APR 2019

14:15 - 15:45
IWH Research Seminar

National Industry Trade Shocks, Local Labor Markets, and Agglomeration Spillovers

Using a broad set of national industry trade shocks, I employ a novel approach to estimate agglomeration effects by exploiting within industry variation in indirect exposure to the other local industries’ (national) trade shocks across local labor markets.

Ines Helm  (Stockholm University)
IWH conference room
Ines Helm

Personal details

Ines Helm is an Assistant Professor in Economics at Stockholm University. She completed her PhD at the Department of Economics and the Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration at University College London. Her main fields of interest are Applied Economics and Labor Economics, in particular my research focuses on the Economics of Local Labor Markets.

Using a broad set of national industry trade shocks, I employ a novel approach to estimate agglomeration effects by exploiting within industry variation in indirect exposure to the other local industries’ (national) trade shocks across local labor markets. This variation stems from differences in local industry composition and allows to test for the existence of heterogeneous agglomeration effects across industries. I find considerable employment spillovers from other tradable industries’ trade shocks and even stronger effects within the same broad sector. Spillovers are larger for industries employing similar workers and are triggered predominantly by shocks to high technology industries.

Whom to contact

Georg Neuschäffer
Georg Neuschäffer

If you have any further questions please contact me.

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