DEC 2023

14:15 - 15:45
IWH Research Seminar

The Value of Trademarks

We create a new measure of the value of an important, but previously understudied, type of intangible asset—trademarks. We quantify the stock market reaction to the publication of almost one million individual trademarks manually matched to their corporate owners.

Rui C. Silva  (Nova School of Business and Economics)
IWH, conference room and via Zoom
Rui C. Silva

Personal details

Rui Silva is a Finance faculty at Nova School of Business and Economics in his home town of Lisbon. Before joining Nova he was an Assistant Professor of Finance at London Business School. He has taught numerous courses in Economics and Finance at Nova, The University of Chicago, and the London Business School. His research focuses on corporate finance, corporate governance, entrepreneurial finance and innovation, and the interactions between labor economics and financial and organizational economics.

Whom to contact

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