A Weighty Issue Revisited: The Dynamic Effect of Body Weight on Earnings and Satisfaction in Germany
Frieder Kropfhäußer, Marco Sunder
Applied Economics,
Nr. 41,
We estimate the relationship between changes in the body mass index (bmi) and wages or satisfaction, respectively, in a panel of German employees. In contrast to previous findings, our dynamic models indicate an inverse u-shaped association between bmi and wages. As the implied maximum occurs in the ‘overweight’ category, the positive trend in weight may not yet constitute a major limitation to productivity. Further investigation points out a stronger association among young workers and workers with jobs that are less protected. Work satisfaction of young workers is associated with bmi beyond the effect of earnings.
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The Social Capital Legacy of Communism-results from the Berlin Wall Experiment
Peter Bönisch, Lutz Schneider
European Journal of Political Economy,
Nr. 32,
In this paper we establish a direct link between the communist history, the resulting structure of social capital, and attitudes toward spatial mobility. We argue that the communist regime induced a specific social capital mix that discouraged geographic mobility even after its demise. Theoretically, we integrate two branches of the social capital literature into one more comprehensive framework distinguishing an open type and a closed type of social capital. Using the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP) we take advantage of the natural experiment that separated Germany into two parts after the WWII to identify the causal effect of social capital on mobility. We estimate a three equation ordered probit model and provide strong empirical evidence for our theoretical propositions.
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Institutional transition, social capital mix and local ties – Does Communist legacy explain low labour mobility?
Peter Bönisch, Lutz Schneider
Volkswirtschaftliche Diskussionsbeiträge,
Nr. 66,
Der Artikel geht der Frage nach, wieso Ostdeutsche trotz schlechter Arbeitsmarktbedingungen eine vergleichsweise geringe räumliche Mobilität aufweisen. Auf Basis des GSOEP wird ein simultanes Drei-Gleichungs-Modell (Geordnetes Probit) geschätzt, welches belegt, dass informelles Sozialkapital die regionale Mobilität verringert, während es formales Sozialkapital unterstützt. Ostdeutsche, welche im Kommunismus aufgewachsen sind, sind stärker im lokal gebundenen informalen Kapital investiert als im formalen Typ. Die geringere Mobilität ist somit zu einem erheblichen Teil dem systemspezifischen Sozialkapital-Mix geschuldet
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Human Capital and Fertility in Germany after 1990: Evidence from a Multi-Spell Model
Marco Sunder
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 22,
We analyze the timing of birth of the first three children based on German panel
data (GSOEP) within a hazard rate framework. A random effects estimator is
used to accommodate correlation across spells. We consider the role of human
capital – approximated by a Mincer-type regression – and its gender-specific
effects on postponement of parenthood and possible recuperation at higherorder
births. An advantage of the use of panel data in this context consists in
its prospective nature, so that determinants of fertility can be measured when
at risk rather than ex-post, thus helping to reduce the risk of reverse causality.
The analysis finds evidence for strong recuperation effects, i.e., women with
greater human capital endowments follow, on average, a different birth history
trajectory, but with negligible curtailment of completed fertility.
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Who Invests in Training if Contracts are Temporary? - Empirical Evidence for Germany Using Selection Correction
Jan Sauermann
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 14,
This study deals with the effect of fixed-term contracts on work-related training. Though previous studies found a negative effect of fixed-term contracts on the participation in training, from the theoretical point of view it is not clear whether workers with fixed-term contracts receive less or more training, compared to workers with permanent contracts. In addition to the existing strand of literature, we especially distinguish between employer- and employee-financed training in order to allow for diverging investment patterns of worker and firm. Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP), we estimate a bivariate probit model to control for selection effects that may arise from unobservable factors, affecting both participation in training and holding fixed-term contracts. Finding negative effects for employer-sponsored, as well as for employee-sponsored training, leads us to conclude that workers with fixed-term contracts do not compensate for lower firm investments.
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