
Doctoral Students

PhD Representatives



Verena Plümpe: “Advanced Technology Adoption : Determinants and Labor Market Effects of Robot Use”

Tommaso Bighelli: “The Contribution of Declining Corporate Taxes to Deindustrialization”

Eleonora Sfrappini: “Four Essays on Banking, Climate Risks and Financial Regulation”


Ruben Staffa: "Investors' Beliefs and Politics: The Expectations of Sovereign Creditors and their Effects on Macroeconomic Outcomes"
DIW Berlin

Willam McShane: "The Competitive Effects of Financial Fragility"

Joschka Waibel: "Three Essays on Unethical Behavior: The Role of Generalized Reciprocity, Discrimination and Norms"
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung


Isabella Müller: "Essays in Financial Economics"
DIW Econ, Berlin

João Carlos Claudio: "Examining the Empirical Role of Expectations, Technology and Commodity Markets for the Macroeconomy"
German Council of Economic Experts, Wiesbaden

Talina Sondershaus: "Unintended Side Effects of Financial Market Interventions on Banks and Firms"
Lund University School for Economics and Management, Sweden

Georg Neuschäffer: "Essays on Firm Wage Differentials and Industrial Relations"
Preis-Engine für Datenanalysten About You, Hamburg

Lisa Hölscher: "Hiring Behavior, Remuneration, and Employment Perspectives in newly Founded Establishments"


Chris Becker: "Essays in Financial Market Interventions"

Dmitri Bershadskyy: "The Effect of Communication on Economic Behavior: Experimental Evidence and Methodological Reflections"
Research Economist, Otto-von-Guericke-University, Magdeburg, Germany

Stefan Gießler: "Macroeconometric Analysis of Monetary Policy, Sovereign Risk and Commodity Prices"

Matthias Mertens: "The Effects of International Product Market Competition and Demand on Firm Productivity and Labor Market Power"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT FutureTech)

Eva Weigt: "The Impacts of Structural Change on Workers"
Acceleration Manager, Silicon Castles GmbH, Puch-Salzburg, Austria

Matthias Wieschemeyer: "The Effects of Market Integration Policies on Labor and Capital Mobility"
Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz


Aida Ćumurović: "Essays on Financial Literacy and Behavioral Economics"
Leibniz-Gemeinschaft, Berlin 

Helge Littke: "Four Essays on Financial Market Institutions, Capital Allocation and Economic Uncertainty"
Deutsche Bundesbank

Simon Melch: "Essays on the Effects of Inter-Municipal Cooperation on Local Public Service Delivery"

Felix Pohle: "Labour Market Institutions and Employment"

Kirsten Schmidt: "Four Essays on Banking Regulation and Monetary Policy"
Deutsche Bundesbank, Frankfurt am Main, Germany


Geraldine Dany-Knedlik: "The Great Recession and Its Effects on Monetary Policy: From Policy Transmission to Target Dynamics"
Head of Forecasting and Economic Policy of the Macroeconomics Department, DIW Berlin, Germany

Thomas Krause: "Four Essays on Financial Stability and the Housing Market"
Research Economist, Danmarks Nationalbank, Kopenhagen, Denmark

Carola Müller: "Four Essays on Financial Stability and Competition with Heterogeneous Banks"
Research Economist, Center for Latin American Monetary Studies (CEMLA), México

Oliver Rehbein:  "The Effects of Natural and Social Catastrophes on Financial Markets and the Real Economy"
Researcher/Lecturer, University of Bonn, Institute for Finance & Statistics, Germany


Matias Ossandon Busch: "Four Essay on Banking Globalization and Financial Stability in Emerging Countries"
Senior Economist, Center for Latin American Monetary Studies (CEMLA), México

Konstantin Kiesel: "Preparing the Soil to Make Economic Growth Sustainable: Insights into Human Capital Environment and Policy Measures"
Speaker/Lecturer, Bildungszentrum der Bundeswehr, Berlin, Germany

Frieder Kropfhäußer: "Four Essays on the Association between Anthropometrics and Labor Market Outcomes"


Gregor von Schweinitz: "Modelling Macroeconomic Risk: The Genesis of the European Debt Crisis"
Assistant Professor of Economics, esp. Quantitative Macroeconomics, Leipzig University, Germany


Ufuk Akcigit

Arnold C. Harberger Professor of Economics at University of Chicago.

Eric Bartelsman

Professor of Economics at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and General Director at Tinbergen Institute.

Stefano Colonnello

Assistant Professor at Ca' Foscari University of Venice.

Liuchun Deng

Assistant Professor at Yale-NUS College in Singapore.

Stefan Eichler

Professor of International Monetary Economics at TU Dresden.

Reint E. Gropp

IWH President and Professor of Economics at the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg.

Florian Hoffmann

Assistant Professor at the Vancouver School of Economics, University of British Columbia.

Oliver Holtemöller

Professor of Economics at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg.

Course: Macroeconomics
(summer term 2022).

Sabrina Jeworrek

Assistant Professor of Applied Microeconometrics at the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg.

First Year Course: Econometrics
(winter term 2024/2025).

Michael Koetter

Professor of Financial Economics at the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg.

Javier Miranda

Professor at Friedrich Schiller University Jena.

Steffen Müller

Professor of Economics (Productivity and Innovations) at the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg.

Course: Econometrics
(winter term 2020/2021).

Huyen Nguyen

Assistant Professor of Financial Economics at Friedrich Schiller University Jena.

Felix Noth

Professor for Banking and Financial Systems at the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg.

First Year Course: Econometrics
(winter term 2024/2025).

Gregor von Schweinitz

Assistant Professor for Economics, esp. Quantitative Macroeconomics at Leipzig University.

Lena Tonzer

Assistant Professor VU Amsterdam.

Christoph Wunder

Professor of Economics at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg.

Course: Econometrics
(winter term 2021/2022).




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