Research Data Centre (IWH-RDC)
The IWH Research Data Centre offers external researchers access to microdata and micro-aggregated data sets that enable in-depth analyses on a wide range of issues. The RDC was accredited by the German Data Forum (RatSWD) in 2015. The data can be summarised in various thematic clusters, ranging from international markets to the transformation of the East German economy. Each cluster supports specific research priorities, with an overarching focus on transformation, productivity and factor markets.
Further information about our RDC can be found here (Open Access):

Our Data Offer
Depending on the type and sensitivity of the dataset, the data can be used either via download as a Scientific Use File (SUF) or as part of a guest visit to our secure data workstation. Further information can be found in our terms of use and on the detailed pages of the respective datasets.
1. International Markets and Productivity
In a globalised economy, international markets and the productivity of companies play a central role. The data sets in this cluster provide detailed insights into the structure and dynamics of multinational companies, property markets and sectoral competitiveness.
- Contents: Distributions of productivity and competitiveness indicators for European countries by sector and company size
- Period: ongoing
- Application: Comparative studies on productivity and structural change
- Access: Scientific Use File (on request)
IWH European Real Estate Index
- Contents: Monthly purchase and rental prices for property at NUTS 3 level for 18 European countries
- Period: since 2018
- Application: Research on property markets and financial resilience
- Access: Scientific Use File (on request)
IWH FDI-Micro Database
- Contents: Primary survey on direct investments of multinational companies in Eastern Europe
- Period: 2007–2013
- Application: Analyses of the choice of location of multinational companies, the organisation of innovation, research and development processes, as well as the potential of external effects
- Access: On-site (on request)
2. Economic Transformation und Privatisation
The transformation of the East German economy after reunification is a unique historical event that can also serve as a natural experiment for current issues. The data sets in this cluster document these developments and provide important insights into institutional and economic change processes.
IWH Treuhand-Micro Database
- Contents: Data from the Information System Unternehmensdatenbank (ISUD) of the Treuhandanstalt, linked with company information from the Hoppenstedt company yearbooks
- Period: 1990-1994
- Application: Analyses of privatisation and structural transformation processes, management decisions
- Access: Scientific Use File, On-Site (on request)
Survey on management buy-outs (MBOs) in the context of the German reunification
- Contents: Survey on employee structure, shareholding structure, motives for the takeover, finance and accounting, liquidity problems, support measures, products and sales
- Period: 1995
- Application: Research on motives, obstacles and effects of MBOs on companies
- Access: On-Site (on request)
Transformation matrices
- Contents: Key bridges for territorial transformation in Germany
- Period: 1990-2015
- Application: Geographical analyses and time series comparisons
- Access: Scientific Use File (on request)
3. Regional economy and sector analyses
This cluster includes data on regional developments, subsidies and sector analyses. The data sets provide detailed insights into the dynamics of the eastern German manufacturing and construction industries as well as the impact of subsidy programmes on the regional economy.
IWH-Subsidy database
- Contents: Microdata on funded projects for various direct business subsidy programmes in eastern Germany
- Period: 1968-2018, depending on the programme
- Application: Analyses of subsidy effects and economic development
- Access: On Site (on request)
IWH-Industry Survey
- Contents: Quarterly survey on the situation in the manufacturing industry in eastern Germany
- Period: 1993-2017
- Application: Economic and industry research
- Access: On Site (on request)
IWH-Construction Survey
- Contents: Quarterly survey on the situation in the eastern German construction industry
- Period: 1992-2017
- Application: Analyses of the construction industry and structural change
- Access: On Site (on request)
4. Information Platforms
In addition to the datasets, the FDZ also offers access to specialised information platforms that support researchers with specific questions.
International Banking Library
- Contents: Platform for data, content and research on cross-border banking
- Access: Open Access Link
Note: Beginning from July 2016 the RatSWD (German Data Forum) has established a complaint point. By using a contact form provided on the RatSWD website, you have the possibilty to address directly those problems that arise by using data of the RDC when these issues could not be solved yet with the corresponding contact person of the RDC. The contact sheet including details of responsibilities and information on the procedure can be retrieved from
Your Contact

Head of Research Data Centre
If you have any further questions please contact me.
+49 345 7753-862 Request per E-Mail
Research Data Centre
If you have any further questions please contact me.
+49 345 7753-758 Request per E-Mail
Research Data Centre
If you have any further questions please contact me.
+49 345 7753-833 Request per E-Mail