Finanzielle Begleitung des Strukturwandels im Transformationsprozeß
Robert Skopp
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Financing FDI into developing economies and the international transmission of business cycle fluctuations
Diemo Dietrich
Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics,
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Financial Restructuring and Foreign Banks
Ralf Müller
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Fifteen years after: East Germany revisited
Joachim Ragnitz
Externe Publikationen,
Nr. 4,
Der Beitrag analysiert die aktuelle wirtschaftliche Situation in den ostdeutschen Bundesländern und gibt einen Ausblick auf die zu erwartenden Entwicklungen in den kommenden 15 Jahren. Dabei wird die These vertreten, daß eine Angleichung der Lebensverhältnisse zumindest flächendeckend nicht möglich ist und deswegen eine Neuinterpretation des Gebots der Gleichwertigkeit der Lebensverhältnisse erforderlich sei.
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FDI as Multiplier of Modern Technology in Hungarian Industry
Jutta Günther
Nr. 5,
Foreign direct investment is generally expected to play a significant role as a multiplier of modern production and management know-how in Central Eastern European transition economies. The following paper examines the various mechanisms by which such technological spillover effects could in theory take place and compares them with the results of an empirical study of their practical significance for Hungarian industry.
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Fast Convergence: Institutions and Economic Growth in New East Germany
Ulrich Blum, Leonard Dudley
Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftswissenschaften,
Nr. 2,
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Factors accounting for the enactment of a competition law – an empirical analysis
Franz Kronthaler, Johannes Stephan
Nr. 6,
The paper is concerned with the factors that account for decisions to enact a national competition law. In a first step, the paper updates and enlarges the existing data bases of countries that have enacted a competition law. The paper then identifies and discusses possible factors that influence the decision to enact a competition law. In a third step, the method of panel-data logit analysis is employed to test a set of hypothesis pertaining to the factors across the time dimension and across countries. The results of this analysis are interpreted in terms of significance and in terms of the sign of their influence on the probability of a country to enact. Given generality of the analysis, the results can shed light on the probability of individual countries, and in particular developing countries, to actually take the step of enactment.
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Factors Accounting for the Enactment of a Competition Law - an Empirical Analysis
Franz Kronthaler, Johannes Stephan
Antitrust Bulletin,
Nr. 52,
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Externe Effekte von öffentlichen Unternehmen: Die Geschäftstätigkeit der kommunalen Sparkassen.
Martin Wengler
Externe Publikationen,
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Export Oriented Development and Income Creation in Hungary
Johannes Stephan, Jens Hölscher
On Political Economy of Transition: Country Studies,
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