusive Berlin) seit dem Jahr 2007 regelmäßig Befragungen von Tochterunternehmen multinationaler Konzerne mit Hauptsitz im Ausland bzw. in den westdeutschen Bundesländern durch. Im September 2012 wurden insgesamt 466 Tochterunternehmen bezüglich ihrer Geschäftserwartungen für das Jahr 2013 befragt. Die befragten Unternehmen gehören entweder dem Verarbeitenden Gewerbe oder ausgewählten Dienstleistungssektoren an. Ihr Gewicht in der ostdeutschen Wirtschaft ist erheblich: Beispielsweise ist jeder vierte Arbeitnehmer im Verarbeitenden Gewerbe bei einem Tochterunternehmen mit multinationalem Investor beschäftigt.
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