APR 2016

14:15 - 15:45
IWH Research Seminar

The Impact of Bank Shocks on Firm-level Outcomes and Bank Risk-taking

We examine the impact of bank-loan supply shocks on firm outcomes and bank risk-taking employing bank-firm matched credit information for the period 2002-2012.

Hans Degryse  (KU Leuven)
IWH conference room
Hans Degryse

Personal details

Hans Degryse is Professor of Finance at the Department of Accountancy, Finance and Insurance of the KU Leuven. He is a research fellow at the CEPR, CESIfo, the European Banking Center (EBC), and TILEC, and is member of the academic council of EBC. Before joining Leuven in 2012, he was professor of finance at Tilburg University. His research focuses on financial intermediation, including theoretical and empirical banking as well as market microstructure.

Whom to contact

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