Commitment or Constraint? The Effect of Loan Covenants on Merger and Acquisition Activity
Gene Ambrocio, Gonul Colak, Iftekhar Hasan
Finance Research Letters,
We investigate how loan covenants associated with potential target firms affect takeover deals. We propose two possible channels. Under a discipline channel, the target firm becomes an attractive candidate for takeovers and merger deals are facilitated. Under a constraint channel, covenants hinder merger activity. We find support for the latter channel. Takeover likelihood is lower, deal failures are more common, the likelihood of price renegotiation is higher, and acquisition premium is lower when the target is bound by covenants. Covenant tightness exacerbates this effect.
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An Options-based Approach to Forecast Competing Bids: Evidence for Canadian Takeover Battles
Stefan Eichler, Dominik Maltritz
Applied Economics,
Nr. 34,
During takeover battles, a tender offer provides a call option right to the target’s shareholders: it guarantees the offered price but maintains the chance of a higher offer. We present an options-based approach to estimate the probability and expected value of higher competing takeover bids using target stock price data. Analysing Canadian takeover battles in the period 1997 to 2007 we find that during the 5 trading days prior to the occurrence of an increased takeover bid, the estimated probability of a higher bid exceeds 80% on average and the expected value of a potential competing bid almost matches the realized value.
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On the Look-out for a White Knight: Options-based Calculation of Probability and Expected Value of Increased Bids in Hostile Takeover Battles
Stefan Eichler, Dominik Maltritz
Applied Economics Letters,
Nr. 11,
Takeover bids provide an option right to the target's shareholders; they guarantee the offered price but maintain the chance of higher offers. Using Option Pricing Theory (OPT) we estimate the probability and expected value of higher bids from target stock prices.
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Johannes Stephan
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
Nr. 4,
In Europa erhöht sich erneut der Fusionsdruck, zuletzt auch wieder im Energiesektor: Die deutsche EON will die spanische ENDESA übernehmen, die italienische ENEL hat ein Übernahmeangebot für die französische SUEZ abgegeben. In beiden Fällen aber haben die Regierungen der betroffenen Länder interveniert – mit Hinweis auf ihre Präferenz nationaler gegenüber europäischer Lösungen. Zeichnet sich hier ökonomischer Nationalismus ab?
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