APR 2017

14:15 - 15:45
IWH Research Seminar

Returns to ICT Skills

How important is mastering information and communication technology (ICT) in modern labor markets? We answer this question with unique data on ICT skills tested in 19 countries. Our two instrumental-variable models exploit technologically induced variation in broadband internet availability that gives rise to variation in ICT skills across countries and German municipalities.

Oliver Falck  (Ifo Center for Industrial Organisation and New Technologies)
conference room, Leipziger Straße 100
Oliver Falck

Personal details

Professor Dr Oliver Falck is Director of the ifo Center for Industrial Organization and New Technologies.

Whom to contact

Felix Pohle
Felix Pohle

If you have any further questions please contact me.

+49 345 7753-865 Request per E-Mail
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