JUN 2019

14:15 - 15:45
IWH Research Seminar

Handling Spillover Effects in Empirical Research: An Application using Credit Supply Shocks

Despite their importance, the discussion of spillover effects in empirical research misses the rigor dedicated to endogeneity concerns.

Tobias Berg  (Frankfurt School of Finance & Management)
IWH conference room
Tobias Berg

Personal details

Tobias Berg is Associate Professor of Finance at Frankfurt School of Finance & Management. He was previously Assistant Professor of Finance at the University of Bonn and a visiting scholar at the Stern School of Business, New York University (NYU) as well as the European Central Bank. Prior to that he worked as Project Leader at the Boston Consulting Group. Tobias Berg works in the area of financial intermediation and corporate finance and focuses on risk management, bank regulation, and real effects of financial intermediation.

Whom to contact

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