MAY 2023

14:15 - 15:45
IWH Research Seminar

Monopsony Makes Firms Not Only Small but Also Unproductive: Why East-Germany Has Not Converged

When employers face a trade-off between growing large and paying low wages — that is, when they have monopsony power — some productive employers will decide to acquire fewer customers, forgo sales, and remain small.

Rüdiger Bachmann  (University of Notre Dame)
IWH, conference room, Leipziger Straße 100 and via Zoom
Rüdiger Bachmann

Personal details

Rüdiger Bachmann is Stepan Family College Professor of Economics, Graduate Placement Director at University of Notre Dame. His research area is macroeconomics, where he specializes in the macroeconomics of heterogeneous agents. He is also interested in the implications of uncertainty and expectation formation on macroeconomic outcomes.

Whom to contact

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