01.07.2020 • 11/2020
IWH untersucht Folgen des Kohleausstiegs in Europa
Wie verändert der Kohleausstieg die Gesellschaft – und wie kann Politik darauf reagieren? Diese Fragen untersuchen
14 europäische Partner in einem neuen interdisziplinären Forschungsprojekt. Dabei wird das Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH) ökonomische Folgen wie Arbeitslosigkeit und Abwanderung für ausgewählte Kohleregionen Europas analysieren. Die EU fördert das Gesamtprojekt für drei Jahre mit knapp drei Millionen Euro.
Oliver Holtemöller
Ostdeutscher Produktivitätsrückstand und Betriebsgröße
Steffen Müller, Georg Neuschäffer
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
Nr. 3,
Auch 30 Jahre nach dem Mauerfall ist die Produktivität der ostdeutschen Wirtschaft um 20% geringer als die der westdeutschen. Vielfach wird dies dadurch erklärt, dass westdeutsche Betriebe größer sind – denn größere Betriebe sind meist produktiver. Berechnungen auf Basis einzelbetrieblicher Daten bringen jedoch zum Vorschein, dass die Produktivitätslücke sich selbst dann nicht schließt, wenn Betriebe ähnlicher Größe verglichen werden, die zudem noch der gleichen Branche angehören und Ähnlichkeiten in weiteren für die Produktivität relevanten Merkmalen wie der Kapitalintensität, der Exporttätigkeit und dem Anteil qualifizierten Personals aufweisen.
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Import Competition and Firm Productivity: Evidence from German Manufacturing
Richard Bräuer, Matthias Mertens, Viktor Slavtchev
This study analyses empirically the effects of import competition on firm productivity (TFPQ) using administrative firm-level panel data from German manufacturing. We find that only import competition from high-income countries is associated with positive incentives for firms to invest in productivity improvement, whereas import competition from middle- and low-income countries is not. To rationalise these findings, we further look at the characteristics of imports from the two types of countries and the effects on R&D, employment and sales. We provide evidence that imports from high-income countries are relatively capital-intensive and technologically more sophisticated goods, at which German firms tend to be relatively good. Costly investment in productivity appears feasible reaction to such type of competition and we find no evidence for downscaling. Imports from middle- and low-wage countries are relatively labour-intensive and technologically less sophisticated goods, at which German firms tend to generally be at disadvantage. In this case, there are no incentives to invest in innovation and productivity and firms tend to decline in sales and employment.
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Innovation, Reallocation, and Growth
Daron Acemoglu, Ufuk Akcigit, Harun Alp, Nicholas Bloom, William R. Kerr
American Economic Review,
Nr. 11,
We build a model of firm-level innovation, productivity growth, and reallocation featuring endogenous entry and exit. A new and central economic force is the selection between high- and low-type firms, which differ in terms of their innovative capacity. We estimate the parameters of the model using US Census microdata on firm-level output, R&D, and patenting. The model provides a good fit to the dynamics of firm entry and exit, output, and R&D. Taxing the continued operation of incumbents can lead to sizable gains (of the order of 1.4 percent improvement in welfare) by encouraging exit of less productive firms and freeing up skilled labor to be used for R&D by high-type incumbents. Subsidies to the R&D of incumbents do not achieve this objective because they encourage the survival and expansion of low-type firms.
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Size of Training Firms – The Role of Firms, Luck, and Ability in Young Workers’ Careers
Steffen Müller, Renate Neubäumer
International Journal of Manpower,
Nr. 5,
The purpose of this paper is to analyze how long-run unemployment of former apprentices depends on the size of their training firm and their ability.
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On the Returns to Invention within Firms: Evidence from Finland
Philippe Aghion, Ufuk Akcigit, Ari Hyytinen, Otto Toivanen
American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings,
In this paper we merge individual income data, firm-level data, patenting data, and IQ data in Finland over the period 1988–2012 to analyze the returns to invention for inventors and their coworkers or stakeholders within the same firm. We find that: (i) inventors collect only 8 percent of the total private return from invention; (ii) entrepreneurs get over 44 percent of the total gains; (iii) bluecollar workers get about 26 percent of the gains and the rest goes to white-collar workers. Moreover, entrepreneurs start with significant negative returns prior to the patent application, but their returns subsequently become highly positive.
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29.03.2018 • 6/2018
Ostdeutsche Flächenländer können mit westdeutschem Wirtschaftswachstum nicht mithalten
Deutschlands Wirtschaft ist im Jahr 2017 um stolze 2,2% gewachsen. Bei näherem Hinsehen offenbart sich aber schnell: Die Wachstumszahlen von Bundesländern wie Bayern (+2,8%), Bremen (+3,3%) und Niedersachsen (+2,5%) verheißen deutlich mehr als die der ostdeutschen Flächenländer, beispielsweise die Sachsens (+1,4%) und vor allem Sachsen-Anhalts (0,8%), wie die heute vorgelegten BIP-Wachstumszahlen des Arbeitskreises Volkswirtschaftliche Gesamtrechnungen der Länder (VGRdL) für 2017 zeigen. Damit geht die Schere zwischen Ost- und Westdeutschland nicht weiter zu. „Der Aufholprozess stagniert; die ostdeutschen Länder sollten ihre Wirtschaftspolitik mehr auf die bessere Qualifizierung der Erwerbstätigen und Innovationen ausrichten“, so Oliver Holtemöller, Vizepräsident des Leibniz-Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH) und Leiter der Abteilung Makroökonomik.
Oliver Holtemöller
Declining Dynamism, Allocative Efficiency, and the Productivity Slowdown
Ryan A. Decker, John Haltiwanger, Ron S. Jarmin, Javier Miranda
American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings,
Nr. 5,
A large literature documents declining measures of business dynamism including high-growth young firm activity and job reallocation. A distinct literature describes a slowdown in the pace of aggregate labor productivity growth. We relate these patterns by studying changes in productivity growth from the late 1990s to the mid 2000s using firm-level data. We find that diminished allocative efficiency gains can account for the productivity slowdown in a manner that interacts with the within-firm productivity growth distribution. The evidence suggests that the decline in dynamism is reason for concern and sheds light on debates about the causes of slowing productivity growth.
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Declining Business Dynamism: What We Know and the Way Forward
Ryan A. Decker, John Haltiwanger, Ron S. Jarmin, Javier Miranda
American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings,
Nr. 5,
A growing body of evidence indicates that the U.S. economy has become less dynamic in recent years. This trend is evident in declining rates of gross job and worker flows as well as declining rates of entrepreneurship and young firm activity, and the trend is pervasive across industries, regions, and firm size classes. We describe the evidence on these changes in the U.S. economy by reviewing existing research. We then describe new empirical facts about the relationship between establishment-level productivity and employment growth, framing our results in terms of canonical models of firm dynamics and suggesting empirically testable potential explanations.
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