Multidimensional Well-being and Regional Disparities in Europe
Jörg Döpke, Andreas Knabe, Cornelia Lang, Philip Maschke
Journal of Common Market Studies,
Nr. 5,
Using data from the OECD Regional Well-Being Index – a set of quality-of-life indicators measured at the sub-national level – we construct a set of composite well-being indices. We analyze the extent to which the choice of five alternative aggregation methods affects the well-being ranking of regions. We find that regional inequality in these composite measures is lower than regional inequality in real GDP per capita. For most aggregation methods, the rank correlation across regions appears to be quite high. It is also shown that using alternative indices instead of GDP per capita would only have a small effect on the set of regions eligible for aid from EU Structural Funds. The exception appears to be an aggregation based on how individual dimensions relate to average life satisfaction across regions, which would substantially change both the ranking of regions and which regions would be eligible for EU funds.
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Multidimensional Well-being and Regional Disparities in Europe
Jörg Döpke, A. Knabe, Cornelia Lang, Philip Maschke
Using data from the OECD Regional Well-Being Index – a set of quality-of-life indicators measured at the sub-national level, we construct a set of composite well-being indices. We analyse the extent to which the choice of five alternative aggregation methods affects the well-being ranking of regions. We find that regional inequality in these composite measures is lower than regional inequality in gross-domestic product (GDP) per capita. For most aggregation methods, the rank correlation across regions appears to be quite high. It is also shown that using alternative indicators instead of GDP per capita would only have a small effect on the set of regions eligible for aid from EU Structural Funds. The exception appears to be an aggregation based on how individual dimensions of welfare relate to average life satisfaction across regions, which would substantially change both the ranking of regions and which regions would receive EU funds.
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Signaling Currency Crises in South Africa
Tobias Knedlik
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 19,
Currency crises episodes of 1996, 1998, and 2001 are used to identify common country specific causes of currency crises in South Africa. The paper identifies crises by the use of an Exchange Market Pressure (EMP) index as introduced by Eichengreen, Rose and Wyplosz (1996). It extends the Signals Approach introduced by Kaminsky and Reinhart (1996, 1998) by developing a composite indicator in order to measure the evolution of currency crisis risk in South Africa. The analysis considers the standard suspects from international currency crises and country specifics as identified by the Myburgh Commission (2002) and current literature as potentially relevant indicators.
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Composite Leading Indicators der amerikanischen Wirtschaft - Prognosegüte des Conference Board und des OECD Ansatzes im Vergleich
Marian Berneburg
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 172,
Der Beitrag analysiert den Conference-Board- und den OECD-Leading-Indicator bezüglich ihrer Vorhersageeigenschaften hinsichtlich der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Aktivität. Zu diesem Zweck werden die beiden Indikatoren einzeln eingeführt und verschiedene “in-sample“- und “out-of-sample“-Tests durchgeführt. Der Hauptfokus liegt dabei auf Kohärenztests und auf dem Diebold/Mariano-Test. Im Unterschied zu vielen anderen Studien wird als Referenzreihe nicht die Industrieproduktion, sondern der vom Conference Board veröffentlichte coincident index gewählt. Beide Indikatoren scheinen eine gewisse Korrelation zur gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung aufzuweisen, zugleich gelingt es ihnen jedoch nicht, bessere Vorhersagen als ein einfaches Zeitreihenmodell zu machen.
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