08:30 - 17:10
HU-IWH (a.k.a. "hui") Joint Junior Seminar in Finance
To enhance the interaction amongst finance scholars in the Berlin-Halle region, the Finance Group at Humboldt University (HU) and the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) organise a one-day seminar for PhD students, PostDocs, and Assistant Professors to present ongoing research projects. The seminar will take place twice a year, with HU and IWH taking turns in hosting the event.
The overall objective of the HU-IWH seminar is to discover mutual research interests, learn about ongoing research activities in the two groups, provide feedback to each other, and ultimately to explore opportunities to jointly pursue research projects. Each paper is discussed by a member of the HU-IWH finance groups.
Whom to contact

Vice President Department Head
If you have any further questions please contact me.
+49 345 7753-727 Request per E-Mail