Employee Treatment and Contracting with Bank Lenders: An Instrumental Approach for Stakeholder Management
Bill Francis, Iftekhar Hasan, Liuling Liu, Haizhi Wang
Journal of Business Ethics,
Adopting an instrumental approach for stakeholder management, we focus on two primary stakeholder groups (employees and creditors) to investigate the relationship between employee treatment and loan contracts with banks. We find strong evidence that fair employee treatment reduces loan price and limits the use of financial covenants. In addition, we document that relationship bank lenders price both the levels and changes in the quality of employee treatment, whereas first-time bank lenders only care about the levels of fair employee treatment. Taking a contingency perspective, we find that industry competition and firm asset intangibility moderate the relationship between good human resource management and bank loan costs. The cost reduction effect of fair employee treatment is stronger for firms operating in a more competitive industry and having higher levels of intangible assets.
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31.07.2018 • 16/2018
Fairness lohnt sich doch
Wenn Betriebe willkürlich den Lohn kürzen, sinken Motivation und Produktivität der Beschäftigten – klar. Weniger offensichtlich hingegen: Beschäftigte werden auch dann unproduktiver, wenn nicht sie, sondern die Kolleginnen und Kollegen unfair behandelt werden. Das stellte jetzt eine Forschungsgruppe um Sabrina Jeworrek am Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH) fest.
Sabrina Jeworrek