Short-Selling Threats and Bank Risk-Taking: Evidence from the Financial Crisis
Dien Giau Bui, Iftekhar Hasan, Chih-Yung Lin, Hong Thoa Nguyen
Journal of Banking and Finance,
The focus of this paper is whether the Securities and Exchange Commission's Regulation SHO strengthens or weakens the effect of short-selling threats on banks’ risk-taking. The evidence shows that pilot banks with looser constraints on short-selling increased their risk-taking during the financial crisis of 2007–2009. The reason is that short-selling threats improved the information environment and mitigated the agency problems of banks during the pilot program that led to greater risk-taking by pilot banks. Additionally, this effect is mainly driven by pilot banks with poor corporate governance, or high information asymmetry. Overall, our paper provides novel evidence that the disciplinary role of short-sellers had a positive effect on bank risk-taking during the financial crisis.
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05.04.2023 • 9/2023
Ostdeutsche Wirtschaft bisher gut durch Energiekrise gekommen – Implikationen der Gemeinschaftsdiagnose Frühjahr 2023 und amtlicher Länderdaten für die ostdeutsche Wirtschaft
Im Jahr 2022 hat die ostdeutsche Wirtschaft mit 3,0% deutlich stärker expandiert als die Wirtschaft in Westdeutschland (1,5%). Hintergrund ist eine robustere Entwicklung der Arbeitnehmer- und Rentnereinkommen. Auch für das Jahr 2023 prognostiziert das Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH) deshalb mit 1% eine höhere Zuwachsrate des Bruttoinlandsprodukts in Ostdeutschland als in Deutschland insgesamt (0,3%). Die Arbeitslosenquote dürfte mit 6,8% im Jahr 2023 und 6,7% im Jahr darauf in etwa stagnieren.
Oliver Holtemöller
The Characteristics and Geographic Distribution of Robot Hubs in U.S. Manufacturing Establishments
Erik Brynjolfsson, Catherine Buffington, Nathan Goldschlag, J. Frank Li, Javier Miranda, Robert Seamans
We use data from the Annual Survey of Manufactures to study the characteristics and geography of investments in robots across U.S. manufacturing establishments. We find that robotics adoption and robot intensity (the number of robots per employee) is much more strongly related to establishment size than age. We find that establishments that report having robotics have higher capital expenditures, including higher information technology (IT) capital expenditures. Also, establishments are more likely to have robotics if other establishments in the same Core-Based Statistical Area (CBSA) and industry also report having robotics. The distribution of robots is highly skewed across establishments’ locations. Some locations, which we call Robot Hubs, have far more robots than one would expect even after accounting for industry and manufacturing employment. We characterize these Robot Hubs along several industry, demographic, and institutional dimensions. The presence of robot integrators and higher levels of union membership are positively correlated with being a Robot Hub.
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Climate Change Concerns and Information Spillovers from Socially-connected Friends
Maximilian Mayer
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 2,
This paper studies the role of social connections in shaping individuals’ concerns about climate change. I combine granular climate data, region-level social network data and survey responses for 24 European countries in order to document large information spillovers. Individuals become more concerned about climate change when their geographically distant friends living in sociallyconnected regions have experienced large increases in temperatures since 1990. Exploring the heterogeneity of the spillover effects, I uncover that the learning via social networks plays a central role. Further, results illustrate the important role of social values and economic preferences for understanding how information spillovers affect individual concerns.
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The Geography of Information: Evidence from the Public Debt Market
Bill Francis, Iftekhar Hasan, Maya Waisman
Journal of Economic Geography,
Nr. 1,
nWe investigate the link between the spatial concentration of firms in large, central metropolitans (i.e. urban agglomeration) and the cost of public corporate debt. Looking at bond issues over the period 1985–2014, we find that bonds issued by companies headquartered in urban agglomerates have lower at-issue yield spreads than bonds issued by firms based in remote, sparsely populated areas. Measures of the count of institutional bondholders in a firm’s vicinity confirm that the spatial cross-sectional variation in bond spreads is driven by the proximity of metropolitan firms to large concentrations of institutional investors. Our results are robust to controls for firm productivity and governance, analyst following, and exogenous shocks to institutional investor attention. The effect of headquarters location on bond spreads is especially pronounced for more difficult to value, speculative-grade bonds, bonds issued by smaller, less visible firms and bonds issued without protective covenants. Overall, we provide evidence that the geographical distribution of firms and investors generates a corresponding distribution of value-relevant, firm-level information that affects its cost of capital.
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Ein neues Instrument für die Prognose der Wirtschaftsaktivität in Deutschland: der PRIMA-Indikator
Katja Heinisch, Axel Lindner
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
Nr. 4,
Umfragen zur Einschätzung der wirtschaftlichen Lage sind wichtige Instrumente für die Erstellung von Konjunkturprognosen. Denn ein großer Teil des Wissens über den Zustand einer Wirtschaft liegt nicht gebündelt vor, sondern verteilt sich auf eine Vielzahl von Unternehmen und Haushalten. Allerdings werden die Antworten auf Umfragen auch von öffentlich verfügbaren Informationen beeinflusst, welche Prognostiker besser kennen und beurteilen können als private Haushalte. Im Folgenden wird ein Verfahren vorgeschlagen, mit dessen Hilfe die Einflüsse öffentlicher Informationen aus den privaten Umfrageergebnissen herausgefiltert werden können. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Prognosen der deutschen Konjunktur mit Hilfe eines so erstellten Frühindikators verbessert werden können.
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Where to Go? High-skilled Individuals’ Regional Preferences
Sabrina Jeworrek, Matthias Brachert
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 27,
We conduct a discrete choice experiment to investigate how the location of a firm in a rural or urban region affects job attractiveness and contributes to the spatial sorting of university students and graduates. We characterize the attractiveness of a location based on several dimensions (social life, public infrastructure, connectivity) and combine this information with an urban or rural attribution. We also vary job design as well as contractual characteristics of the job. We find that job offers from companies in rural areas are generally considered less attractive. This is true regardless of the attractiveness of the region. The negative perception is particularly pronounced among persons with urban origin and singles. These persons rate job offers from rural regions significantly worse. In contrast, high-skilled individuals who originate from rural areas as well as individuals with partners and kids have no specific preference for jobs in urban or rural areas.
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10.11.2022 • 27/2022
Deutsche Industrie kann Gasverbrauch um ein Viertel senken ohne große Umsatzeinbußen
Eine kleine Minderheit von Produkten verursacht bei ihrer Herstellung einen Großteil des Gasverbrauchs der Industrie. Viele könnten relativ leicht durch Importe ersetzt werden, zeigt eine Analyse des Leibniz-Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH) für das Jahresgutachten der Wirtschaftsweisen. Ein Industriezweig ist besonders betroffen.
Steffen Müller
Hedge Fund Activism and Internal Control Weaknesses
David Folsom, Iftekhar Hasan, Yinjie (Victor) Shen, Fuzhao Zhou
China Accounting and Finance Review,
Nr. 4,
Purpose: The aim of the paper is to investigate the associations between hedge fund activism and corporate internal control weaknesses.
Design/methodology/approach: In this paper, the authors identify hedge fund activism events using 13D filings and news search. After matching with internal control related information from Audit Analytics, the authors utilize ordinary least square (OLS) and propensity score matching (PSM) to analyze the data.
Findings: The authors find that after hedge fund activism, target firms report additional internal control weaknesses, and these identified internal control weaknesses are remediated in subsequent years, leading to better financial-reporting quality.
Originality/value: The findings indicate that both managers and activists have incentives to develop a stronger internal control environment after targeting.
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Measuring Market Expectations
Christiane Baumeister
Handbook of Economic Expectations,
Asset prices are a valuable source of information about financial market participants' expectations about key macroeconomic variables. However, the presence of time-varying risk premia requires an adjustment of market prices to obtain the market's rational assessment of future price and policy developments. This paper reviews empirical approaches for recovering market-based expectations. It starts by laying out the two canonical modeling frameworks that form the backbone for estimating risk premia and highlights the proliferation of risk pricing factors that result in a wide range of different asset-price-based expectation measures. It then describes a key methodological innovation to evaluate the empirical plausibility of risk premium estimates and to identify the most accurate market-based expectation measure. The usefulness of this general approach is illustrated for price expectations in the global oil market. Then, the paper provides an overview of the body of empirical evidence for monetary policy and inflation expectations with a special emphasis on market-specific characteristics that complicate the quest for the best possible market-based expectation measure. Finally, it discusses a number of economic applications where market expectations play a key role for evaluating economic models, guiding policy analysis, and deriving shock measures.
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